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Capt Grey

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Everything posted by Capt Grey

  1. Aye matey, it were a fine time at t'faire; but a bit too hot fer this pirate. It were grand meetin' ye and seein' Rumba and Bess again. Me cabin boys liked yer four-legged powder monkey a lot. T'were also a pleasure t'meet Cascabel and Isabel. And t'chat with t'crew of Stranglehold. If'n ye be sailin' down t'the Ren Faire in October in Escondido, I may be persuaded t'put on me finery fer a day. Ye mates what be stayin' t'whole weekend, be sure t'keep yerself "moisturized"; inside and out!
  2. After haulin' me crew t' the Corona, CA Pyrate Faire yesterday, I had the grand pleasure of meetin' Cascabel and Isabel face t'face. They be fine specimens o'piracy! Also met up with the members o'the Port Royal Privateers (which includes the lovely lasses Rumba Rue and Iron Bess) and the crew from Stranglehold. Me two cabin boys pillaged many a stand and made home with some fine swag.
  3. I'll be lookin' fer me mates at the PRP and Stronghold encampments. You'll find me easy enough - I'll be wearin' me Hawaiian-style Star Wars shirt which sticks out like a sore thumb.
  4. Very wise words, Bess, as it looks to be a scorcher this weekend. Will the organizers let paying guests in with backpacks? I don't feel like spending all my money on water. Maybe I won't be wearing a black t-shirt afterall...
  5. Oh ye be makin' me blush, maties! And Rumba, that be a fine compliment from you seein' as how ye won that nice trophy in the Masquerade last March. And Captain Feathersword be a particular favorite o' mine....but that's just because the guy is feakin' BUFF!
  6. I don't know if I'll still be at the Faire by 4pm, but I'll try t'bring me family to the PRP encampment t'meet up with ye. If not, ye can easily find me as the geeky lookin' woman with a Star Wars shirt on (probably black) and white duct tape on my glasses (they got broken and I don't have the money to get the fixed yet - it adds to my "character").
  7. I have friends that go to this. Personally I think they are nuts. It's located near the desert and they war in the middle of the heat, dust, and brush. No trees for miles.
  8. (You were kidding, right?) Actually all my orders came to a halt around mid-July. I'm trying to get some things put together out of left-over fabric to sell on e-Bay for Halloween.
  9. Thank'ee kindly, Cap'n. I'm glad the pictures don't take an hour to load. I was concerned about so many on one page.
  10. Not a lot of piratical items, but I've done a major overhaul and added some newer pictures to my web site.
  11. T'will be a pleasure meetin' t'Stranglehold Pirates again. I were in my Professor McGonigal costume with Harry Potter when I chatted wif ye at t'City of Hope Picnic last June. Bin tryin' t'convince me First Mate that Cub Scouts and Star Wars CAN mix. LOL.
  12. Geez, a little too close for comfort on that notice. If I had known several days in advance I would have LOVED to particpate. Monster House is one of my favorite shows. Bummer.
  13. AH! A Pyrate Faire what be close t'me home port! I'll try t'talk me First Mate an' cabin boys into comin' along. And seein' me mates from t'board be a very fine thing. :)
  14. I love G&S too; especially some of their lesser-known works. I saw a version of Pirates of Penzance back in the early 1980s when they had done a lot of slapstick work on the staging. Kevin Klien and Linda Ronstat were the leads during the Broadway run, but Jim Belushi was playing the Pirate King when I saw it. Lots of fun, very funny, and if it's the same staging then watch out for the water fight after the intermission (the orchestra comes back in rain ponchos).
  15. Rumba, do you check over at the Bird Haven here in town for loose feathers? Or even PetCo? I'm sure they have them.
  16. Actually, nothing comes up in the Search because the old posts are "knocked off" after 90 days if there is no activity. A Google search on buckles might be a better idea.
  17. The natural oil in a sheep's wool (lanolin) is processed out when raw wool is made into fabric. You won't smell like a wet sheep, you'll smell like wet, processed wool. Another place I've found wool at a reasonable price (considering it's fashion fabrics) is Trim Fabric. They have a fantastic selection of imported wools from Italy, wool blends, and others. A wide selection and no problem ordering in 10 yard quantities (which is what I do for Jedi Robes). Oftentimes the local fabric store doesn't carry enough on their bolts and I have to wait for them to restock. Beautiful site, Hawkyn's, thanks for the link.
  18. I used a tapestry upholstery fabric for mine, but I had to since it was "grey".
  19. That be because they don't usually let us lassies play with t'firearms. And then there be the history o'women and shoes...
  20. Ah lassie, that be one beautiful coat! Costumin' is such an addiction. Ye no sooner finish one project when yer off and workin' on t'next.
  21. Try using FrayCheck, a liquid that dries hard and keeps your trim from unravelling. That's what I did for the trim on my coat.
  22. I almost thought it was Ravensmoon, but then I re-read the post. There is a group of artisians called Ravensmoon Replicas and I've dealt with them before. I would recommend them for their leatherwork, chainmail, and clothing.
  23. Well I won't be there on May 5th because I have the "cheapo, no weekends" Southern California pass and that date is blacked out. But I am taking my youngest cabin boy to ride the new Buzz Lightyear Astro Blaster on his birthday, April 13th.
  24. Well if you can't dazzle them with brillance - baffle them with bullsh*t. In true "Blazing Saddles" fashion, I had the audience repeat "I....your name" and they surely did.
  25. She did deserve to win; it's a beautiful coat and the time and skill doing the beadwork really shows. As Rumba said, we were there for fun. When my turn came to be onstage, I stormed up the steps and started my "pirate talk". I made the audience raise their right hands and swear an oath to talk like a pirate on "International Talk Like A Pirate Day". It was just some shtick, but I was loud and boisterous and they could clearly hear me in the back row (no microphones, it's a small event). The judges made a special prize category for me: Most Enthusiastic Presentation By A Single Entry. I won a four-day pass to one of the biggest conventions here in San Diego: Comic-Con. Us pirate lasses plundered well.
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