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Capt Grey

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Everything posted by Capt Grey

  1. Aye Pirita, yer daughter be one lucky lass to have a father like ye. And I likes yer couch in the picture, it be the same fabric as me own; it don't show the scratch marks from me cats.
  2. I knew I had pirate blood in me when I saw the Disney version as a lass. I always liked Captain Hook better than Peter Pan.
  3. **Capn Grey walks into privy, spots poster and about jumps out of her boots** Holy Cr*p! I need t'visit the privy more often! Thank'ee Quill, that be a right smart Christmas present.
  4. The town of Paso Robles be me home town. Lived there for half me life (20+ years). All me family is still there and I am happy to say they are all fine. My dad and his wife live in a modular home and they suffered the worst damage when the porch separated from the unit. Other than that, broken dishes and glasses but no injuries. Thank goodness. What is really bizzare is that I usually spend Christmas there but this is the first year the family decided to stay home. Seeing the devastation of the downtown is shocking. I knew every business in the building.
  5. Great article. Thanks for sharing. I couldn't believe she was only 17 when she made Pirates. I thought she was in her 20s.
  6. Arrrr! A happy holiday to the beautiful tall ship Royalist and her fine pirate captain and crew. I hopes one day t'visit her in me person wif me cabin boys. What greater tale could they tell their mates than they actually visited a pirate ship.
  7. A toast t'yer birthday!
  8. However you spell it mate, that were funny. And a happy holiday t'all me mates on the board. Arrrrrr.
  9. Ahoy there BilgeMonkey, tell us how ye really feel about them prequels. And in defence o'the maker of the Star Wars galaxy, he had the complete story fer all the films when he made the first one in 1977. Course he didn't have all them fancy digital effects because they didn't exist. How would ye like t'make a cake without any eggs or flour, lad? It wouldn't be as good if ye had the right ingredients. And he had his own reasons fer makin' Greedo shoot first (he was a father by that time, changes yer perspective mate). Ye have t'look at all the movies together t'get the story. Although I agree that them prequels suffer from poor scriptin'.
  10. Nay lad, them "academy" types don't give a fig how long a film be in the theaters. They be about "art", not popularity. Course their "art" be to ignore notable directors (Stevn Speilberg's contribution to The Color Purple very publicly snubbed at Oscar time because of his previous films like Jaws and Close Encounters of the Third Kind) and others because o' the genre of their films. Now the Golden Globes be more honest in their choices, so I be toastin' them; but I will not lift me goblet ter them Academy Awards. Oh, and I be linin' up right behind Quill fer a peek at them "golden globes".
  11. Aye, the details fer a replica be pricey; which is why I don't be doin' well on that point. I ain't got the coin. Course I don't be makin' replicas, just look-alikes.
  12. Arrrr Lucky Penny, ye be makin' a mighty fine Lucious Malfoy! Where did ye plunder the cane from? It be perfect! Me youngest cabin boy makes a good Draco cuz his hair be light blond, although 4 years old be a bit young fer Hogwarts. I was missin' the Trilogy Tuesday fer Lord of the Rings and I were ready to burn the theater down on the day they sold tickets; they didn't tell no one and proceeded to open it up fer the scalpers. The best I could do was send "flamin'" e-mails t'the scurvy dogs. But I be watchin' the last movie this Friday. Worth the wait, sez I. And please be sharin' pictures o'your garb, lassie. I has a ken to see it.
  13. Well I be biased because I lives near the California one. And it be the first park, so there be history there. However, judging by the voting, the majority of ye are closer to the Florida park. I only been there once. After I be married. It were a Mickey Mouse Honeymoon.
  14. As the wise adventurer Indiana Jones once said: "It ain't the years, honey; it's the miles." Matey ye got plenty o'miles left, sez I.
  15. RumbaRue: Me sister had the same problem with her felines "boarding" the Christmas tree. She finally put an eye bolt into the wall and ran wire from the eye bolt, around the tree, and back to the eye bolt. It be keepin' the tree in place when the varmits launch their assualt. Fer my feline crew, I just keep me valuable ornaments off the lower branches. Of course these days I hafta convince me 4-year old cabin boy that me **very expensive and collectible** Star Wars ornaments are NOT figurines and ships to play with!
  16. A hearty congratulations to ye, Capt Roberts! I find all me pirate "treasure" (hats, plastic gold coins, party favors) at Oriental Trading Company. Just do a search fer "pirate".
  17. Arrrr! Ye be a Harry Potter fan too! Bless ye, lass. We should be designin' a special pirate flag with an owl and a wand. Me an' me oldest cabin boy like ter dress up fer the movies:
  18. Good on ye, matey. A toast ter a piritical Santa. I'll be collectin' toys fer the tots as well, on the 20th. But I'll be in me Star Wars garb. We always have a big t'do in front of a Toys-R-Us. Arrrrr.
  19. That be a classic, matey! Thankee fer sharin'.
  20. Well wishes fer ye, lass. It be good t'have a place o'your own. And the pets would clash with yer white floors. I know because I be havin' the messiest felines on the planet. They can't aim worth a darn.
  21. Arrrr! Happy belated birthday wishes ter Stynky and Mad Woman Cheryl. It be grand time ter be havin' a birthday. I be sailin' ter the Magic Kingdom today t'celebrate me own birth. Same day as the Great Walt Disney it be too.
  22. **tosses CandyGram to Seven** Here be my toast ter the Land Shark. Long may she "float" on the asphault sea.
  23. When is the audition in San Diego? Although my costume isn't as good as most people, it might be kind of fun to try. Of course overweight, 40+, female pirates weren't the norm I'm sure. I be likin' Spongebob; he be a happy bloke what always takes the positive side o'events. Me signature line be from one o'the episodes.
  24. Me 'n' me crew be wishin' all ye scurvey dogs a Happy Thanksgivin'. I just be wishin' them TV executives would wait fer the holiday ter end before startin' the Christmas commercials.
  25. A belated happy birthday t'ye.
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