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Mary Diamond

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Posts posted by Mary Diamond

  1. ;););)

    Mission and Capt. Jim ~ I'll just sit a miniature of each of them on Mark's shoulders, to let them whisper in his ear. (a la POTCAWE, or, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back)

    I'll let everyone else decide who gets the horns.

  2. My Dearest Mark requires shoulder surgery this Friday for a torn rotator cuff and SLAP tear (both in the right shoulder) ~ too much volleyball, and we aren't as young as we used to be.

    I'll be happy to take over the treatment when he gets to PiP. (He doesn't actually need his arm, does he?)

    HHmmm...Ship's doctor Mission to take over treatment...as I have said before, the loss of a limb only enhances your portrayal of a Pyrate character.

    Mary, next time don't SLAP him so hard...and not with the cast-iron frying pan...

    :P Mark's response ~

    I looked up our insurance and it strictly states that Mission performing any medical work would void any payments or warranty.


    Aye, Silkie, I'll leave him to you and the girls ~ mind you well, though...


  3. Good News! Good News!!!

    After a bit of Bad News ~

    My Dearest Mark requires shoulder surgery this Friday for a torn rotator cuff and SLAP tear (both in the right shoulder) ~ too much volleyball, and we aren't as young as we used to be.

    The Good News ~ the surgeon allowed him to still go on Vacation! He has to wear a sling 8 hours a day, but I am happy he will still be able to attend.

  4. *sigh ~ Poor Mission, in his interminable search for that lovely bone saw.


    Yay! Greg, so happy to hear you are alive, if bleeding a bit ('tis a mere flesh wound, right?), and will be making it to PiP! I look forward to seeing you there, and spending more money on your lovely wares.



  5. I took the opportunity last week to vote early ~ it took a bit longer than getting a flu shot, but was less painful. Which is not to say that I didn't wake up with my usual post-election day jitters ~ I do so hope this is the change I have been waiting for.

    I find it reassuring how the world is celebrating this election ~ perhaps good things are in store.

  6. Ah, I should have been more specific (meaning a Photo in her profile). Nonetheless, thank you! I admit, I haven't been able to keep up with all the posts as much as I would like, so I try to keep up with the ones I can.

  7. Thanks for the compliments!

    Arguably talented, perhaps, but sadly insane. I won't even tell you how much that thing cost to make. (Actually, I have refused to figure it out.) I'd always wanted one since I saw a full-sized latex costume at the Halloween Show in Chicago in 1997. (If I remember the price rightly, it would have been a bargain...) Still, it's nice to see a dream come true. I do so love designing and creating weird things.

    Ah, Mission, you never cease to amaze me. I wish I lived closer ~ would love to see the Mad Scientist/Chirurgeon at work.

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