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Everything posted by Capt Grey
Avast Capt Wolfy, she be referrin' to the new park California Adventure (CA); which I likes to call California Light. Me family has been in this fine state since 1860 and me own cabin boys be 5th generation. The new park be not for youngsters when we first visited and there weren't nothin' fer me cabin boys ter do. I finds it a cruel irony that they be makin' a boardwalk carnival when it be Walt's desire to build Disneyland sos families could stay away from them things. Ye be quite right, Bess, that the tickets should be fer both parks; but them suits never listen ter the likes o' us. It be the same in any corporation, which makes me (almost) glad I be unemployed fer the last two years. Arrrrgh.
Arrrgh! How can the Disneyland Resort not make a profit when they be chargin' so much for everything?! T' takes me first mate and cabin boys ter the Magic Kingdom it costs nearly 800 dubloons just fer the weekend - and not countin' souveniers. Now I likes the park as much as the next pirate, but me treasure chest be a might empty these days.
I only attended me two or three Ren Faires sos I can't say nuthin' on how they be run. However, politics be politics no matter what yer crew be doin' and it do ruin it fer those of us who just want ter have fun. The Ojai faire sounds like a right smart place fer a piritin' crew. I be markin' me calendar to be sure I makes it next year. Arrrrr.
Arrgh, RumbaRue, thar be no more blood-thirsty creature than a costume nazi. An' I don' be referrin' to those what likes their togs accurate; I be talkin' about those that belittles others for lack of accuracy then does nothin' to help. Come over to the Force, shipmate. We be not a costume club and we welcomes all who wants to have fun. And, aye, your costume experience will be greatly appreciated by the crew in a galaxy far, far away.
Arrrr ye be a lucky one, Capn William. There be no rest from work for my scurvey sea crew. Are ye sure ye don' want to be celebratin' Lief Erikson Day?
Katey O'Tierney's (berp) Berfday, she be 27
Capt Grey replied to Stynky Tudor's topic in Scuttlebutt
Fair winds and calm seas, lassie. -
Ahoy, shipmates. The best tradin' vessel be e-Bay; it docks in all ports, no matter where ye be. I also have me one ear what gives me trouble, but I be buyin' non-allergenic accessories fer me lobe. I be findin' a treasure trove o' clip earrings here
Arrgh. That surely be a sad, sad tale. I be havin' no lastin' effects - the cabin boy were 9 pounds, 14 ounces. Still hale and hearty to this day, almost 5 years later. Arrrrr.
The airshow be headin' down to San Diego's Miramar Airfield this month. It be the 100th anniversary of flight, so them Blue Angels be puttin' on a might fine show I expect. Glad ye gots an unobstructed view, Royalist.
I be aboard a fancy crusin' ship during December on a 3-day run to Ensanada, Mexico. The waters turned rough and the good captain set her between the Tres Marianas islands and the coast to help ride it out. Many a passenger be missin' the meals but I be havin' no troubles - I were six months pregnant at the time and I be walkin' with a list all the time on land or sea.
Aye, I be the mistress of the cut-throat's cut-rate costuming. Fer some o'me Star Wars creations I be wearin' industrial rubber boots instead of German jack boots (rebel pilot) and an Imperial Officer rank badge make o'Legos stolen from me cabin boys' treasure chest.
Stynky and mates: I be makin' me own, non-accurate baldric by purchasin' two belts and hookin' em together so's they can pass over me shoulder to me hip. Now, there be no way to properly attach me sword or pistols to it but I be a Halloween pirate and only needs it fer the night. There be plenty o'merchants out there what makes right proper pirate accessories.
Well matey, the hospital be not so bad a place ter spend yer birthday; it be where most of us started. A doff of the hat and a hoist o'me tankard to ye.
Aye, Cap'n Flint, MissFortune be a right bonny name. In one o'me fantasy novels (Demon in the Mirror), the ship of the lady pirate be named VIXEN.
These coins are replicas and not original props, but I believe he got the cast from an original prop - or made his own mold using pictures for referece. I think the coin has the same image on both sides. But I can ask for you. I don't have mine yet so I don't know. The coin is cast in resin and painted; and Alex would never charge anything outrageous for his props. He's a great guy and very honest.
These be POTC props, but they not be on e-Bay. I be havin' a friend what is makin' POTC coins fer sale. If ye scurvey sea dogs be interested. $5 unpainted, $10 painted; price includes First Class shipping. Ye can e-mail or PM me fer his info if ye be wantin' ter order one. Arrr.
That be a might fine collection o' photos, lass. Be that bilge rat a part o'yer crew? He be a fine lookin' rat and right friendly too. I be partial to the critters but me first mate don't likes em, so's we make do with the cats, dog, fish and hamster.
Boyscounts in BC need ghost pirate skit
Capt Grey replied to TalesOfTheSevenSeas's topic in Scuttlebutt
Me oldest cabin boy be a Cub Scout. I usually go to scoutorama.com when I'm looking for skits. There are other sites out there with skits, too. I'll go look and post any I find... -
Ahoy! I'd be wantin' one o' these works of art! Once I get me picture took in me togs, I be thinkin' about ye makin' a "Captain Mom" poster fer me cabin boys with offenses like "thirty lashes fer not eatin' yer vegetables" or "keelhaulin' mates what don't go ter bed on time" or "walkin' the plank fer talkin' back". What think ye?
A toast t'yer birthday, lass! I not be enjoyin' that POTC ride as much since they changed it. Perhaps it be time ter storm the park and pillage and plunder the ride back ter it's origin. Arrrr.
Avast, ye scurvey sea-dogs! Sail yer pointer to the top o'this here page and click on the Talk Like A Pirate Day banner! They be havin' a whole web page with pirate talk. Arrrr.
A wonderful tale, me hearty. Thank'ee fer sharin'; it be makin' me pirate day.
The Piratical Needle: Whatcha sewin?
Capt Grey replied to Lucky Penny Hawkings's topic in Thieves Market
Fer me cabin boys, I be gettin' me pirate hats from this fine site: Oriental Trading Company Just be doin' a search on pirate hats. -
Thank'ee, Captain Weaver, fer the links.
Arrrgh. I be not trustin' that there Academy; they be a political lot and manys a good performance that be ignored. Jack Sparrow be a cake walk fer Johnny Depp, he be so talanted and versitile; there be a shipload o' films where his performance be deep and honest (Edward Scissorhands, Benny and Joon, and - aye - even Ed Wood). He be long deservin' recognition fer his work among his peers, says I.