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Capt Grey

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Everything posted by Capt Grey

  1. I don't know who scheduled the cold freeze for my Florida trip, but the family managed despite the temperature dropping to 30 degrees on Sunday, Feb 12. We even stayed at the Magic Kingdom until 11pm that day. Good thing the shops had lots of mittens and jackets we could buy. But the weather warmed up for our cruise to the Bahamas. Thank'ee again fer all yer advice, mates. I be right jealous o'those that be closer to Disney-MGM Studios fer them Star Wars Weekends.
  2. A good point, Master Foxe. I'm thinking of adding a statement asking potential posters to define their item as "historical" or "fantasy" or to refrain from making either definition and letting the readers decide. Again, those who know historical details would be providing a service by pointing out (nicely) why said item is/is not historically accurate.
  3. ROTFLMPAO! There ye' go mates! If'n ye don't like t'topic, don't get mad just make fun o'it! Or do what I do with some of the Star Wars prop sellers on e-Bay, tell them that they should change the title/description because their item is not "movie-accurate", "historically accurate".
  4. Wow! Sorry I wasn't around to moderate this debate. But I must say you all handled yourselves very well. This is an easy board to moderate because we all respect one another. Here is what is says under PLUNDER: This forum is open to all, regulars or one-timers, to post their plunder for sale or trade. It would be nice if the poster added details under the main topic title, but ultimately it is up to the reader to make a judgement on the contents of the topic. The old saying "Buyer Beware" is still a good rule of thumb. I have to say that I agree with Rumba and Kass on this, that a rating system would only cause more disagreements between members. Gentleman of Fortune, Hawkyns, Kass, and Foxe are all recognized for their knowledge of this subject and anyone who reads the posts can tell that we respect them for their diligence to period accuracy and consider them experts. The same goes for people like Ace and others who like to recreate the movie pirates and spend lots of time and money to get the costume and props exactly right. Both groups deserve our respect and grattitude. When it comes to historical accuracy, I ALWAYS steer people the the "Captain Twill" forum because it clearly states the discussion is about historically accurate pirate information. And that is where it should stay. A person new to the board has a responsibility to check out the ENTIRE board to see what the different forums contain. If they are interested in historically accurate costuming they should spend their time in the proper forum for that. If they like the play pirate, like I do with my "fantasy" gear, then they can judge for themselves what a "great" pirate coat is. All PLUNDER does is give advertising space. So I hope I haven't muddied the waters at this late date (I was on vacation until yesterday), but I don't think a rating system would work in this case. You are all free to post comments about a particular item for sale, and in doing so will help potential buyers.
  5. Hmmm, June 24th is going to be an interesting day at Disneyland Park because it's the second annual Unofficial Star Wars Day at Disneyland. So now I don't know whether to wear a pirate shirt or my Star Wars club shirt.
  6. Sure thing, matey. I'm booked until March anyway.
  7. Actually "Pixey" works better because of Tinkerbell's pixie dust. Now that Dreamworks is going south, does that mean Jeffry Katzenberg will be back? And does Pixar have to move down to Burbank? (Ewwww. ) Great news for stockholders. So Bess, when can I come up and inspect my investment?
  8. Wow! That water is ROUGH! Trying to stay awake is why God invented Starbucks.
  9. Roger that, Black Jack. Thanks for the tips, everyone. Of course, having children means that any plans or schedules I make will be thrown out the window the minute we get to the parks.
  10. See, I knew this was the place to come for real information. I love that pic, Pearl! We're not dressing for the pirate party (hubby won't let me bring my coat ) but I will be wearing my cursed coin that I got from Harbor Master. I heard about the death of the 4-year old. If it's a centrifuge then my oldest will probably pass, he can get a little motion sick (whereas I have no problems with that). My youngest is high-functioning so he loves lights and dancing and fast rides. He's the one that wants to go on Test Track. Except the site said it will be closed. I'm looking forward to being in the family lounge, it looks like fun. I figured the shipboard counselors have no clue about autism but we're not planning to leave the kids there for any huge amounts of time. Mitchell will be in the Club and he should be fine there for the short time we plan to leave him. In fact, he's so excited about the trip he's dragging around his new rolling suitcase all over the house. He's really ready to go!
  11. Hoo boy! Do you really want to know? FanForce.Net - San Diego Forum San Diego Star Wars Society Forum (site admin) Rebel Legion Forum (moderator) Sunrider Base Forum (the local portion of Rebel Legion; I'm the "big cheese" of this group) Sunrider Base Project Forum (site admin) 501st Southern California Garrison (moderator) Jedi Assembly Order of the Grey Does anyone see a trend here?
