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Mary Diamond

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Posts posted by Mary Diamond

  1. Well ye can try looking at what th' 3D modelers are doing for 'steam punk' concept and take it from there, a couple commercial starters would be:



    just do a search in their market places for 'steam punk' and 'punk'....mostly girly steam punk stuff though...

    So now where does Tank Girl fit in? Tanks are diesel aint they?

    Mmmmm, Tank Girl. Would that I were so Brave. I am more the Jet Girl type.

  2. Are we all in agreement here (Hurricane notwithstanding, ya lucky dog) that there is an entire sizing issue?.....besides delivery time.

    I don't have any issues with the shoes themselves, except for the fit, and the delivery. Should we just voice our grievances to LA, instead of brushing them off? my two pence. :P

    Actually, I did send my comments to Loyalist Arms ~ I rather thought everyone else would, as well? Otherwise, how will they know?

  3. My 2 pence ~ when received, the left shoe was exceptionally painful to wear. I took it to my local cobbler, who gave it a bit of a stretch here and there (across the instep and by the big toe). I am still developing a large blister on my left heel when I wear them, though, to be fair, I have not worn them more than a weekend, yet, to break them (or my feet) in. Other than that, they feel fine, and I expect the blistering will be resolved soon, as I develop more a thicker skin in that area (or add moleskin for protection). I expect the soles and heels to withstand a great deal of abuse, though my cobbler was unsure what he would do once the shoes started showing wear, which concerned me.

    I do feel the toe box is wider than is appropriate, especially when reviewing period images ~ when looking down at them, they look rather shovel-ish, though, looking in a mirror, they look better. Perhaps a slight re-design is in order?

  4. Ouch...

    Is it just me, or does it seem even further away from the Fort than last year? Good communication is going to be essential for those *pesky* (wink) meetings and such. Will there be signage directing the Public to the beach for the Living History encampments?

  5. Ack!

    That is IT! I must find a way to attend next year ~ this convention sounds like too much fun to pass up. Patrick, should you attend, I would be most interested in seeing any photos you might take...

  6. Your Attention, Please, Ladies and Gentlemen ~

    The Opportunity to Bulk Purchase (a minimum order of 1400 pieces is required) the reasonably-priced Italian Buttons has presented itself again ~ I have received numerous inquiries in the past regarding these buttons, and am willing to arrange for this shipment if sufficient quantities are requested.

    ALL Interested Persons Should E-MAIL myself immediately. As this shipment comes from Italy, the order needs to be placed within the week to ensure arrival for those attending Pirate's in Paradise.

    Please note: Due to increased metal and shipping costs, the Button price has increased from $0.25 per button to $0.30 per button over the past year.

    As ever, I remain,

    Your Humble Servant,

    Mary Diamond

  7. Mmmmm ~ Lovely music, Patric!

    Driving me to distraction, you are, indeed! A lovely velvet frock coat, heavy with ornate buttons, parted at the waist... knickers reaching to leather boots... beaver-felt tricorn with pierced veil and glorious black rooster coque feathers... My favorite garnet ring, Queen Anne's and smallsword at my side...

    Ah, such dreams ~ bound by the reality of the incomeless winter months. *sigh*

  8. No no no no no no no no no ~

    That simply will not do. I humbly request you store gear, and wait. Life has a cycle, and I expect the opportunity to participate shall present itself! Not to repeat the obvious, but, as Captain Jim so kindly pointed out, your kit is Already Paid For, and you look Fantastic in it. Patience, friend ~ make no decision in haste.

  9. I will plan on a few meals at your establishment with Mark, as well ~

    The giant aluminum wash bowl and serving tray may be available, if the Captain is bringing them down and indicates we don't need it... I will see what else I can do to help.

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