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Mary Diamond

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Posts posted by Mary Diamond

  1. Indeed, that is the truth of it ~ they had been trailing us by a block or so (it is so difficult making progress when you are popular with the ladies!), so they had opportunity to see us approached by said constabulatory, and make haste to be less visible.

  2. For those of you who have never traveled in garb, I would highly recommend you try it at least once. I did so this weekend ~

    Well aware of weight and baggage restrictions, I packed only the necessities ~ the Queen Ann’s and their care, smallsword, ballgown and shoes, camping gear, toiletries, sewing kit, jewel box and coin, and a few other key items. All of which put me within .5 lb of the $100 over-weight surcharge, and with no room to pack my riding habit or a change of clothes.

    Flying through O’Hare, Washington DC/Dulles and Norfolk airports in full garb may not immediately sound very promising, but, I must say, it does have its benefits. The fact that you are packing 2 flintlocks and a sword is almost secondary. And the comments (and stories!) you receive range from the common to the most complimentary and amusing.

    Most frequently heard question: “So, are you from Williamsburg?”

    From a lady 2 rows ahead of myself, as we waited to deplane: “So, you like to fit in when you travel?”

    And, from a businessman at O’Hare: “I love your attire.” (thank you) “Do you always dress like that?” (no) “You should.” (happy smile)

    One lady who approached me shared this story: Her husband owns a shipyard in Ocracoke, and a friend of theirs plays Blackbeard. A group of schoolchildren was being given a tour of a trawler when Blackbeard (in civvies) stops by to visit. The husband quickly inquires if his garb is in his car (it is), so Blackbeard is quickly dressed and hidden in the trawler. As the trawler leaves dock with the children for a cruise, they are told all manner of stories (some true, some, well, not so much…), getting them truly lathered up. By now, the trawler is well away from land ~ and Blackbeard bursts from the hold below! firing his pistols and waving his sword, roaring and raising a great commotion. The children, she said, were quite scared and rather thrown off by it all. The best part of it ~ they were High School age.

    And, while my muff was not of much use in the heat of the day, it served as an excellent pillow at night, rum-runner for Blackbeard’s ball, and soothing companion/impromptu infant bed for an exhausted baby on the interminable flight home.


    I would like to offer my most sincere Thanks to the wonderful crewe and organizers of Blackbeard’s ~ Captain Pern, your compliments remain a constant cheer to me. Dutchie, thank you for your training and concern for our welfare ~ I would be honored to be at the oar for you again. To Cookie ~ thank you for the victuals, which were most pleasing to the palate (those who know me know I am a distressingly picky eater).

    My dear Bone Island Bucanneers ~ you are too far away. Please do what you can to install a wormhole from my door to yours. Until then, my fondest regards ~

    And to my excellent Archangel crewe and associates ~ you are family, friends, and missed. I look forward to the next event with you… Oh, look! It is only 3 days away! HUZZAH!


    Mary Diamond

  3. Good God, Man! I was just popping in to see what was going on, saw this, wanted to add my sincere, if belated, Happy Birthday wishes, but... Wow!

    I can offer only one bit of consolation ~ your new Birthday sword, carefully applied, might just do the trick on that 'roid. I'll even sharpen it for you. :)

    I am sorry it has been so awful ~ rest up, we'll celebrate properly at PW.

  4. Good Evening!

    First, please accept my apologies, Rumba ~ I do indeed leave my PM folder full, as I receive too many inquiries and transactions to manage with my poor little overworked pyracy.com box.

    Now, then, to the business at hand ~ I have located and counted all the buttons I have remaining.

    By dipping into my personal stash a bit, I can just fulfill the orders for Michael Bagley, Rumba, Count de Monet and Oderlesseye ~ and am now Sold Out!

    Thank you all for your patronage. I do hope everyone who had an interest has received the quantity of buttons they needed. Should there be sufficient demand in the near future, I can consider placing a second bulk order with the Italian warehouse.


    Mary Diamond

  5. Good Evening!

    I do indeed have a quantity of buttons left, though I need to count for accuracy and to determine if I have enough to fulfill your requests. Interested persons, please contact me via e-mail with quantity required.


    Mary Diamond

  6. My infrequent visits (due to the Spring rush) leave me perpetually late in wishing Happy Birthdays ~ but, dear Lily, I do hope you enjoyed your day!

    Looking forward to seeing you again at Blackbeard's ~ though I will keep my shoes tightly laced this time! :blink:

  7. Thank you, Jill, for your kind post, and to you, Mad Jack Morgan, for your interest!

    I have yet to receive a positive indication that the shoes are, in fact, in stock ~ but, it is getting closer to the time they were available last year, so I remain hopeful to have something to offer soon.

    I will post as soon as I hear!


    Mary Diamond

  8. To my dear Pirate Gardener friend ~

    I do hope your birthday was filled with sunshine and love, fresh spring blossoms and warm wishes all around, with the promise of fair winds, full holds and great days to be had the rest of the year.

    Hoping to see you again soon, that we might share a drink or two ~ and sending you my most heartfelt (albeit belated) wishes for a Happy and Healthy birthday ~


  9. As previously hinted at, Captain Sterling is now offering Custom-Cut Machine Sewn 100% Linen Shirts, at the price of $55 for a Plain Shirt (no initials). Sleeve Ruffles are available for an additional $15. Fagoting at Neck remains $15, as this is hand-sewn.

    Current & Accurate Measurements of Neck, Wrist and Chest will be Required.

    Payment for Custom Linen Shirts is 100% at time of order.

    Delivery time will be 6 to 8 weeks from date payment is received.

    Shipping and Handling Charges will be $16 throughout the U.S.

    Interested Persons should contact Captain Sterling directly.

  10. Thank you, Bo!

    I must pull my copy off the shelf and give it another read ~ it has been 4 years or so since I last did. And, this is the perfect time to do so ~

    Happy Spring to All!

  11. I would like to add, these Draughts showcase William's talent and high attention to detail ~

    The draughts are a lovely and handy reference as well, to better associate oneself with ship terms.

    I personally bought mine while at PiP, and have indeed had mine framed. Now, if the frame shop would only call to say it is ready! B)

  12. WOOT!  :P   :P

    "Congratulations! You managed to pass as a man in the army, and died like one, too, of lead poisoning from a bullet."

    So far I am in good company!

    In good company, indeed! I also have:

    Congratulations! You managed to pass as a man in the army, and died like one, too, of lead poisoning from a bullet.

    Come on, girls, lets start our own army!

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