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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. One week remains to send in your FTPI registration forms.

  2. Two weeks remain for FTPI registration

  3. I have the perfect person in mind.
  4. Our proposal to the Florida Park Service was denied based on the fact that they could find “no hard data” to support 7-10 feet is a safe distance for firing a weapon without a flashguard. If anyone should come across this “hard data”, please pass it along and I will continue to push forward and ask for an appeal to their decision. This was not a decision made by the Park. They were and continue to be very supportive of our efforts.
  5. Ahoy, Pyracy Pub Mates! Sorry fer not havin' posted over 'ere sooner. I can't remember me sign-in information, so I asked Lily to put this up fer me. I wanted to answer some of yer questions about his year's Fort Taylor Pyrate Invasion, but I'll tell ye's right off the bat that I still don't have all the answers. I think I should first reiterate a few essentials that ye've seen in yer guidelines an' in Lily communiqués... Please be sure to note that we have been informed upside down and sideways that all flintlock weapons, be they pistols er muskets, are require to have a flashguard and a frizzen stall on them as per Florida State Park Regulations. Also, only 1F and 2F powder is allowed, and it will be furnished by the Park. In other words, no we can't use 3F or 4F, and no ye can't bring yer own powder. I seriously apologize fer whatever inconvenience this is going to cause, whether ye add the gear to yer guns er whether ye chose to leave yer guns home, but I truly hope we can all make fer the best of the scenario. (I assure you that a very persistent and dedicated crew tried their damnedest on these issues. We all owe them a thanks.) Now as far as what a flashguard can be made of, I don't have final word on this so do not quote me: We have asked if leather flashguards would be acceptable along with other known nonflammable metals. We figure that leather could possibly be an easier and more affordable option fer folks wanting to make their own. As I get answers I'll share whatever the news. Til then, I can't wait te see ye all! Yea pyracy! All me love, Scarlett Jai
  6. Registration forms are now available. One form is necessary for each individual. If you are planning on attending or participating in any event inside Fort Taylor both during the day and for after hours activities, please take a few minutes to fill out this form and return it to me at lilyalexander@frontiernet.net or via fax to (877) 643-3874. Forms are due by November 1st. http://www.forttaylorpyrates.com/docs/ftpi_volunteer_registration_form_12.doc
  7. The weapons listed in the guidelines are the weapons approved for 18th century firing in the FPS manual. All other weapons are classified as primitive weapons. We have made an attempt to have our weapons listed and approved in this manual.
  8. Commodore Swab, What is the question? Everyone needs to follow the table of maximum loads according to the FPS manual. I'm only gonna say this once. The Fort Taylor Pyrate Invasion takes place inside a Florida State Park. We either follow their rules or we don't play. No exceptions to anything.
  9. I agree with you Hawkyns, but at this point we have to say no.
  10. I will if I have to
  11. The Table of Maximum Loads in the Fort Taylor Black Powder Rules have been updated. Please disregard all previous black powder rules.
  12. Fort Taylor is not NPS. It is under the Florida Park Service Department of Environmental Protection. As stated in their guidelines. "FFFg (3F) and FFFFg (4F) powder is not permitted. I was able to find a couple of other Florida parks that have made this exception in their rules. If you can find other hard data please let us know. Olustee Battlefield Historic State Park, pg 5, no. 15 http://battleofolust...regulations.pdf "Maximum musket or rifle cartridge will follow the Table of Maximum Loads. Only FFg black powder will be used. NO Pyrodex. NO FFFFg (4F) powder will be used except by artillery units for priming. Cartridge paper will not be placed in the barrel and NO wadding or ramming will be permitted except in the use of handguns. Multiple loading is not permitted". Dade Battlefield Historic State Park, pg 1, