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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. I know you and many other are trying to help and all the comments and suggestions are very much appreciated.
  2. Hawkyns, your points and suggestions are well taken. However, the plans for this year's battle have already been submitted for approval. The number of guns we have on the field depends on how many people bring guns down. I'm not sure how well those folks would take it if we tell them sorry you took the trouble to travel all this way with your guns but they aren't needed. Once the battery has concluded there will be opportunities for people to take up small arms, etc. A lot of time and effort has gone into the plans for this year. We would welcome your suggestions in writing for next year as we start the planning process. In general, Friday is a slow day in the Fort. Between kids being in school and people working, we just don't get a lot of traffic. It's always been that way. Friday is set up as a "dress rehearsal", for lack of a better term. It's an easy battle day, that allows all the new folks to get accustomed with working with different crews, bugs worked out and prepared for the following day I believe some of your suggestions are already in the plans for Saturday and Sunday.
  3. The encampment is now full. Please continue to send in your registration forms. If you are among those that are placed on the waiting list, you will be contacted on a first come, first served basis as soon as space becomes available.
  4. We are allowed 100 people camping in the Fort. That includes vendors and folks in the rv area. (Not including children under 16) We do not have a limit on the number of participants.
  5. Here are the guidelines and information for this year's FTPI. Registration forms are now available and are due by Nov 1st. http://www.forttaylo...ion_form_12.doc For more information, please visit our website or you can join in the discussions here and on facebook. http://www.forttaylorpyrates.com/ http://www.facebook....30021940343737/ FTPI Event Participant Guidelines.pdf Additional cannon procedures.pdf FTPI Black Powder Safety Rules.pdf FTPI Updated Encampment Info.pdf
  6. There are very few spots left in the encampment. Please get your forms in.
  7. Pre-registration for past participants has begun. If you were a registered participant in 2010 or 2011 (sorry, I don't have participant info for previous years), you should have received the registration form by email on Sept 14th. If you were a past participant before then or did not receive my email, please contact me for the registration form. Space in the encampment is filling up fast. Please get your forms in. Once the encampment is full, regardless if you are listed on roll call, you will be placed on a waiting list and contacted if space becomes available. General Registration for all new participants begins Oct 1st. Forms will be available on our website, facebook group and here on the pub. http://www.forttaylorpyrates.com/ http://www.facebook....30021940343737/
  8. Cutter's Crew it is. Thank You.
  9. Since DB, Cutter & Wasabi are all in different crews, which one would you prefer to be listed under? Duties for this year will be: Town Crier 10am-5:00pm Fri-Sun Gate Watch 5:30pm-3:00am Thur-Sat & 11:00pm-1:00am Sun Edit: I have you listed with DB's Wreckers
  10. The Fort Taylor Pyrate Invasion website has been updated for this year's event. As information becomes available, we'll update the site further. Look for a schedule of events and the registration forms coming out October 1st. http://forttaylorpyrates.com/
  11. Glad you're back and HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!
  12. So far, only the pig roast is being provided. Will update if anything changes. Fires, we're allowed up to three fires in camp. Last year we had a designated area for a second fire but no one seemed to need it. Braziers are allowed and can be used at any time. Coleman stoves can also be used before and after public hours.
  13. My apologies for the delay in responding. If people want to set up trade blankets, that's great. The only restriction to sales are: No guns or animal products (except leather). Yes, we know leather is an animal product as are a few other things that are allowed to be sold. If an item is in question just ask and we'll find out if it's ok. We would prefer "Blanket" items to be used or handmade. Should you sell a lot of stuff, please consider making an extra donation to the "Friends".
  14. Thank you Cascabel. On a good note, they are considering them now. Change might not come easy but they are working on it.
  15. My apologies Patrick. I was using Civil War as an example to keep my answer short and simple. A good portion of events that occur in Florida State Parks are Civil War events.
  16. No, you're not stirring the pot. You are correct in that it is in the rules and has not been strictly enforced. For the past several years it's been a struggle to use our weapons without flashguards. While there are many things that have led to this point, the basic issue is, the FPS does not acknowledge weapons prior to the 1800's. They mainly deal in Civil War events where flashguards are more of a safety necessity. We've always argued that since we don't fight shoulder to shoulder, we don't need to use them and most of our weapons cannot be equipped with them without either specially made flashguards or modifications made to the weapons itself. I've yet to find a manufacturer that makes flashguards for pistols. How would someone put a flashguard on a matchlock or a wheellock? So we set out on a great journey to change the rules in the Florida State Parks. It's been a long process but hopefully worth it in the long run not just for this event but for other events in the Florida Park System.
  17. Not an easy question to answer at the moment. At the beginning of the year, several members of the pub, the Park manager and I have been working with the FPS to have our weapons included in the FPS Historic Weapons Firing Safety Manual without the need to use flash guards. We have not received an answer yet. Most likely, long guns will need to have them but at this point it's a guess. As soon as we get an answer from the FPS, we'll let everyone know.
  18. Well, that's a shame it was a good idea. Perhaps next year.
  19. If it would be easier for you, take a video of what you want to do and I'll send that to them. Unless they have something (written or video) to see what you want to do, it's not going to happen. It has nothing to do with how much they understand or don't understand about weapons. It's the simple fact that we are in a State Park and a weapon and powder are being used. If I remember correctly, you talked to them about this last year and they would not allow it. The reason they said no was because there was no time to get the activity approved. If you want help writing the proposal, just let me know. I'll be happy to help.
  20. Commodore, Thank you for this suggestion. I think this is a great idea and would love to see this happen this year but anything having to do with weapons and black powder has to go through an approval process. If you can send me a written proposal, asap, I will do what I can to get this moved up the food chain.. The wheels in Tallahassee don't move very quickly so the sooner you can get me the proposal, the better. Please be as detailed as possible. Once it's approved, we can work on putting this in our daily schedule. lilyalexander@frontiernet.net
  21. 2012 is shaping up to be one heck of a great year for us. Along with Bawdy Be, Barnacle Bo, Greg Hudson, and the Brigands, the Bawdy Buccaneers will also be joining us this year. Huzzah !!! http://www.bawdybuccaneers.com/
  22. Happy Birthday Brig & Mae !!!!!!!!!
  23. Happy Birthday Pappa !!!
  24. Thank you for posting these here.
  25. We will need them by Nov 1st. Make sure you all fill out the space on the registration form for tent & fly sizes. Hope you don't mind but I'm going to use you as an example. Since each person needs to fill out a separate form, when you fill out yours, include the tent and fly size. When Sansanee fills out hers, she can just put your name. If there are others sharing your tent, they will also put your name. I generally know who shares a tent with who, but there have been instances when a group of people all sharing the same tent, listed tent sizes as individuals. That was fun to sort out
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