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Mary Diamond

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Posts posted by Mary Diamond

  1. Oh, Harry! I am so sad to hear you are leaving ~ I am so very glad to have met you, and look forward to seeing you at least one more time at Blackbeard's. You and the missus will be deeply missed, but thought of often and fondly. All the best to you both on your new course ~

  2. Stynky ~ pray tell ~ what is behind the duckie?

    . . . just a giant hot tub at Yellowstone.

    Say, did you get any cool stuff to steal?

    If you steal it, you must promise to wear it ~ :huh::blink::lol:

    Hugs and love to you all ~ feeling a bit better, though I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow.

  3. I have added you to the list, Sjoroveren ~

    'Tis hard times, mates. I am barely making ends meet at the moment, so cannot afford to front the cost, and will require payment up front to expedite this order. I will send out PMs to those who have expressed interest later, covering the details. Any additional persons who are interested ~ now is the time to speak up!


    Mary Diamond

  4. Many thanks for the warm Birthday wishes ~ they are much appreciated!

    Under the weather for the past several days, and I got to work today (and tomorrow, and Monday, Tues, Wed, Thurs ~ next day off is Fri ~ woo hoo!) ~ though they let me go home an hour early today. Hoping to break these fevers soon ~

  5. Good Afternoon ~

    Yes, Capt Bo, I saw your post... though I admit I hoped you were joking about leaving us (not because of your button order), so I waited to reply. I am glad you are still here, and no, the order is not placed yet (lack of immediate funds).

    Jack, thank you for your order, you are added. Though, I am not sure when I will have the funds to place the order ~ I may have to request payment in advance this time.

    Silkie ~ sorry, no, no pewter buttons yet. However, necessity demanded I come up with the cost effective solution (for my own need) ~ so I buffed off (ok, sanded, I was being lazy, but wanted to see how it might look) the brass plate, revealing the silver zinc base metal. Not too shabby! As zinc is commonly used for galvanizing, I hope this solution with not have any disagreeable side effects to the clothes I am using them for. I will report back when I know more.

  6. .....Are the pistols still for sale sir ???? and how much might ye be askin?

    contact me at okram269@bellsouth.net


    Marko Warren

    Marko, Sir ~

    :blink: You may want to re-read the posts ~ Stynky has been having a bit of a go. These are my pistols ~ and no, they are not for sale.


    Mary Diamond

  7. The only hastle I've ever had with flying with my blunderbus, pistoles and cutlass.... is that they are all inside of a home made crate... They (TSA) question a home made crate..... and I quickly point out that as per TSA regulations that guns must be packed in a hard sided case.... 1/2 inch pine boards screwed together is a "hard sided case"..... (and kinda hard to run off with....)

    I think wot messes with thier minds is that it's a home made case instead of something made from plastic that I bought from Wall-Mart.....

    But I'm following thier rules.....

    The problem this year is that I wanna bring my doglock musket.... much longer than my buss.... But I think I have that figured out..... Thanks Callinish..... :rolleyes:

    I have personally flown with my guns, in a hand-made wood box (you all may have seen Stynky post my Queen Ann's and their box for sale), through O'Hare Airport, in full kit ~ as recently as last year. Once TSA saw the FOID card, saw the guns "unloaded" (flint removed), I locked the case, buried it deep in my luggage (which also held my sword ~ golf club travel bags are perfect for this), watched it go through the x-ray scanner (twice), and I was on my way to my own "security check" (I have a full metal hip). The biggest problem ~ oversized luggage comes off the plane last.

    For those of you concerned about traveling with weapons ~ just have your FOID card, be in kit, and be ready to answer curious questions. Oh, and keep a few coins handy for the kids ~

  8. .....Personally, if an event was seemingly good enough, and I knew I was going, and showers were not going to be available, I know I would spend the handful of bucks on one of those for my own sanity (well, mostly the wife's sanity) :( . And I would likely be nice enough to allow a few friend use of it, specially those who helped maintain it and assisted in lugging the water to keep it full.

    ok...let me see if'n i gots this straight.....

    as long as someone helps keep water around.....they can shower with yur wife??!?!!.... ;)

    allright then...i'll bring me bucket!!!... :unsure:

    Only if you bring the loofa too.

    my chin is growin in nicely....thank you....(tehehehe)... :(


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