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Mary Diamond

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Posts posted by Mary Diamond

  1. Oooohhhh, Mission! They are so sweet!! I am an animal lover, to be sure. 'Tis too bad my beagle is a rabbit lover as well. And, Stitch, our Herd o'Cat ~ well, she would most surely have fun batting it back and forth across the bamboo floors.

  2. Mary, we are already plotting the next raid on the Penthouse room at Blackbeard's Festival.

    Fantastic! Ply me with more ice, for my poor aching head, whilst we make off with anything not bolted down. Dear Haunting Lily ~ are you game?

  3. ;)

    ...oh....that explains it....but did i have fun????


    ;) Well, I guarantee you had more fun than Kosta (?sp?) ~ don't you recall him excusing himself to the rail, after the second challenge? I seem to recall a bit of a smile on your features at that ~

    And, yes, this is the event where Spike exchanged his throat for a hollow tube, leading straight to the stomach ~ impressive! Kosta is actually the one who wore more of his beer ~ you can see the stain on his lovely green shirt. I was surprised he made it to the finals, as the other competitors truly drank theirs.

    So, to answer ~ Yes, M.A.d'Dogge ~ you had fun. Quite a bit, I think.

    And, Mission ~ Thank you for your gracious comments ~ our Honeymoon Suite will be improved with proper doors, next year. I was *somewhat* amused to sit up one morning, to find one of the patrolling Fort officers on his wheelie, slowing down to Peek in on ourselves! Hmmph ~ voyeur. ;););)

  4. Ah, the projects, they are numerous.

    A proper Tent ~ not that I am in it all that much, but I prefer not having my entire wardrobe on display (yes, I know ~ had I simply purchased a tent as planned, then I wouldn't have had that problem - we are still most grateful for the loan of the fly from Edward and Dutchie!), and then dealing with pulling everything inside the tent when it started to rain. Made it damn hard to stay organized and get ready in the morning ~

    2 more tuckaway chairs.

    My vanity kyodai.

    Wooden and plexi lanterns with artificial LED candles for inside the tent.

    My merchant's grog barrel ~ secret squirrel stash for cold drinks.

    Some form of a large, unbreakable, portable mirror. Getting dressed by by hand-mirror leaves a bit to be desired.

    And, most likely, a second sea chest. Gosh, they fill up quickly.

  5. My William and Mary tuckaway table, based on actual tables of the period ~ a scratched together attempt, to verify the concept. Currently working on a more correct Cherry version, with hand cut legs. Those of you who were at PiP this year may have seen it.



  6. Why do you remember, you ask? This is why:


    Post Walk the Plank Championship Awards Party, post Pirate Olympics Beer Chug Competition ~ Mark got the land-sloop for the ride home, and you grandly volunteered to ride in back with Scarlett and Bawdy.

  7. Thanks so much Mary for giving me access to these so quickly. (Where are your photos? You always take such good ones...)

    Ah, too much well-spent time running hither and yon, accompanying M.A.d'Dogge for an evening celebration, rolling cartridges, foolishly starting a ghost walk (damned overactive imagination), enjoying time with friends ~ I posted the link to my photos, there are just not that many this year.

  8. The first time I saw Captain Sterling hang, I was shocked and speechless ~ it was such a horror, even when I knew essentially what was happening. I feel this display truly shows the years of practice and effort that has gone into developing such an amazing spectacle, and am proud to be mates with such crewe as these.

  9. Ow! That sounds awful! I was reaming pearls earlier this summer, but I am a lazy git, so I prefer to use dremel bits ~ works lovely, much less strain, though you need to watch for overheating.

    If I may, back to the subject of PMC ~ I have the skill to craft what I want (my merchants seal), but am not sure I want to go tothe expense of purchasing a kiln. ANy thoughts or suggestions on firing options?

  10. Hmmm, speaking of tableware ~ what happened to the metal forge ladle I purchased for the crewe? I wanted to practice swordfighting with Silkie and Cheeky with it.

    I have it

    Ah, Cheeky, that be a far ride for you if you are intending to use the spoon! Virginiasia to Canuckistan ~ goodness, you might as well go the other way around the world.

    (thanks for letting me know ~ looking forward to seeing how it meets with my blade)

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