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Mary Diamond

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Posts posted by Mary Diamond

  1. Thank you so much to my Secret Santa ~ presents received, and opened! The bauble adorns Jizo, while my nephew is being amazed by the magic growing Sea Chest. The leather coin purse is really quite lovely, and I like the detail on the embroidered muslin bag. Notepad and pen, bumper sticker, mug ~ cute items, all!

    Thank you, Santa!

  2. Thank you all who tended to my dear hubby ~ I am most grateful! And thank you for all the assistance that made the Widow and the Honeymoon Suite come together ~ we are much improved for it. I, too, wish we all lived closer ~ it would make things much easier. That being said ~ I think we make one H@ll of a showing for the few times we do get together!

  3. I was thinking along the same line...Perhaps a rope-line and fishing nets beyond that to keep people off the table, or to ensnare anyone who ventured too close. An unmanned table would need some sort of signage to explain what all the loot on the table was about.

    On the other hand it would be nice to let the prospective victi...uh, I mean bidders...handle the goods to be sold and a live body being enthusiastic about the sale goes a long way toward sparking interest.

    I really think you'd need the stuff behind glass, not rope.

    I agree ~ under glass. Especially in the case of rain.

    If I may be so bold ~ did anyone else present beside myself work the Shipwreck Ball Silent Auction at PiP 2007? From my personal experience, I would not have another Silent Auction unless it were guaranteed in stone that completion and distribution would happen at X time, as advertised. The Island Style timing of events clashed with the completion of the Silent Auction, resulting in several irritable and impatient bidders hurling verbal abuse at myself for an hour, accusing myself of mismanagement and more, as representative of the auction.

  4. Cool costumes folks! I like that one of blackjohn's too...looks very Badgerish.

    I only have recent pics of my Kaylee costume hosted as of late:



    Sophia ~ you are simply Smashing as Kaylee! Very well done ~

  5. I guess my photos didn't arrive in time...?

    William, dear, I am sorry ~ Yes! Your 2007 Pirates In Paradise DVD was Fantastic! I truly enjoyed seeing all the fun from last year ~ though, I would have preferred seeing You!

    Next year, please?

  6. Harry, dear ~ my silver pocket watch is found! Nothing gone missing for long for me this year.

    Mary, so good to hear. We were a bit worried about that one as it was not one of the items. There is always something wrapped up among the clothing!

    Yes, thank you, Spike! It was hidden in the voluminous folds of the mourning gown ~ I found it when I opened the gown up. Not an expensive piece, but one I cherish.

  7. I Stole:

    2 Queen Anne Flintlock Pistols

    . . . they're in great shape and come in a wonderfully made wooden gun case with key

    As for the pistols - I'm keeping those babies!

    Hmmm... Lovely things, engraved sterling silver detail and butt caps, in a mahogany finished custom made red oak case, wrapped in buttery-soft chocolate deer hide? A perfect matched pair?

    Now, I wonder who those might belong to? :rolleyes:

  8. Oh yea & (Apple Pie) will be a coming wit as well..........

    Oh, do please! That was simply yummy ~ my poor one-armed Hubby was most pleased with it as well, I am most grateful to ye for sharing.

  9. :D;) How many blackmail photos of you are out there, Lilly?

    I know I have a few... :ph34r:;) But I'm not sharing.

    Good....now, hand them over and no one gets hurt! I have Bess' spoon and I am not afraid to use it!

    ;) Ah, dear me, whatever shall I do? M.A.d'Dogge spoons, Bess' spoons, looks like Michael is planning to be a fork... :ph34r::ph34r:

    Hmmm, speaking of tableware ~ what happened to the metal forge ladle I purchased for the crewe? I wanted to practice swordfighting with Silkie and Cheeky with it.

  10. Thank you all for wonderful photos!

    mark...the one armed sexy beast....look at those bedroom eyes.... :D

    Ah, M.A.d'Dogge (and Mission, too), Thank You! You know how much my hubby hates having his photo taken ~

    Lady B ~ Thank you for the compliments on the mourning gown. I am quite happy with how it turned out.

  11. Truly, deeply, physically exhausted ~ one meal days (through no ones fault but my own, picky eater that I am) and long ones at that for almost all of PiP. But happy, having renewed friendships and made new ones, with memories to last a lifetime.

  12. YOU! I shoulda known the mistress had something to do with it. :P

    I have some suitable revenge for her as well.... a certain comprimising photo of the mistress and a certain red coated soldier.... Hahahah :o

    :D:P How many blackmail photos of you are out there, Lilly?

    I know I have a few... :huh::o

    But I'm not sharing.

  13. Thank you, Mission dear, for your wonderful work ~ as well as my hearing being suspect, and my eyes requiring adjustment, my mind is also taking its leave of me ~ I value this written account more than you know! I shall upload the photos to Photobucket, and send you the link.

  14. Sadly, indeed, I did miss out on all the Olympic fun ~ not being the morning person does not help. As well as forgetting to print schedules of Olympic events, meals at the Hide ~ and such. Next year, I hope to have a few things completed for my kit to make my mornings easier.

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