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Mary Diamond

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Posts posted by Mary Diamond

  1. So I am searching for flights ...what airport? If I click show nearby airports it suggests Milwaukee Wisconsin. Is this a viable option? how hard would it be to get from there to the hotel?

    Silkie ~ we are 10 minutes from O'Hare ~ give a call, we'll pick you up.

  2. Very nice pic, Duchess! So nice to be able to associate the name with a face ~

    Mission ~ you look positively Relaxed! And, not a bottle of mead in sight! What Were you doing? (BTW ~ you look Cute!) It is too bad we didn't know you back then ~ I think we were at that event. I'll have to go check the ticket stubs.

  3. For Simplicity pattern 3809... :::: shrugs:: Tis not common to see something like that in the 18th c that I'm aware of. Colonial Williamsburg may have some info on jumps similiar to that.

    Any other time period of Piracy... I wouldn't have a clue.

    However, if sleeves were added to this pattern, then yes, it would be a start towards PC. There are a couple places out there that show engravings of such bodice jackets and even a couple surviving pieces. Beware, though. It appears the cut and look of them variety by providence and even decade/timeframe. At least that's what I've seen of the few pieces at museums showcased online.

    :::Looks at the others::: Anyone else know?

    ~Lady B

    From what I recall reading, the quilted jackets and sleeved jackets were a form of undress ~ for lounging at home, privately or in the company of immediate family.

  4. We watched League of Extraordinary Gentlemen last night, and it had some good ideas. I liked Mina's Victorian Vampire outfit. You could Steam that up nicely (ideas start racing through my little brain. LOL)

    SO agreed! Love that outfit, in the most terrible way.

    There are a few Japanese anime that work for Steampunk ~ Steamboy being one of them. And don't forget the Cyan game ~ Myst (books based on the game also available) and Obsidian.

  5. was just at the fabric store, gazing at piles of remnants....... and imagining what i could do with them....{ found a piece i can work with-- muted tan with pale blue flowers jacquarded in......}

    got a question---

    can some one look at simplicity pattern 3809 and tell me is the top, if a skirt flounce was added and the top of the jacket/ vest could be left off, and would be more period correct.........

    if those who sew can reccomend patterns that they use top piece , modify this and that to get a finished garment, i could LOVE the suggestions----

    sugggest and reccomend away! any and all suggestions taken and appreciated!

    lady constance

    Hmmm, that fabric sounds a lot like what I picked up! Lovely pattern.

    I looked at the pattern (a Renaissance pattern, if I am looking at the right one) ~ I am not sure how you were thinking to use this. Do you have an idea of what you are trying to achieve? It sounds like you are working towards a more historically correct social ("dressed") outfit ~ which, for England, would usually mean a mantua. But, many ladies start with the basics, and work from there: petticoats, chemise, stays, neckkerchief (fichu) and apron (technically undress, but a good place to start, especially if you will be cooking).

  6. Ah! Sorry to arrive to this topic so late.

    I have had the pleasure of M.A.d'Dogge's tutelage ~ he has many years of experience, and it really comes through when you are learning. The 2 reasons I got into pirates? Weapons and costuming. I Love swordfighting, and can always use more practice ~ and would be happy to make the trip down as well, providing it is sometime between October and April (the off season for me). Unfortunately, I haven't worked hard enough to create an opportunity for myself to swordfight at the last few events ~ simply not enough time, it seems.

    As Mistress Lilly mentioned, I did purchase a lovely smelting ladle from Baudy Bee (sp?) this PiP ~ will make a lovely defensive club against heavier weapons, perfect for a more common impression.

  7. Do we guess/make it up until we can find better information?

    I'm going to Shock everyone and say yes.....

    Godspeed, Patrick, Godspeed.

    There is no time like the present to start a new beginning ~ that is the beauty of it. We can always grow and adapt, but wait to long to pursue an idea, and the fire cools.

  8. If you are referring to the gent closer to the loo, then I have his card somewhere ~ Mr. Symms bought some nice repro glasses from him. I will see if I can locate it (as I am starting to need glasses now, as well).

  9. Hmmmm generally speaking, corsets are a supportive undergarment, which occasionally, depending on the time frame, may be worn so they are seen, basically in the GAoP, you shouldn't see them much on common/proper ladies.... a bodice on the other hand is the upper part of a lady's garment... it can be the top of a gown, a separate jacket like object etc... but is the bit that goes around the body.... bodice can also mean Bodies which is an old term for corest or stays...

    Thank you for providing the additional clarification, Captain!

    My Madam Mary Diamond,

    I'm so confused. Would you mind posting some images of yourself modeling the differences for me, I mean us? For purely educational purposes of course. . .

    My Sweet Stynky ~ B)


  10. *sigh

    Don't get me wrong ~ I do not support lawlessness. I wonder, though, if Mr. Austin Gray Taylor, typing from the comfort of his La-Z-Boy, a cold beverage at hand, the football game providing background noise, knows why the Somali's are turning to piracy? It is not just a whim, I assure you (I know, I am preaching to the masses). I am sure they would rather be at home, with their family, in a warm house, in a safe neighborhood, grousing about the price of toys for Christmas.


  11. The difference is really more of an evolution of the shape-supporting form. Originally starting with the modestly supportive bodice, in time and with additional stiffening they became stays (GAoP), which later become a corset in the Victorian era. Some further reference can be had here http://www.marariley.net/stays/staystimeline.htm.

    I have worn both stays and corsets ~ I have always found them to be comfortable, but, keep in mind, I take especial care in the fitting process. I prefer a more rigid frame, and do not care as much for bodice style, half boned, or corded stays. However, keep in mind they are movement restrictive.

  12. Ah, Goddess, you have no idea how tempting that sounds!!! I do love sewing, and helping others (would be happy to give you a hand, just let me know!). And Gardening. And Heat and Humidity ~ and sand, and beaches ~ sounds like a lovely holiday! Mmmmm, coconuts ~ yummy!

    Did I mention my Fantastic relationship with Children? <_< Currently, neighbor children are working at demolishing my snowpiles back to their original location, on my driveway. :D I guess they think I creating sledding hills just for them? Gah. Well, at least they aren't mine.

    Mark just left (he just got home from work) to go to therapy for his shoulder ~ time for me to go back out and shovel the drive again.

    Watch the news ~ you might just see a story about a crazy Chicago lady shelling "innocent" children with snowballs.

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