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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. Are you seriously asking if you can pour hot coals down the barrel of a loaded fire arm?
  2. They really worked their butts off so they deserved it.
  3. It always pays to keep the Captain happy. Enjoy. (Glad the snotties left some for ya)
  4. I just finished the best piece of cheesecake I've ever had.
  5. Believe me, the pleasure was ours. The meal on Sat was fantastic and the company couldn't have been better. It was so nice to be able to relax, make things go boom and get to know each other better. I can't wait till Beaufort.
  6. It's about time they admitted to there shame.
  7. Welcome back to the pub darlin' Ocin. A grand time was had last weekend. Huzzah to you and the crew of the Vigilant.
  8. It's a good surprise The "item" that came home with Edward and I, after PIP, has now been passed on to the next pirate. I'm glad to have it out of my closet. Once I know Pern has found said "item", I'll elaborate.
  9. Boy did Dutchie get me good. I hate to admit this but he actually hugged me with it under his arm and I didn't even notice. Sheesh, the man is good. I wonder if Pern found his surprise?
  10. Happiest of Birthday's to you Papa. I hope you have a wonderful day and the best of years to come. Love & Hugs
  11. Aye, for you Bess, I shall do that.
  12. Now now now Bess. I can't just go blabbing my secrets for all to hear. One never knows when this skill may come in handy again.
  13. First of all, a HUGE thank you to Blackbeards crew and all the crew's for the hard work and effort in giving us a pirate festival we can be proud to be a part of. Captain Pern, it was a pleasure spending the day sailing with you. Least I forget Dutch. You got me good :) I owe you one. To Captain Sterling and the crew of the Archangel. There is no one I would rather spend 3 days in the mud with. You guys are the absolute best friends and family a pirate hunter could ask for. To the Boneys, You all should be so proud of the work you've done on your kits. You looked wonderful. As always, the time spent with you is a gift of love, laughter and friendship. I miss you all and can't wait to see you guys again. Mama, Papa and the crew of the Sacred Heart. What more can I say than I love you guys. One of the highlights of the festival for me, was the capture of 2 long guns from the marines. hehehe. As Cheeky stated, I took the "sweet and innocent" approach on the first one. I struck up a conversation with the marine about guns and told him my interest in purchasing one. And that I was concerned about my height and the ability to handle the gun safely. So, I asked him if I could hold it to check out the length. Voila. Capture of gun number one. The second gun is a harrowing tale and a lady never tells her secrets. Thank you all for a wonderful weekend.
  14. I believe we have to be out of the fort on Monday. There's plenty of options for extended stays. I think we'll be there until the 11th Happy Birthday Rats
  15. Just about ready to hit the road. Safe travels everyone. See you all soon.
  16. Thanks for bringing cheese and butter Fayma. If anyone is planning on picking up bread, please post. I'm afraid we'll either end up with a million loaves or none :) ps. Dutch, please tell Grace I'm gonna need a few teafpoons of muftard. :)
  17. Jack, if you still need us to measure the space, we'll do that for you on Wednesday. Had an emergency with one of our cats so we haven't left yet.
  18. On to a different subject. Friday night dinner. The beef stew is done. Yippee. If anyone would like to pick up about 6 loaves of Italian or French bread and some butter on the way down, that would be greatly appreciated. Also, if anyone would like to get some cheeses or other munchie stuff to go with dinner, that would also be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  19. I suppose you can either teach said aunt English or hire a translator. There is also a possibility that you can find a copy in her language.
  20. By hand, painfully slow, one back stitch at a time. :) I prefer 1" strips of fabric or 1" cotton twill tape How are Brig's stays coming along? I'm dying to hear.
  21. Vintagesailor, I think you have a slight misconception of what a mantua is. It's not just a "dress". Basically, it's a loose gown that goes over stays and a petticote. Both of which are a necessity to wear a mantua.
  22. That's it. Talk to ya soon.
  23. Happy Birthday Captain Pern.
  24. Callenish, we'll be getting in sometime on Monday. Unfortunately we have plans for Wednesday but might be able to meet up with you guys later in the evening. Do you have our cell numbers?
  25. Yup, I have a list. Let me know when you need it. I'm sure you'll see most of them next week. I might even let you play some of them.
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