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Mary Diamond

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Posts posted by Mary Diamond

  1. Ah... Now why didn't I think of that. *tehe* Thank you so much. I'm going to rip out my most recent attempt. About how wide do you make the edging? I feel like mine is too wide and that is part of the problem.

    Thanks again for the help!

    I originally started with the wider .5" tape, thinking that would give the nicer edge. My most recent stays, which I am the most happy with, use the narrow .25" tape, which is a much nicer finished edge, as there is not as much tape to work through the turns (which is where the problems usually were for me).

    I had tried pinning the entire thing, as Chole suggested ~ having gone through different trials each time, I found I didn't need to pin everything when using the narrow tape and hand stitching, (which is a huge time savings) to still achieve a neat finished edge in a reasonable amount of time.

    I had used the same method as Lady Constance on my second pair of stays, but still didn't like the way the tape laid, and it was a unbelievable test of patience to weave the stays back and forth through the sewing machine.

    It took me as long to hand sew the binding on the fourth stays as it did to pin and machine stitch the front, then hand stitch the back on the second pair of stays. Not to mention the hand sewn one looks so much better.

  2. I was not happy with the way it looked at all. I first was sewing it down with a top stitch, and then it looked terrible, so I tried sewing it in the crease to fold over and it wasn't looking well. It was deffinately the curve of the tabs that was giving me trouble.

    So, Mary, when you do the tabs, what way are you sewing the binding on, on the top or so that you fold over and whip stitch the back? what is the "period" way?

    Thanks for the help. This is my first "corset" with tabs and I am starting to think I don't like them. hehe

    I use a blind stitch for attaching the binding. When finished, the stitch is tiny, and runs at a 90 degree angle to the binding edge. Then the needle runs under the fabric at an angle to the next point, where it comes up and out of the binding, re-enters the stays, repeat ~

    This might help to explain: http://www.quilterscache.com/StartQuilting...iltingfour.html

    Regarding what is the period way ~ not sure. I am just happy to get the stays finished at that point. I would drive myself crazy otherwise.

  3. Well. I received my stays pattern from Reconstructing history and my "play set" is all put together and the reed is in... but now I am having trouble with the binding. There must be an easier way to do this. For the sake of easy, I thought it would be easy to play with double fold bias tape (I'm not going for accuracy of materials so much on these, just trying to get a feel for the construction) and I've ripped it out four times and thrown the whole thing across the room twice.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    I know what you mean ~ It was my fourth set of stays before I had a method down for binding. Machine sewing isn't worth the time or set-up, IMHO. I now stitch by hand, one side for a length of thread, then catch up the other side with a second length of thread (back and forth, front and back). The second biggest problem was the "turns" of the tabs ~ I found it to be most consistent and attractive with only 3 stitches (shoulder, top, shoulder) for each turn, resuming normal stitching in between.

  4. Rummaging around, talking to herself...

    Those Filthy DOGS will pay for what they have done to my husband...

    Traitorous Scum!!! Dammit, where is my primer... Oh, Pretty! Beautiful silver, scroll a ball through their hearts ~ or their heads, I care neither which...

  5. Oi and just what are ye acking about?? Weren't acking at the time...

    :unsure: You SAID it was for my Health!!! :lol:

    Are you kidding?! :lol: What did he tell you?! That is was good for curing diarrhea or per chance, did he also state that a ‘health romp’ was good for the liver?

    :o But, but... I heard my husband was... oh! And I couldn't stand the thought, of those horrible... :lol::lol::huh:<_<:lol: DAMNATION! Where's My GUNS? I need to go hunting ~ Captain, are you coming with?

  6. All right, all right... twas not Cheeky, although aye it looks like her...twas **covers mouth and mumbles** some merchant's wife...

    ACK! :P

    Oi and just what are ye acking about?? Weren't acking at the time...

    :P You SAID it was for my Health!!! :P

  7. OH! Bo, this is surely a sign ~ please, rest up the remainder of the year, and join us at PiP!

    All joking aside ~ my heart was in my throat reading this thread. We all travel so much for this hobby, and in our personal lives as well. Please, everyone, take his luck to heart, as a reminder to buckle up.

    Mend well, Bo ~ so very glad you are still with us.

  8. just working on my first set of stays........

    and honestly, i want those of you who know period fabrics quite a bit better than i to comment and give reccomendation......... uummmm,,, that would be YOU Kate Souris/Bagley, Micheal Bagley, Patrick Hand, Capn Sterling, Mary Diamond .. or anyone else more in the KNOW of things.......

    here are a few links to my growing fabric collection.......

    i want to know if these are close enough-- the ten foot rule... PC { pretty close}, PFC { pretty flinking close enough!}....

    fabric would be for skirts and stays.......

    and-- can some one reccomend a fabric for a mantua.....i really just dont know if jacquard is quite goingto give me the draping it should have-- or rather that it would be TOO stiff for proper draping....

    i would appreciate any reccomendations and comments....and ADVICE!!

    lady constance

    I must defer to the Captain's recommendations ~ quite a bit more experience than myself! Regarding the mantua ~ will you be wearing it while cooking? If so, I would recommend sticking with a natural wool or linen, just in case you get too close to the flames.

    Oh, and to clarify the PfC rule, for myself ~ it applies primarily to unseen sewn areas (such as seams, but not hems, collars or cuffs) and buttonholes (unfortunately, lacking in time and skill to apply in this area), not usually materials. My complete Riding Habit and Mourning Gown are all 100% wool and linen. My purple ballgown (my first attempt at one) is a synthetic jacquard. The buttons and shoes I sell also fit into PfC, simply from a cost standpoint. Current stays are cotton with Rigilene boning (I want to be able to wash them without dismantling). A new set of stays is on the drawing board, of linen.

  9. Let me also point out the pockets. They have these "tack" stitches. Very interesting.

    Thank you so much, Jack! I was distraught over the wear on my riding habit pockets, even after repair (they see a fair bit of use). This should help save them.

  10. Count on myself and dear Mark to attend as well ~

    Much gratitude to Edward and Dutch for the canvas! I believe my wonderful hubby has plans on a birthday present of a tent for this year ~

    I know the rest of the brethren think we Pirates of the Dark Rose don't want to play with the rest, but I truely just have not been following the Pyracy Pub until now. So........yes, Crudbeard, Bloodthirsty, Oreo, and hopefully some of the rest of our crew are definitely planning to see tha rest o ya next year. As ta where we camp, having a tent inside is rather handy for the cannons, but the beach seems like a fun place ta be as well. Mebbe we will do both.


    Welcome Aboard! So glad to see you here ~

    A dilemma, indeed ~ close to your big brassy babies, or out on the beach having fun? HA! Bring the babies to the beach ~ we'll treat 'em well. :blink:

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