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Capt Grey

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Everything posted by Capt Grey

  1. Q: Why do most pirates in movies have peg-legs? A: Because buying the other boot would be too damned expensive! Hah! That be as funny as it is correct, lassie! And I be right happy ter help me fellow pirates on a budget. If'n ye be intent on them not bein' mistaken for non-piratical boots, just affix a big brass buckle on th' front. It may serve absolutely no purpose whatsoever, but noone'll make fun o' ye...if they do, they won't live t' tell th' tale. Aye, that be a grand idea mate! I may be doin' that.
  2. It ain't as bad as the Star Wars Holiday Special from 1978, lass.
  3. Yer welcome, matey. Hopes ye find what yer lookin' fer.
  4. A toast ter yer birthdays, maties.
  5. I has to disagree with ye, mate. A couple of me friends be costume designers and I be a "hack" compared ter them.
  6. Avast me hearties! I be findin' a treasure at me nearest Wal-Mart. Black boots fer $15. Now, they ain't accurate or even leather but if ye be a pirate on a budget or jest lookin' fer somethin' fer All Hallow's Eve then ye be in luck: These be women's boots but the they be lookin' right smart on ye menfolk as well. I be a hard fit and they be havin' wide widths and full calves with an elastic gusset fer extra room. They be fittin' me like a dream - considerin' me last pair o'black boots be custom-made.
  7. Arrrgh, maties. When I goes ter war there be no man standin' alive. When I makes love there be no man standin' either, but they do be alive (although barely).
  8. Arrrgh, matey, if ye had been askin' a month ago I coulda made ye some pirate togs. But with All Hallow's Eve fast approachin' I be up to me eyeballs in work. If ye still be interested after mid-November, give me a holler by e-mail. Ye can look at some o'me other togs on me site.
  9. That line be outta context, Pirita. The Dons be introducin' themselves as Don Francisco from San Bernadino, Don Jose from San Diego, etc. makin' fun of the different citys. Then the small, scrawny mate pipes up with "Luis Obispo from....Bakersfield". It be one o' the best lines in the movie, sez I.
  10. I suppose this ain't be the place ter say that mine be plastic and costs $1.99.
  11. Oh AYE! Karen Allen! She be the best o' the bunch in them Indiana Jones movies. Which be comin' out on DVD on October 21st!
  12. "Luis Obispo from Bakersfield!" I loved that movie, especially since I grew up in the San Luis Obispo area and had friends over in the valley (Bakersfield, Fresno).
  13. Visiting a hospital on costume takes a lot of planning and preparation. My suggestion is to contact the public relations or press department. I recently did a Star Wars visit to the San Diego Children's Hospital and there were some strict rules for us to follow such as not attending if we had an illness in the past 5 days, not telling the kids to "get well soon" (some are terminal), plus the sight of kids in wheelchairs, kids with a bunch of tubes hanging off of them, kids with oxygen masks over their faces. You also have to deal with "rejection" if the child is nervous or scared. One little girl screamed and ran to her daddy when all those Stormtroopers came in. Since I didn't have armor on (I was an officer), I took some goodies to her so she could have some "loot". Overall there is nothing more gratifying than doing something like this for the kids. Being a parent myself I can understand how heartwrenching it is to see your child sick or suffering. Visits like these are a treat for both the kids and the staff. Oh, and I'm glad "Madman Michael" is enjoying his treasure!
  14. Hmmmm somehow I don't think Capt Coyote were thinkin' about battle, lass. He were wantin' ter make love not war.
  15. Well fer some of us wenches it best be industrial strength velcro!
  16. I glad I ain't be alone in likin' Spaced Invaders, Pirita. Manys a mate that groaned and rolled their eyes at me expression. And aye, Blind Rhoid Pyle, Ed Wood be a good, bad movie. Johnny Depp be a wonderous actor his whole career and it be a pity that now he only be gettin' the recognition he deserves. Tim Burton be a genious. Many were angered at the end of Planet of the Apes, but known' the director it be a fittin' finish. Me favorite Burton movie be The Nightmare Before Christmas - another good flick fer Halloween!
  17. Aye! Miss Piggy be a proper pirate wench! She be lurin' that frog close with all her porcine charm, then WHAM! he be "sailin'" across the deck. Maureen O'Hara be one o'me favorite actresses. It takes quite a woman to play opposite John Wayne - and that she did in many a film. Me favorite bein' The Quiet Man.
  18. El Pirita, I know the books ye be referrin' to and I thinks they still makes 'em. And yes, they be fer the younglings not us dirty-minded pirates (though this romance novel seems a bit tame compared ter me "romantic" writings ).
  19. Always a pleasure ter help a pirate. Arrrr.
  20. Arrrr, Captain Coyote, that be a Gallagher quote: "Living in California is like living in a bowl of granola; what isn't fruit and nuts is flakes." It be one o'me favorite sayings.
  21. Aye, we pirate wenches need t'be proud of our assets! They be a right smart distraction ter the lads sos we can skewer 'em in a fight. And if they be freed, then so much the better.
  22. Lemme be askin' me prop-buildin' friends. They be a talented lot with many o'year of experience. Do ye have drawings or schematics of what ye be wantin'?
  23. Arrrr, a toast to ye lassie. I spent many a birthday in the Magic Kingdom and been on Star Tours 10 times during me stay. An don' be lettin' the numbers get ye down, yer only as old as ye feel - and I actually likes meself better as the years go by.
  24. Thank'ee fer the compliments on me Star Wars togs. I be waitin' on a shipmate to get me copies of pictures of me pirate garb. Grendel's Cave be recommended by me prop-building mates as good quality and accurate replicas. In fact, the man what made me Rebel pilot helmet be the moderator fer the firearms and edged weapons section on the prop board. He be makin' me some POTC Aztec coin replicas for Halloween.
  25. Arrrr, me favorite "bad" movie be Spaced Invaders about Martians landing in Iowa on Halloween and no one believes they're from outer space. Every Martian sounds like a famous person (Jack Nicholson, Cary Grant) and the whole story is just insane but funny. Since it's Halloween time I recommend it.
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