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Capt Grey

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Everything posted by Capt Grey

  1. I've always wanted to try haggis. Now that I know it has liver in it, I really want to try it. Mmmmm. Liver.
  2. The "geeks" of previous generations have been breeding so that now we have multiple generations of "geeks". We shall overcome! Also, geeks - formerally called "nerds" in my day - are running multi-billion dollar software companies, changing the face of our society with technology, and being some of the most brilliant minds are finally winning the respect they deserve. The recent slate of comic books being turned into movies has won us more publicity and certainly high-profile projects like Lord of the Rings and the upcoming Chronicles of Narnia will create more converts. Geeks Rule!
  3. Thanks for the update, Gentleman.
  4. Oh yeah, Sportacus is "HOT"! This is my favorite Hook:
  5. A new video for the Star Tours ride has been debated endlessly by Star Wars fans. My belief is that Eisner ticked off George Lucas enough that George washed his hands of the project. But there are always rumors in the SW community that the ride will get a new "movie".
  6. The timing for their filming is perfect. My family and I are taking one of those Disney cruises in February and we stop at Nassau in the Bahamas. (Yeah, I know. We won't REALLY see anything of the filming. But the ship does have a Pirate Party on the ship.)
  7. I try to carry the holiday spirit with me all through the year. Not just at Christmas time. (Yeah, I know that sounds corny but it's true.) Online shopping is a godsend so I buy all year round and put things away in my "cubby hole"; I try not to set foot in a mall or department store after Thanksgiving. As Red-Handed Jill pointed out, people are rude, mean, stressed, angry, and I don't want to be near them. I spend my holiday season baking tons of cookies to give to the neighbors. My Star Wars group also dresses in costume and does a Toys-4-Tots collection at a big Toys-R-Us store.
  8. Stinky feet! Pet the chicken! (I have two boys ages 6 and 11, plus my husband who loves that show. )
  9. Due to fluctuating dates and internet connectivity problems by one of the instructors, the sewing sticky threads at the top have been closed until a confirmed date is set. I apologize for the inconvenience. With the holiday season fast approaching it might be wise to postpone this until the new year.
  10. LucasFilm is pretty good to the fans. As long as we're not making money off the use of the term then it's okay. It's a local group and there are no backflips involved (although I do know Ray Park who played Darth Maul and he's great at it). This old Jedi's spine wouldn't be able to stand it. Mostly we do choreographed, stage-type fighting. Something fun for the kiddies (young and old) when we do charity events.
  11. I traded fencing for lightsaber classes. The guy teaching us is a martial arts instructor. Now I have to "unlearn" my fencing poses because the stance is more centered for lightsabers. Difference between East and West.
  12. Hats, swords, and boots seem to be the big three. Perhaps just sticky the topics and let people put up their own links. As someone else said, one man's treasure is another's trash. It wouldn't hurt to put a "buyer beware" warning as well. For strict authenticity I would direct people to the Captain Twill section of the board. If you need help, Blackjohn, let me know.
  13. Aye, I thought the same as Sam. But this be a better assignment where the shot won't kill ye (but the seasickness might ). Look fer yer fellow Pub mate, Billy Bones, in the Prop Department.
  14. This really belongs in the Pirate Crews section of the board.
  15. Well the best laid plans of mice and pirates have gone astray. Older cabin boy is sick and we're not going anywhere. Maybe I can sneak off by myself next Saturday. Then I can really PLAY with my pirate friends.
  16. Well I won't be in pirate garb, but I will be wearin' a pirate t-shirt.
  17. This quote is an obscure Monty Python reference that has to do with men in kilts. There was a lengthy discussion on men in kilts a couple of years ago. I leave it that way to see if anyone gets it. Lookin' forward to Saturday.
  18. Ooooo! Thanks fer posting, Hurricane. I am interested in her replica coins. I love showing them to kids and explaining how we got the term "bits".
  19. Weather report says sunny this weekend. Yay!
  20. At least it be comfortable to wear yer garb and not like us Star Wars geeks wearin' 4 layers fer Jedi or ABS plastic fer 'troopers in the middle of July during Comic-Con. I'm hopin' t'wear me coat but me cabin boys may not let me "play".
  21. Let's hope it stops rainin' by Saturday. Otherwise yer brew may be a bit watered down. Sendin' healin' thoughts t'ye, Rumba lass.
  22. In the large companies I used to work for the women managers did not display any of the characteristics listed. Partly because they had to act like men in order to achieve their executive status. The worst woman manger I worked for was guaranteed her position because she was a black woman working in a small government contract company. Just having her on the books ensured the company would get many "set-aside" contracts. It didn't matter to the owners that her turnover rate was 75% because people left in frustration. Women who aren't afraid to act like women are very good candidates of upper management - especially if they are mothers (talk about multi-tasking and attention to details!). Unfortunately corporate America is very slow to understand this and still promotes those that back-stab, take credit for things they didn't do, and walk on others to get to the top. Is it any wonder that so many women has started their own businesses?
  23. I loved "Pricilla, Queen of the Desert". Terrance Stamp makes a good-looking woman. You'd like it Mission, it gets into personal psychology, views on life, and our perceptions.
  24. LOL! My husband hates it when I watch movies and keep muttering "I know that actor; I know I know that actor." Usually it's one of the supporting Star Wars actors who are only of interest to me. Sometimes it's a well-known actor either before they were "big" or doing a great character part and are almost unrecognizable. A great movie to watch for the background characters is "Into the Night" with Michelle Pfeiffer and Jeff Goldbloom. My eyes about popped out of my head when I saw Jim Henson in the background talking on the phone in a scene in a hotel lobby. It was great!
  25. That be Captain Bulgypants. I believe he is also in our picture gallery.
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