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Capt Grey

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Everything posted by Capt Grey

  1. Ahoy there, Captain Flint! A belated toast ter ye birthday!
  2. Arrgh, lassie. A happy belated birthday to ye! Free grog all 'round!
  3. I be confused, mateys. The mouse were "born" in September as I recalls and his creator be born on December 5th (same as me!). Sos why is ye celebratin' in November?
  4. Airdales (fighter pilots) call ships/aircraft carriers "boats"; but it's attitude thing with them. Tom Cruise nailed it in "Top Gun".
  5. Flushes? Paper? What kind o'privy be this? There once was a captain named Grey, Who just didn't know what to say. Tried to sit on the pot. But that's not what she got. That there lid had been put up, away. **scratches on wall** PUT THE SEAT DOWN, MATE!
  6. Rosalinda, that be howlin' funny!
  7. Arrrrrr. Thank'ee, Lady. A fine specimin of a pirate he be! :)
  8. Happy Birthday t'ye!
  9. If only ye knew, lass. If only ye knew. But it be helpin' channel me energies into me piritin'. :)
  10. Matey, as long as ye can draw yer cutlass and aim yer pistol I don't care where yer hair grows!
  11. Arrrgh, lassie. I won't be around t'show ye the sights. But the Wild Animal Park and Legoland be good places t'go. And this here pirate bows and doffs 'er hat t'ye and yer shipmates fer all the fine work they be doin' t'put out the fires. Ye be heros in me book!
  12. A happy belated birthday t'ye mate.
  13. Arrr, there be an even funnier (and longer) one called "How to Wrap a Present With the Help of Your Cat". The fine lassie that made my first Ren outfit had cats and I sent her a copy. She now includes it with all her orders. I posts a link if I can find it.
  14. [stormtrooper voice]Move along, move along. Do you want french fries with that? Move along.[/stormtrooper voice]
  15. A very nice site, lassie. Thankee fer sharin'.
  16. Pictures, lass. We be needin' pictures o'yer hard work.
  17. Y'know the bearded painter in that movie that helps Elvira with her house (short time on screen)? That's my (female) friend, Kim. I love telling people that that character is being played by a woman! And if you're a Beauty and the Beast television series fan, Kim was one of the tunnel rats for all three seasons. She tells some great stories about Ron Perlman and Linda Hamilton.
  18. Royalist! Ye were too busy showin' yer hindquarters t' the Washington t' be goin' ter a party!
  19. Well I be lookin' forward ter seein' the whole picture, Rosalinda. Ye be gettin' me curiosity up; and the colors do be pleasin' ter me eye.
  20. Cats always be welcome on my ship; soft-footed and sneaky just like pirates. I be partial to orange tabby cats as me "oldest child" were a orange and white mix; she lived ter be 18 years old. When I were pickin' out kittens last year I saws an orange tabby with a bit o'white on her and let me heart rule me mind; I also adopted a black one at the same time as the lady fer the rescue group told me peoples didn't like ter adopt black cats. PISH! As if the color o'the coat has anything ter do with the critter's personality. By-the-by, the black one be the most affectionate one o' the lot. She also be the sassiest...
  21. A fine briefing on yer weekend activities, maties! And a grand sight of all those tall ships in the bay. Be makin' me tear up at the sight. Redd, ye be a fine outfitted pirate; I likes yer coat mate. Carrie, yer pictures made me feel like I were there meself. Quill, yer wit is as sharp and wicked as yer rapier lass. And nice arse, Captain Gary.
  22. If'n ye be be mentioning them ye fergot ugly, lazy and disrespectful.... Well I guess that would be me, mateys. But I never did find any treasure in it after 15 years of hard, hard labor. Thar be no loot fer them whats makes the training videos and computer programs; only 14-hour days and 7-day workweeks at $12.50/hour.
  23. And here I thought I was the only person in the world who knew about The Twelve Chairs. Frank Langella, pre-Dracula, hubba-hubba! To Be, Or Not To Be was actually a fun little movie. It lacked Mel's usual whackiness but I liked him and Anne Bancroft working together. And despite being totally hokey, I liked Silent Movie - Marty Feldman was a genious with his facial expressions. I think History of the World, Part 2 was part of the joke; there was no sequal planned but if you look at the date it was made/released there was a rash of sequal movies at that time.
  24. Aye Pirita, but you be havin' wee folk on yer ship and them traders knows how the wee folk love their trinkets! Seriously, I never plan a kid's party without consulting the mighty Oriental Trading Company web site. Cheap and easy - sorta likes some o'the wenches I knows.
  25. Arrrgh! Don't be sayin' "fire" matey. I thank ye fer the compliment and the suggestion, but havin' just barely survived the great Southern California Fire of 2003, I think I bin havin' enough fire fer the rest o' the year.
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