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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. The watches aren't the areas I'm worried about :). Those will fill. When this was posted, there were 132 spots to fill and approx 35 filled so far. Not bad for a little over 24 hours posted. Not to mention there are folks not on the pub, so unfortunately for them, they might get the chance to take any leftover spots at registration. After that, if there are spots to fill, it will be brought up at the first captains meeting. It would be great to see it all fill now, but....... If everything does fill, there is no law that says more people can't pitch in for any given spot. The more the merrier and lighter work for all. As to the watch times, that's what they wanted, lol
  2. Thank you William
  3. Salty, Brig, Mae & madPete, thank you.
  4. Thank you Scotty and Kate. All supplies are going to be provided including rubber gloves. I'm not sure if you want to get up super early to cover both the fort and the beach bathrooms??? How about if you pick one now and you can take another if the time slot doesn't fill?
  5. Vintage Sailor, volunteering yourself and your entire crew is very much appreciated. However, if you allow me to select for you, I will be forced to select every day for that time period. Please select the day of your choice.
  6. Haunting Lily, Please sign me up for Ice detail Friday or Saturday 10AM. I will have a vehicle. Thank ye kindly, madPete (Mercury Crew) Thank you for volunteering madPete, which day would you prefer? I'll do the Ice duty Friday 10AM . MadPete Thank you madPete.
  7. Thanks Callenish
  8. Thank you Kate
  9. Thanks Michael
  10. Whatever it takes Mission
  11. As a general note to all who volunteer. If for some reason you cannot attend to your scheduled task, it will be up to you to find a replacement. I will not be walking around checking to make sure everyone is where they need to be and when they need to be there. It is all of our responsibility to attend to these tasks and to make sure these things get done.
  12. Thanks Mission.
  13. http://www.piratesinparadise.com/fort/index.html 2009 Pirate Fest Schedule The 2009 dates for the Fort Festival portion of Pirates in Paradise is Dec. 3-6, 2009. Camps will be set up Dec. 1-3 and will need to break down by the end of the day on the 7th. Tentative Schedule (a more complete schedule will be posted as it is developed) * Dec. 1 -- 8am - 5pm -- Arrival and setup of camps and merchants * Dec. 2 -- 8am - 5pm -- Arrival and setup of camps and merchants * Dec. 3 -- 10am - 5pm - Fort Taylor Pirate Fest * Dec. 4 -- 10am - 5pm - Fort Taylor Pirate Fest * Dec. 5 -- 10am - 5pm - Fort Taylor Pirate Fest * Dec. 6 -- 10am - 5pm - Fort Taylor Pirate Fest * Dec. 7 -- 8am - 5pm -- Camps and merchants break and depart There are some links to forms in the Poop Deck Thread. http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=15863
  14. No apology necessary Red Jessi. Thank you for volunteering.
  15. Thanks Silkie
  16. Your new schedule makes more sense now... I take the 1900hrs Ice Detal for each day and I'll provide my own car too! For some silly reason, It posted before I was ready Thank you Iron Jon.
  17. Thank you Captain and William.
  18. Iron Jon, I will ask if there will be a vehicle provided to us and try to get an answer for you by the end of the day. I'm a little unclear as to which jobs you are requesting or do you want me to list you for all of them
  19. As Spike and Fayma have stated in the following threads, we have been asked to help perform several tasks for the encampment. Below is a listing with the tasks that are being required of us. You are welcome and encouraged to select a time slot early. This duty roster will also be available at check in. A final roster will be posted in the hide. When choosing your time slot, please list your name and crew. For example: Lily Alexander/Archangel Gate Duty 2300-0100. Please do not pm or email me your requests for time slots. I empty my mailboxs regularly and would prefer to keep a record of volunteers in one place. http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=15492&st=0 4 - Each crewe will need to have a volunteer list for clean-up. This includes morning clean-up of bathrooms. Sadly, this was an issue with the Fort staff last year and this is a great middle ground to be responsible for our own clean-up and allow the bathrooms to stay open in the evening. I will be circulating a volunteer list to each crewe, to be submitted to Nigel. There will also need to be volunteers to do ice runs, clean grounds, and assist in manning the gate. We are going to try to get the Park to agree to having us do our own gate after hours, but this is still a negotiation point. http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=15863 9- Duty Roster- We have asked for help in doing some of the chores this year. There are now several things that are