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Mary Diamond

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Posts posted by Mary Diamond

  1. Ah, Ransom ~ that is terrible! I seem to recall you mentioning that before.

    So ~ it took me 1.5 hours to dig out my driveway to get to my doctors appointment. Got back from the doctor ~ I have a nasty viral infection form of bronchitis, so I am off to la la land with my favorite bronchie drug ~ Tussionex. My dear hubby nicknames many things ~ bronchitis is brontosaur. When I get it, I have a tail. HhhhhhaaacKKK. Nope. Still have a tail. Ah, well ~ give me another week.

    Oh LooK! It is snowing again ~ how fun.

  2. Sadly, I too missed the opportunity to be in either photo ~ but for a good cause. I was back at camp, picking up the shoes for the auction. I think. Or was it because I was rounding up folk at camp for something? Or... phoooey, all I remember is a lot of time spent on that path that evening. <_< Now, what we require is a land dock of pirate Segways.

  3. So far the closest I've found is Expuemelin writing..."I had nothing to wear except an old shirt and a pair of drawers"... I'm speculating, but shirts were long enough that wearing it on the outside would cover his drawers (underwear).

    Which begs the dressing order question ~ would an shirt have been tucked into underpants?

  4. A lovely 5°F, -7°F with windchill, just minutes from O'Hare, IL.

    My big problem with the winter in Chicago? No humidity. I feel like sand, have bronchitis and a dry cough that won't go away, am drinking constantly and visiting the loo every 5 minutes, it seems ~ yet my hands are practically white, they are so dry and cracked. I NEED to live in a rainforest. Thought it would be fun to attend Burning Man ~ 'til I found out how dry it would be there.

    I set up the humidifier in the bathroom next to our bedroom (don't want the moisture falling on the hardwood floors), and was brushing out my hair while standing in the stream of humidity ~ and my hair still Stood on End.

    This is ridiculous, and I am miserable.

    Who here saw the movie Big Fish?

  5. Very nice items, indeed, Cap'n Bo! All with such wonderful backgrounds ~ truly a colorful history you have!

    The items I contributed have no such history ~ but I list them here as a tally for Captain Jim and Cap'n Bo.

    Glass-bottom pewter mug

    (found at the local Goodwill)

    Brass buttons & a pair of Medium Men's Buckle Shoes

    (the same as I sell here on the Pub)

    I am happy to have been able to contribute to the Fort ~ and look forward to doing so again!


    Mary Diamond

  6. Your Attention, Please, Ladies and Gentlemen ~

    Suffificient interest has been generated to justify a Half Order of the Buttons. This Order will cover Michael S Bagley, Oderlesseye, Capt Grey, Hellfire Hannah, Silas Thatcher, Capt. Bo, and Cap'n Pern, with a mere 46 buttons left over.

    If there is Any Additional Interest in these Buttons, Please do not hesitate to express yourself ~ regretfully, I cannot guarantee these buttons will continue to be available for much longer.

    As ever, I remain ~

    Your Humble Servant,

    Mary Diamond

  7. To all my good mates, who might have access to Long bones ~

    I am looking for a few bones, in the 15-17" length. Searches locally have not been productive. I am willing to pay for them ~

    Thank you for you assistance.


    Mary Diamond

  8. Congratulations, Bo, and All those working towards a degree! Most impressive ~ makes me (almost) want to finish getting my Master's in Horticulture. 1 class to go ~ but the politics and attitudes really soured my attitude.

  9. My thoughts, coming from the doorless Honeymoon Suite ~

    Loved the location ~ just behind M.A.d'Dogge's, we knew when he came home (mostly ~ somehow, I slept through the rant betwixt himself and Captain Sterling). Open front and back(ish) to the public. Anything treasured was locked in the seachest, or hidden under canvas. We were able to entertain questions beachside as I prepped guns or merchandise,though I must remember to be sure to have flyers available on a table next year. Regarding the path through camp ~ I Loved It. Great flow ~ especially the opening betwixt Dutchie/Grace and Haunting Lily/Edward, and at BIB (please forgive me if I am forgetting anyone), for potential through traffic to and from the beach. I would most likely enlarge those areas to encourage more beach-side participation in the camp, and reduce the look of a wall of canvas (like Honolulu, with the wall of hotels, and no way to the beach, or the town on the other side).

    My idea on "roping off" ~ I will be investing in a light weight fishing net like Dutchie and Grace's ~ to be draped across the tent opening when we are not entertaining visitors, or around to keep a close eye on things (valuables will still be locked), while still allowing light and airflow. Will also be shipping down another locking box or two, to accomodate merchants items.

    My primary concern: ensuring weapons, powder and valuables (wallets, phones, medicines, etc.) have proper locking and (relatively) immovable storage ~ my guns and powder were always double locked in the sea chest if I was not around. Is it possible/reasonable for each camp (Archangel, Mercury, BIB, etc.) or two to have a locking weapons cache (Dutchie, didn't you just mention one in the Campaign Furniture thread?)?

  10. right, well then off to the flea markets i go. maybe find an odd piece that can be converted. thanks for the inspirationMary, like i dont have enough to do already!!!! wench :rolleyes: P.S. dad says Hi.

    Happy to help ~ 'tis not like I don't have my mountains of inspiration, with all the knowledgeable and talented folk here. Just thought I would show off one of the things that was keeping me busy. Hope your Dad is doing well ~

  11. Thank you, Dutchie and Ransom, for you kind comments. Yes, I made it myself ~ it is not 100%, as it was a mockup to test materials and thicknesses, but I am happy with the initial foray. Yes, it does fold down to about 1.25" thick. Quite light weight, and withstood the damp, rains and spilled wax admirably.

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