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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. We are currently finalizing this years registration form and working on making them email/fax friendly. Please be patient, we will have them available asap.
  2. Acknowledged Sea Horse everyone please continue to post your intentions in Roll Call. They are being recorded and it is a tremendous help in planning
  3. 10 vendors 90 pirates there are no registered participants at this time. The registration process has not begun yet. We are working on getting the forms out as soon as possible. Being listed in roll expresses your INTENT to register. Your place in the encampment is secured only upon receipt of your completed form.
  4. Nick also, would prefer to stay out of sight and mind. But the roar of the great guns is much too exciting for him to stay away from. Unfortunately, gambling is also something he can't seem to stay away from. Too bad he keeps getting caught,
  5. I'm sure Edward would be happy to oblige :)
  6. Michael, as Fayma stated in her post above, the focus will be a time line, so it's not a rumor. I think your numbers are a little off. According to registration, last year we had 85, give or take a few, on the beach and the year before was somewhere in the 60's range. As of today, between the Buccaneers, GAOP, 1800's & vendors, we have about 85 with the intention of coming. Intentions are one thing, actual registrants are another. According to my records, there were 137 total participants not including vendors. But that includes all the pirates from PIP staying at hotels, other, fort and beach camping.
  7. Tick count stands at 3, Mosquito's = too numerous to count, battling enormous spiders = 1. All in all, I would do it again in a heartbeat. It was wonderful to meet so many new folks and as always spending time with old friends is worth every bite and scratch. Thanks to Dutch,CSF & the Holly Point Maritime Museum for providing such a great venue.
  8. http://www.hmsrichmond.org/hamock.htm This is the website Edward used for his hammock. It's the Royal Navy Hammock pattern.
  9. I'm not Fayma, but I can sort of answer your question. There will be a fire pit in the Fort. The issue that's being looked into is the fire, or possibly fires, in relation to the distance away from all the tents. The other issue, as always, will be getting fire wood for the fires. Some details are still being worked out but will try to get a better answer for you soon.
  10. As my grandma used to say "ehhh"
  11. What's a little mud between friends :)
  12. Congratulations and best wishes to you and your family.
  13. Don't worry Cross, we've only got a few thousand maple tree saplings to pull out. We will feed and water you :)
  14. The food was awesome :)
  15. Congratulations on a job well done.
  16. Edward and MadDogge's audition tape.
  17. Happy Birthday Maeve. Hope you have a wonderful day.
  18. From everything I have read, jumps were worn for warmth, working, when sick, in the home and informal wear. Here is more info in the Twill thread. http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=15380&st=0
  19. Only if you promise to dance with me at the ball :)
  20. Do we need to get you a sippy cup too
  21. Some of the Archangel Crew will also be attending.
  22. 'ello, Lilly! I hopes all be well an ye an yer man be keepin warm. Don't ferget, them hounds makes good heaters of a cold night! A cat here or there will add some too. We be avin the furst meetin o' the big wigs and swells wot pays for the Invasion Shindig on 2nd on Feb. The dates are fer sure as to the 'appenenin it self an that be Aug 13, 14 & 15. So be well, me b...

  23. I am said person that attempted the pink stays from Kass's pattern. If you would like details, please pm me.
  24. This is a pic of the ball gown Captain Sterling made for me from Beaufort 08.
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