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Mary Diamond

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Posts posted by Mary Diamond

  1. <_<:lol:

    Such a busy boy, Stynky! ~ I should shanghai you out to my neck of the woods to help us trim and move trees, drywall and paint. :(:D

    On a more serious note:

    I would like to again thank and highly recommend Cascabel to anyone considering a belt hook. His quality and attention to detail are exceptional, as you can see from the photos.

    And yes, those are my guns. Back in my possession, safe and sound. You lot can stop searching eBay ~ ye'll never see these there.

  2. I am still interested, but financially unable to commit to buying a tent at this time ~ so I don't even have the dimensions I would need to provide you for the poles. Not to mention, while I love bamboo, I Really Love Cedar!

    I am sorry, Bo, to have made you wait on this. I was hoping to have my own tent, but numerous projects have put me far away from that reality.

  3. All told- I'm very happy, and thankee t' Mary for her fine quality footware, and incredibly reasonable prices!

    and I be castin' away me boots and elastic-y buckles...Ha harrrrrrrrrrrrr!

    Gunpowder Gertie ~

    Thank you so much for you kind compliments ~ I am happy to be of service!

  4. I would be remiss if I did not thank Madame Grace for her kind accompaniment ~ Friday night was really my first night singing in public, and I had worked very hard to learn the lyrics and get comfortable with the sound of my voice (and overcome my own self-consiousness as well!). I look forward to singing with you more, Grace!

    I was amazed at the number of people attending ~ I had initally been surrounded at the museum entrance, and was able to gradually move past the Fantastic display tables (really nicely done, everyone!) further into the floor (to better reach more audience, without taking away from anyone else). Acting as the merchant/trader, I was buying children (I was amused at how happy some parents were at the opportunity, even moreso when their children reacted with apalled disbelief), "selling" my wares (and explaining about them at the same time), giving references for tailors, instructors, adventurers and tobacco traders with pc tradecards and labels... One of the children was learning French, and was excited to recieve a tradecard of a French tailor ~ another parent of 2 young ladies was commenting on the less skilled penmanship one of the children exhibited, to which I was happy to offer her a tradecard of a calligrapher and penmanship instructor. I had a docent and her husband compliment me on my interaction with the continuous groups of children and how the children all had the A-Ha! Moment (something I would have never expected, but was happy to hear, as I have been trying to improve that as well). I even had opportunity to discuss period printing practices with a member, who was thrilled with her tradecard, and brought back her entire family to be "sold".

    I was disappointed I didn't have much time to spend with the Crewe, but we were all so busy the entire night ~ I look forward to seeing you all at the next gathering!

  5. I've had some of those buttons on various peices of my garb for the better part of a year, some as much as a year and a half... I would never have known they were plated if someone else hadn;t had raised the question. Believe me when I tell you that I treat my clothing roughly, and have not noticed any chipping in the finish yet.

    Thank you for your input, Michael! I too use these buttons on all my garb ~ and they look the same after 2 seasons of abuse.

    Silas ~ thank you for your interest. I have noted you down.

  6. Mary,

    I need at least 150 of the buttons, if and when you decide to take up another order.

    After all, PiP is only about 9 months away!

    Good Morning, Iron Jon!

    That is a good start towards a new buttons order. My recent orders have quite depleted my inventory.

    To all Interested Persons ~ Please do Speak Up, if you are interested in buttons within the next three months, as it takes some time to accumulate sufficient orders to place the bulk order.

    As always, I remain


    Mary Diamond

  7. A note to the Moderator(s) of this forum... That kind of negativity HAS been used in the past on this forum, and almost every time addressed by the moderator, I am baffled by the complete lack of interference when it comes to Kass and RH. I have no issue with negative feedback on products that some people have troubles with, but the frequency and intensity of the comments directed at RH by such a few individuals has turned this into something a heck of a lot more than an honest negative review.

    As Moderator, it is not my job to defend (or attack) a product. Every member has a right to express themselves, vehemence and personality notwithstanding. I can only suggest that you, and others who support RH, feel free to post you positive experiences in response.

  8. New(er) B movie ~ Cyberpunk ~ heavy Goth/punk/Asian influences, with some Blade Runner/Fifth Element overtones, DNA alt theme ~

    The Gene Generation with Bai Ling

    We just started watching it ~ some interesting images.

  9. To be clear, provenance of the 4 was originally a reversal of the latin signature for Christ (the P with a cross), simplifiied over time to a 4. As sailors and sailing merchants were a highly superstitious group, this mark was intended to provide protection ~ against thieves, pirates, etc.

    Eegads ~ the above sounds so snooty ~ please forgive me, William, I did not mean to imply you did not already know this. I shouldn't try to quickly post before running out the door!

    This is the thread that started me on my original designs ~ https://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=1178...mp;#entry285252

    And, the Chi Ro symbol (Sign of Four) and merchant's mark is described here, much better than in my terribly abbreviated and limited statement above http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merchant%27s_mark

    Note that the Chi Ro was not just for protection against humans, but many forms of risk, including shipwrecks, etc.

    Which leads me to think, William, that you may have had "acquired" cargo from many merchants, which would have displayed different marks. Perhaps I should search your encampment for some of my own missing goods? :unsure:;)

    I hope this helps ~

  10. I am honored, sir, that you noticed my mark.

    To be clear, provenance of the 4 was originally a reversal of the latin signature for Christ (the P with a cross), simplifiied over time to a 4. As sailors and sailing merchants were a highly superstitious group, this mark was intended to provide protection ~ against thieves, pirates, etc.

    I do love the roughs you have come up with so far ~ my favorite being #3. However, you may need to determine how to explain the protection of God bit. If anyone asks.

    To that end ~ my signature breaks down as the following:

    Mary Diamond & Mark Diamond (MD), protected under god (4), across the lands and seas (crossed O), eternally (crossed O).

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