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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. Update from Fort Taylor After meeting with the Friends of the Fort and Park staff, they are very excited to have us back this year and looking forward to an awesome event. There are a couple of changes to note: Modern camping - because of the efforts to re-grow the vegetation in the location that was the modern camping area, it has been moved to alongside the Fort bathrooms. While the area is smaller, it has many advantages. It's closer to the Fort, nice shade, fluffy grass and right next to the flushies. Black Powder - The Fort is providing all the powder for this year’s event. Yes, you heard me right and not just for the big guns, small arms too. Gate watch - Because of budget cuts and the reduction in staff at the Fort, they asked if we could start the gate watches at 10pm instead of 11. Therefore the watches will be 10-11:30, 11:30-1, 1-2:30ish Crew Flags – If you have a crew flag and would like to fly it in the Fort, you are more than welcome. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and am looking forward to seeing you all very soon. Now finish up those projects, get packing and get here safe and sound. YHS, Lily
  2. I hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving and a day filled with love and laughter. Getting ready to spend the day with my pirate family in Key West,I wish you all could be here. I'll see about those leftovers Diosa but can't make any promises
  3. Matt, I tried to send you a pm but I think your mailbox if full. Please contact me asap.
  4. Look at the bright side Pete, I could have sent last years duty roster with your name filled in on all those slots
  5. Ask and ye shall receive check your email
  6. Awesome, then I can point William
  7. I'll have to double check but I believe the gates will be locked at 11pm.
  8. smart arse. Congratulations, you just signed up for 3 gate watches and 2 town crier duties.
  9. Diosa, To be honest, not really. We could start a thread about it but unfortunately there are too many folks not on the pub to get a decent count. If it helps, I made enough chowder for 60.
  10. With this years event quickly approaching, here is some updated information for this years encampment. Meals and Provisions – A number of meals are being provided this year. As always, crews and individuals are welcome to do their own thing. If you wish to join us, the following dinners will be available. If you would like to contribute an item to Friday and Saturday night meals, you are more than welcome. All crews and individuals will be responsible for providing your own breakfast and lunch. Please plan accordingly. Friday – Beef Stew and French Onion Soup Saturday – Chicken & Dumplings and Potato/Broccoli/Cheddar Chowder Sunday – Pig Roast Fires and Braziers – Fire pits and cook camps are only being allowed in designated areas and will be shared by all members of the encampment. You are welcome and encouraged to use braziers at any time of day. In the period encampment, coleman’s may only be used during the hours when the park is not open to visitors. Fire pits will not be allowed in the modern camping area. However, braziers and coleman’s can be used at any time. Firewood/charcoal – One cord of firewood has been generously donated to the Fort for our use this year. If you can bring firewood to add to this donation it will be most appreciated. PLEASE DO NOT BRING BAYWOOD. Charcoal is not being provided but can be easily obtained locally. Showers – Once again, Callenish has graciously offered us the use of his portable shower. As a requirement from the Fort, it has been asked that we only use “Green Products”. A supply of Dr Brohners Soap will be available for your use. If you plan on bringing your own, please look for the “checkmark” image on all labels. A list of approved products can be found at the following website: www.greenseal.org The showers will be in operation from 7:00pm – 7:00am during the encampment. Living History – A vital component to this year’s event is living history. All crews are encouraged to present their own demonstrations. They will be taking place throughout the day except during the battle. This is meant to be an enjoyable learning experience for our visitor’s. Anything you can contribute from a historical perspective will greatly add to the public’s experience. For those uncomfortable with this aspect of this year’s event, there are openings to assist in a variety of children’s games. Details will be available at the first Captain’s meeting. Duty Roster – There are a small amount of camp duties that will need to be performed this year. Gate Watch (11:00pm – 3:00am) and Town Crier (10:30am – 5:00pm). In the interest of fairness to all crews and members of the encampment, a mathematical equation has been used to determine how many jobs each crew will be responsible for. There will not be a sign up sheet distributed on the pub. All crew captains and/or representatives will be provided a list of the positions needed to be filled one week prior to the festival. It will be up to the crew captains/representatives to fill these required positions and return to me at check in. Shipping Items - The Fort will not be accepting packages this year. Any and all items that need to be shipped in advance must be sent to Fayma. Please contact her directly for shipping information and to let her know that something may be on its way. Email: faymacallahan@aol.com YHS, Lily Camp Mom & Pirate Herder
  11. Jaded, there are a lot of folks bringing cannons down so I'm sure you'll get an opportunity. Crudbeard will be running cannon drills for everyone after the first safety inspection meeting on Fri morning. You might want to bring a pair of slops instead of petticotes. It's a little safer.
  12. As you all know, we are going to be a little cozy in the Fort this year. If you have already registered but can no longer attend, PLEASE let us know so we can open up some space in the encampment.
  13. As you all know, we are going to be a little cozy in the Fort this year. If you have already registered but can no longer attend, PLEASE let us know so we can open up some space in the encampment.
  14. Two days left to order your Pyrate Invasion gear.
  15. For a different perspective, we have pirates coming from 21 states and 3 countries. Edit. Make that 4 countries
  16. I'm in Fort Lauderdale! After Thanksgiving I'm heading down to Key West! Yay!

  17. Breathe John Breathe.......................... No matter what day you arrive, there is a lot of stuff going on and tons of things to see and do. It's Key West. You'll have to work pretty darn hard to not have fun. Embrace your grand adventure.
  18. If anyone has sent in a registration form and have NOT received an email confirmation in return, you are not registered. Please contact me asap.
  19. The schedule is being worked on and should be complete by Nov 15th. The battle is tentatively scheduled for 1:45 with commentary for the battle beginning at 1:30.
  20. There, there, John. It's going to be alright. You will have an awesome time. There is so much to see and do in Key West. No matter if they are being a pirate or not, they will enjoy their time there.
  21. pm sent
  22. That stinks. They will all be missed.
  23. That was Baaaaaaaaaaaad
  24. I want proof that no farm animals were hurt.
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