being asked of us, so that we are doing our part as park volunteers. It is how we are "paying" our way to free accommodations in Key West, so I hope you will all understand that the BIB and myself can't do all these things. Lily has made a spreadsheet showing the needs with slots to sign up for a certain duty for a certain day. We are not asking anyone to "work" their whole vacation, but many hands will make light work. Small price really, to wake up with the ocean view, I'd say. If there is anything that we want to handle as a group that is not on the list, please let us know, and we can add it. This is the sign up for the gate duty etc. See other thread. Fort Taylor Pyrate Fest Duty Roster Gate Duty - 2 people per watch desired for each time slot. Thur Gate Duty 2300-0100 Lily/Arc, Sterling/Arc & Cousin Robbie/Arc Gate Duty 0100-0300 Edward/Arc Gate Duty 0300-0500 Mary/Arc & Mark/Arc Gate Duty 0500-0700 Patrick/Bucc Fri Gate Duty 2300-0100 Sterling/Arc, Silkie/Arc Gate Duty 0100-0300 Red Jessi/Merc, Mission/Merc Gate Duty 0300-0500 Vintage/Crim, Sansanee/Crim Gate Duty 0500-0700 Brig/Arc, Mae/Arc Sat Gate Duty 2300-0100 Sterling/Arc, Galen/Arc Gate Duty 0100-0300 Gate Duty 0300-0500 Gate Duty 0500-0700 Sun Gate Duty 2300-0100 Gate Duty 0100-0300 Gate Duty 0300-0500 Gate Duty 0500-0700 General Grounds - 2 people desired for each time slot. Pick up trash (ie. bottles, cans, papers, etc...) Fri Cleaning Detail: 0830 Lily/Arc, Anne/Merc Cleaning Detail: 1830 Michael/Merc, Kate/Merc Sat Cleaning Detail: 0830 Brig/Arc, Mae/Arc Cleaning Detail: 1830 Red Jessi/Merc, Kate/Merc Sun Cleaning Detail: 0830 Cutter/Zee Cleaning Detail: 1830 Dutch/Arc, Grace/Arc Bathroom Detail - 2 people per bathroom desired for each time slot. Clean bathroom, restock toilet paper, pick up trash. Women preferred for women's room, men preferred for men's room. (Cleaning supplies and toilet paper will be provided) Fri Fort: Prior to 0900 (w) Mary/Arc Fort: Prior to 0900 (m) Beach: Prior to 0900 (w) Salty/Faire Beach: Prior to 0900 (m) Sgt. Johnson/Searl Sat Fort: Prior to 0900 (w) Kate/Arc Fort: Prior to 0900 (m) Scott/Arc Beach: Prior to 0900 (w) Salty/Faire, Shay/Bucc Beach: Prior to 0900 (m) Michael,Merc Sun Fort: Prior to 0900 (w) Fort: Prior to 0900 (m) Beach: Prior to 0900 (w) Salty/Faire Beach: Prior to 0900 (m) Trash Detail - 2 people desired for each time slot. Empty garbage cans, replace trash bags, take garbage to dumpster. Thur Trash Detail: 1900 Shay/Bucc, Patrick/Bucc Fri Trash Detail: 0900 Shay/Bucc Trash Detail: 1900 Sat Trash Detail: 0900 madPete/Merc Trash Detail: 1900 Red Jessi/Merc Sun Trash Detail: 0900 Cross/Merc, Michael/Merc Trash Detail: 1900 Dutch/Arc, Grace/Arc Ice Detail - 2 people desired for each time slot. Pick up ice and deliver to camp. **To help determine how much ice will be needed for each crew, a separate sheet will be available at the hide for crew captains or a representative of each crew, to place the number of bags needed for each ice run. (ie. Fri am, Archangel, 5) Thur Ice Detail: 1900 Iron Jon/Merc, Silkie/Arc Fri Ice Detail: 1000 madPete/Merc Ice Detail: 1900 Iron Jon/Merc Sat Ice Detail: 1000 Edward/Arc, Galen/Arc Ice Detail: 1900 Iron Jon/Merc Sun Ice Detail: 1000 Cross/Merc Ice Detail: 1900 Iron Jon/Merc Town Crier - 1 person required for each time slot. Inside Fort, to announce tours and battles. Fri Town Crier: 1030-1200 Silkie/Arc Town Crier: 1200-1330 Shay/Bucc Town Crier: 1430-1600 Callenish/Faire Sat Town Crier: 1030-1200 Callenish/Faire Town Crier: 1200-1330 Town Crier: 1430-1600 Callenish/Faire Sun Town Crier: 1030-1200 Callenish/Faire Town Crier: 1200-1330 Town Crier: 1430-1600 Callenish/Faire Tour Guides - 3 people desired for each time slot. Guides from Fort to Camp. Fri Tour Guides: 1030-1200 Shay/Bucc Tour Guides: 1200-1330 Tour Guides: 1430-1600 Sat Tour Guides: 1030-1200 Lily/Arc, Scotty/Arc Tour Guides: 1200-1330 Tour Guides: 1430-1600 Sun Tour Guides: 1030-1200 Tour Guides: 1200-1330 Tour Guides: 1430-1600
  20. Thanks for the updates Fayma. As stated, I will be posting the duty roster in a separate thread on Monday. I will be out of town until then and would prefer to post when I'll be available to answer questions or comments.
  21. Fayma, you need not apologize. You have put out the information as it has become available. Unless I'm mistaken, you can't pull info out your arse that you don't have. It's not your fault that some have become impatient and critical.
  22. For those driving to PIP before the Fort Taylor Pirate Festival begins, please keep in mind that camping in the Fort begins on the 1st. You will have to find other accommodation's until then. There are plenty of activities to attend before the FTPF begins so do come early and enjoy the fun.
  23. Happy Birthday Silkie.
  24. Mission, That was a shared fire for the crews of the Archangel and Mercury.
  25. Fayma no longer lives in Indiana.
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