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Capt Grey

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Everything posted by Capt Grey

  1. The Wiggles have Captain Feathersword the Friendly Pirate. The guy that plays him is HOT (in Capt Grey's opinion). I always thought that Survivor show was stupid; the essence of survival is to work together to stay alive, not backstab everyone else off the island. I agree with you Wartooth, network television has sunk to a new low; thank god for cable and the internet.
  2. But Bess, surely ye knows them Oscar voters don't ken to what the public likes. They be lookin' at "art" not entertainment. And the whole thing be too political fer me anyway, given the number of times they snubbed Speilberg's pictures despite their quality. As always, I be boycottin' the Oscars.
  3. Ah Hidalgo! I be lookin' forward t'that movie. Viggo Mortenson be a wonderful, dynamic actor - and it has horses too! I admit to tender feelings fer cowboys. So Bess, how do I gets me a job with Pixar? They be a reckless bunch, sez I.
  4. Ahoy Thorr, me Star Wars shipmate sez ye need t'put a glow on that there saber.
  5. I was just there in December. The "wench auction" is still there, but instead of pirates chasing wenches in another part of the ride the pirates are chasing wenches with food - as if they are after the food and not the women. (yeah, right) And the Reubenesque wench is still chasing that skinny pirate, as she always has been, but this time the pirate is holding a cooked chicken and the woman is holding a rolling pin. One cute addition to the ride is at then end when you're "ascending the waterfall" there are two pirates trying to drag a sledge with a huge pile of treasure on it up the incline (which of course is too heavy for them). If you look closely at the treasure, there is the portrait of Blackbeard from the Disney movie "Blackbeard's Ghost".
  6. Ahoy Captain Slappy! I have ye t'thank fer steein' me t'this here board. Lookin' forward t'another Talk Like A Pirate Day (or Weekend). Accordin' t'me POTC ride soundtrack, the words t'the song are by F. Xavier Atencio and the music is by George Bruns. But your "interpretation" be more modern.
  7. Nay he be a relative of Han Solo, the Corellian Pirate. Great work, Thor. I be sharin' this with me Star Wars mates if ye don't mind.
  8. No apologies necessary, mate. I was just informin' ye and any others who didn't know our "connection". Course Iron Bess can't reveal ALL to us, but she be a good informer none-the-less.
  9. Cool site, Misery. Thanks for sharing. But since Iron Bess works at the Disney studios and is literally down the hall from the writers, I'll take my news from the "pirate's mouth" so to speak.
  10. I keep tellin' you lads us pirate wenches put our "assets" t'good use. We distracts ye long enough t'run ye through.
  11. I agree, CaptCat. It has always been the tradition for Mr. Darling/Capt Hook to be the same; even in the Disney movie Hans Conreid did the voices for both.
  12. Duck Dodgers is a regularly watched show in our household. The shows are very clever, much like the original cartoon it is based on (which I have on VHS).
  13. A friend on my Star Wars message board posted this link. It's just too funny not to share. Jack is a doll
  14. OMG! $75! How can she do it for that little? Just the fabric alone can cost that much. Me hat's off t'yer friend, Quill. I'll be sure t'keep her e-mail handy and pass it along t'anyone I know what wants a dress like that. Even though I sew, I couldn't make a dress like that. I be a hack.
  15. **claps her hat firmly on her head and passes the rum bottle** Better?
  16. Me oldest cabin boy (9) loves POTC and can recite most o'Capt Jack's dialog. Me youngest (4) be a BIG Wiggles fan and loves Captain Feathersword (so does Capt Grey, that guy is BUFF!) Our own "Talk Like A Pirate" brethren have some great kids stuff on their site, and there be a passel o' books fer young bucaneers. Thank'ee fer startin' this thread, Capt Roberts; I'll post links as I find 'em.
  17. Avast and happy berfday t' Hawkyns and Redd! May yer sails be full of wind and yer pockets full of gold!
  18. putting PotC out in May 2005.. NOT GOOD! Not when Star Wars Episode 3 will be released at that time. Definitely .. not good! The Disney company is smart enough to stay away from that date - so are any other production houses/distributers worth their salt. The entire month belongs to us Star Wars fans and a huge celebration (and charity fund-raisers) for the last movie in the series. And a tip o'me hat to Iron Bess fer takin' the time t'help dispell the rumor mill on this here site. It be takin' her away from her other duties, but she be a pirate and a good woman.
  19. Arrrr, that be right nice o'ye Capt Flint. Thankee.
  20. That be a right tongue-twister, Quill. I saw footage of Mr. Bloom bungie-jumping while in New Zealand for LOTR filming. He be a reckless one, he be. Course that may o'been why they chose him fer Legalos.
  21. Aye, the casting was fantastic. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie - as did me two cabin boys. The peg-legged parrot was a riot and actress that did Tinkerbell was superb, I was laughing at her mugging. And of course Jason Issacs was the definitive Hook; I'd follow him anywhere. Also, the boy who played John looks like a good candidate for the Harry Potter movies when the current actor gets too old.
  22. Mine is a custom one done at Krouse's Sofa Factory about 10 years ago. The fabric was REALLY popular then, we had to wait for the store to order it before they could make the sofa and loveseat.
  23. Aye, I have. I be workin' the Star Wars fan club table at a local convention last October, signin' up new members. This lass looks at our membership form and says, "Well I'm a big Star Wars fan, so I guess I'd better sign up." As she leans over the table to fill out the form, the keychain attached to her purse swings into me sight and the name on it be "RumbaRue". Well I was hootin' and hollerin' "I KNOW YOU!" and we be talkin' about the pirate board and all the fun we're havin'. Sos now I gets t'chat with RumbaRue on two message boards and enjoy her company at our monthly meetings. And she's goin' t'help me join her club o'pirates this year (hopefully).
  24. While legos can be cool for kids those sets always seem to end up missing pieces. Matey, I didn't say them Legos were fer me cabin boys. They be MINE! I still be tryin' t'convince me first mate that we needs a Lego Star Destroyer with over 3000 pieces (yes, I said 3000).
  25. I be havin' a LucasFilm Christmas: - Indiana Jones Trilogy boxed set - 3 Star Wars Lego sets - a t-shirt with Yoda in Santa garb that says "Silent Night, Jedi Knight" May the Force be with ye, maties!
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