Update from Fort Taylor
After meeting with the Friends of the Fort and Park staff, they are very excited to have us back this year and looking forward to an awesome event. There are a couple of changes to note:
Modern camping - because of the efforts to re-grow the vegetation in the location that was the modern camping area, it has been moved to alongside the Fort bathrooms. While the area is smaller, it has many advantages. It's closer to the Fort, nice shade, fluffy grass and right next to the flushies.
Black Powder - The Fort is providing all the powder for this year’s event. Yes, you heard me right and not just for the big guns, small arms too.
Gate watch - Because of budget cuts and the reduction in staff at the Fort, they asked if we could start the gate watches at 10pm instead of 11. Therefore the watches will be 10-11:30, 11:30-1, 1-2:30ish
Crew Flags – If you have a crew flag and would like to fly it in the Fort, you are more than welcome.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and am looking forward to seeing you all very soon. Now finish up those projects, get packing and get here safe and sound.
YHS, Lily