  12. I lost my dear mother-in-law to this horrible disease. My deepest sympathies to you and your family, Mad Jack. You are all in my thoughts.
  13. What's wrong with Mission Space? My oldest and I want to go on that one. And Hurricane, didn't you say the Stitch show was too scary for your child? The car/motorcycle stunt show is very high on our priority list. We saw some scenes on the video and everyone got excited. Test Track and Pirates are scheduled to be closed during our trip. And we already have "It's Tough To Be A Bug" here in CA. That's too bad about the Narnia exhibit; but we may have already seen the costumes at Comic-Con International last year. My oldest fell in love with Disney Quest but we don't have the $$ to pay for it. This trip alone is costing everything we've got. With my youngest being autistic, we get a Special Assistance Pass that lets us go through the handicap entrance - we get to do a lot of rides even when Disneyland is crowded. I'm surprised so many people are recommending Animal Kingdom because relatives of ours that went were not impressed with the park. They rated the Wild Animal Park much higher (although people from our park were hired as consultants for Animal Kingdom). Whatever we do at the parks, it will certainly be an adventure. Thanks for all your help.
  14. Thanks for the links, Pearl. We're actually doing a Disney Cruise Land and Sea package with 4 days at the parks and 3 on the ship. Mitchell (my youngest) watches the videos for the parks almost every day and he's really excited about this. I consider Animal Kingdom a "theme park"; the Wild Animal Park is about preserving species and does lots of research in conjunction with the San Diego Zoo. Being very science-minded, I support the research aspect more than the "play" aspect. But our passes are for four days so we might check it out. I've spent a lot of time reading reviews of the cruise by "real" people; especially ones during the timeframe we will be there. The last time I was at Disney World and Epcot was on my honeymoon in 1985 (it was a "Mickey Mouse Honeymoon" ). I know a lot has changed since then. I also have Mitchell's Special Assistance Pass that we get from Disneyland when we visit; I'll be getting one for him at these parks as well - which should help us if it's crowded.
  15. Thank you, from those of us who like our modern machinery (and have very little time to sew because of those pesky rug-rats).
  16. Attention Florida pirates! My family and I are taking a BIG vacation to Disney World in February (February 12-16) and I need some information from those who actually live there and go to the parks. We have a planning guide video we've been watching but they tend to sugar-coat everything. I want real answers. First, how crowded is the resort in February? Second, what rides would you recommend as "must-see" for 11-year old and 6-year old boys? Third, what is the weather generally like? My youngest is high-functioning autistic, so his maturity is about at a 4- or 5-year old level. We go to Disneyland a lot so I'm looking for things that would be new to us. We're only visiting 3 of the 4 parks because we have the original "Animal Kingdom" in San Diego (San Diego Wild Animal Park). Thanks for any help you can give this "left-coast" pirate. I'd love to meet up if any of you are available.
  17. These patterns are definitely a labor of love, Kass. And we are SO LUCKY to have you making them available to us. I'll definitely be checking your web site when they start going on sale. :)
  18. Awesome pictures! I can hardly wait! Very nice of the two actors to do something for the children's home.
  19. How disappointing for you. Especially after spending so much money for it. It's unfortunate that someone can make a total mockery of a really good idea. Hopefully they will get their act together. I used to hear the same thing about Midieval Times when they first started (not as good as the Vegas one, etc), but they seem to have overcome their drawbacks.
  20. Well-said, Red Maria. Americans today support our troops and what they do for us here at home. Fighting for our country is a noble cause; but it is still possible to support the troops and not support the war they are in. Bring them home safely and soon.
  21. I'm going to merge this topic with the original one, since they are basically the same thing. You can add a post in the existing topic about new items you want people to notice, then the topic will appear at the top of the page when people log into the pub.
  22. If it helps, Star Wars clubs from around Southern California sent over 100 packed Christmas stockings to our servicemen and servicewomen in Iraq. We included travel games, sports/movie trivia games, small nerf footballs and other easily carried items. We also filled them with candy - and lots of love.
  23. Nice make-up job.
  24. What I find most ironic about this time of year is the attitude of shoppers: stressed-out, angry, mean to others, willing to physically fight for that last parking spot at the mall. It's supposed to be the season of good cheer and kindness to others. AND, if you're really good, you keep those feelings in your heart all through the year - not just at a comercially designated time of the season. Happy Holidays everyone!
  25. I've seen these since the summer but there has never been any "official" POTC tie-in. I think they're just trying to ride the "pirate wave" of excitement for the new movie. I thought about buying some of the skull sets; they're kinda neat.
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