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Mary Diamond

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Posts posted by Mary Diamond

  1. I think what Capt'n Sterling said, I think knots would also make it tough with Needle Hitching as ye would have troubles gett'n some o' them knots t' fit through small hitching and it would toss th' pattern off and be noticeable, especially when using large oversized line since I am not using modern thin stuff like some of the knotting sites use (mostly various synthetic lines).

    Here is what I got so far, I am getting a system down that has greatly reduced th' twisting I was experiencing last night; I find th' biggest enemy it t' pull th' line through 'loose', keeping tension on it at all times really helps a lot:

    'Work In Progress' photo over in Captian Twill forum

    Thanks everyone for th' suggestions, they all have help emensily!

    Perhaps this may help ~ I personally sew with Looong lengths (2-3 arm lengths) of thread. I pull the tail end quite far through the needle, essentially halving the amount of "thread" being pulled through the work, and keeping a fingernail close to the working area to prevent/control knotting or twisting. Periodically, I also let the needle drop to un-twist.

  2. I gotta laugh everytime I see 10-20 Capn' Jacks at the same event,

    We were at an event one time and they had four Jacks tied to a rope and were dragging them around. I quickly rounded up four lads, tied them to a rope and had them swish about as we walked behind the Jacks. Finally the guy towing the Jacks turned around and looked at us and asked what we were doing?

    I told him, my four Queens beat his four Jacks.


  3. As moderator, I try to let the little things work themselves out, and Respectfully Request we all respect the intent of this forum. Discussion, with Modest helping of chatter, is expected. However, if there is no direct discussion/active & pertinent input otherwise keeping the thread active, I see no reason why the thread needs guidance, as it would seem to be naturally waning.

    To that end ~ yes, Silkie and Michael, I should have considered moving the fontage discussion to another thread. To be honest, it didn't occur to me, as a fontage is only worn with a mantua, and seemed a natural extension of this thread.

    Captain Sterling ~ is it possible for you to re-instate your deleted posts?

    To All Members: I am here to serve. Please free free to PM me directly with any concerns on the moderation of any topic in Thieve's Market.

  4. Be on time ~ for anything. *sigh

    I have the best intentions, I truly do. But, my dressing maid ran off with the cabin boy, so I spend entirely too much time getting ready (and being late) or hauling stuff back and forth (and being late). But, at least I get to see everyone into the wee hours of the morning ~ which doesn't help with the being on time part, but it is fun.

  5. <_<<_< Oh my!

    Yes, Blackjohn ~ absolutely love them. Bamboo is among the hardest for wood floors, but still scratches up with the best of them. I was looking at soapstone countertops, and just saw they are now offering bamboo countertops as well ~

    Now, my apologies for the hijack ~ back to the original Period Shoes discussions.

  6. Blackjohn ~ You are not alone. I tiptoe around on our bamboo floors when I wear my Loyalists with their nails, for fear of scratching the floors.

    Belay Such Bilge! :(

    I walk across our linoleum floor (aye, I can even say linoleum, not just spell it!) with pride, for when I am on deck th' whole crew will know t' toe th' line ('n batten down that do-hicky, 'er whatever)! Even as I come down th' dirt trail in th' canyon I notice passer-bys glance down as they can hear th' difference in sound from a well clad gent t' a mere commoner they can! Leather souls 'n wood heels command Respect! (gee, perhaps someone should have told Capt'n Dangerfield...)


    LOL ~ Aye, tell me that after you personally lay 4 rooms, 3 closets, 2 sets of stairs and a hallway in solid bamboo ~ with many of the pieces custom cut and re-grooved or re-tongued (routed) for pattern change. <_<:P

    Gives you a lot more respect for it when you set it down with your own blood, sweat and tears. :P I Love my Loyalist's ~ just not on my new(ish) floor.

  7. All staymakers used baleen. It was common and accessible to most. (confirmations or corrections from any out there with historical knowledge of the whaling industry are encouraged.) From my research to date all the 18th cen stays I have personally examined were boned with baleen.

    Mother Rose ~

    Is there any chance you might have a width dimension for the baleen? I would be most obliged for any images on stays boned with baleen.



  8. michael, check with mary diamond as to what she did with her shoes to make them less slick.... unfortunately, all i remember is that she took them to a shoe repair guy and had something done to the soles, or the heel, or both ??

    she said that fixed the slick problem...


    Silas ~

    I am Sorry to correct you ~ the shoes I took to the cobbler were the costume shoes I sell, to which he replaced the old worn out soles and heels with new (and which are wearing fantastically ~ a very good investment, indeed). I did take in my Loyalist shoes, but that was only for a bit of a stretch to accomodate a pinched toe and arch.

    Blackjohn ~ You are not alone. I tiptoe around on our bamboo floors when I wear my Loyalists with their nails, for fear of scratching the floors.

  9. Good News!

    The buttons arrived from Italy last week ~ I will be sorting them next week and mailing out (RF5 and my parent's kitchen remodel keeping my plate full at the moment!). For those who have already expressed interest, please check your PMs to confirm quantity desired.


    Mary Diamond

  10. Mary, let me know how you liked it. I read it last year, and liked it, up until the last maybe quarter of the book. Then it kinda bogged down. :(


    I loved it when I first read it, just before I got sucked into Pyracy. This is actually my second read, and I still love it. I was just on Amazon the other day, to locate the next book in the series.

    But, to be fair, I have always loved Stephenson. Brain candy for me.

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