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Capt Grey

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Everything posted by Capt Grey

  1. Aye, aye, Red Maria! I certainly will. I have plans to attend on Sunday, May 30th. :angry:
  2. GAAAH! I be missin' another one. Damn and blast me! :angry: A belated toast t'yer birthday, Nigel m'dear.
  3. Huzzah! Bess, are they part of your troupe?
  4. You should have your fundraiser on International Talk Like a Pirate Day September 19th. My Star Wars group is trying to come up with one for those movies - but that's a LOT of work. Like my new signature bar?
  5. Someone posted this link on my Star Wars board and I just HAD to share it with you scallywags. Interactive PotC Sort of like Rocky Horror Picture Show; bring your props and play along!
  6. Laddie, I be admirin' a man who can weild both!
  7. The wind in the sails I search for my heart's desire The smell of the sea
  8. Ye have a fine way with a quill, me friend. Drink up, me heaty! Yo-ho!
  9. A toast t'yer birthday, lad! May the gold be plenty and the rum flow freely.
  10. And fer the lasses, Captain Hook be a hot and sexy beast! Ooooh, this captain be feelin' all hot n' bothered now. 'Scuse me whiles I takes a swim in t'cold ocean....
  11. Great article, Red Maria. Thanks for sharing.
  12. Highly recommended. A much better telling of the tale. Actually I loved the faries in this film (or torturing thereof - see signature below). Tinkerbell had real attitude - would have made a great pirate. Mr. Isaacs' "behind-the-scenes" video was hilarious.
  13. I been watchin' (and watchin' and watchin') the new Peter Pan on DVD. I saw it in the theaters and were rootin' fer the pirates the whole time. Now that I've seen it several times on DVD, I realize there are a TON of references to budding sexuality. And Jason Isaacs as Hook makes me drool all over the place. ARRRRRR.
  14. Aye, it were a good show. But all them fuzzy, slow-motion video shots hurt me head; and it didn't let me see them actors proper. I, too, spotted Scupper in the courtroom scene. Good on ye, mates! A toast t'a job well-done.
  15. I believe the Peter Cushing version came out around the same time as the Patrick McGoohan Disney version. There be a fine site at www.drsyn.com that has all this information - and more! It be a treasure trove worthy of pillaging by pirates. There even be a costumer what is makin' the masks of the Scarecrow. Hellspite, and Curlew.
  16. The Rose was recently docked here in San Diego along with the Lady Washington and Hawaiian Chieften. She was still wearing her "make up" from the film and had displays of costumes, sets, and other props from the movie. Quite fascinating.
  17. I know someone who recently purchased The Pirate Movie on VHS through Amazon.com. And then there's always e-Bay....
  18. Oy, thank'ee lass fer the compliment. *blush* Actually, I just lost 20 pounds and I hear them cameras add on 20 - sos I can pass with no regrets.
  19. A few o'me Star Wars mates and I may be going on Sunday, May 30th. If I go in garb I'll be in me Black Watch tartan split skirt dress. I only gots me daggar, but that be enough fer a Scottish lass.
  20. Now afore some o'ye lads and lassies what knows this Disney movie gets yer undergarments in a bunch, this is related to piracy. In the books by Russell Thorndike, Dr. Syn were a pirate fer a time by the name of Captain Clegg. Sos it be a fine pirate movie in me own opinion. Plus the fact that it ain't been available on video since the mid-1980s. The release date fer the DVD be in August. I will definitely be pre-ordering it since Patrick McGoohan be one o'me favorite actors and I LOVE this movie.
  21. I'll hafta pass on the opportunity, I fear. I be up t'me eyeballs in projects and volunteer work. I be Team Captain for the upcoming Autism Walk (National Alliance for Autism Research) and also working with Children's Hospital here in San Diego for a big charity line next year for the opening of the last Star Wars movie. But thank'ee fer lettin' us know about the show, Bess. I be lookin' fer it on the idiot box.
  22. A toast t'yer fame and, hopefully, fortune, Nigel. 'Course the picture of you makes it easier t'make them "Wanted" posters...
  23. Hmmmm, the only "hand-to-hand" combat I knows is cuttin' em off with me lightsaber! Do they needs any background folk just walkin' around? I kin probably gussie up me cabin boys right quick fer background stuff - although I'm sure there are PLENTY of others much closer who can as well.
  24. Arrrgh! Me eyes be gettin' weak in me old age. Yer art be right fine, Brannigan.
  25. Me first mate wanted the full-screen edition, but I didn't see no 2-disk set. I'll have to go back and look and maybe get a widescreen one because I love the behind-the-scenes stuff.
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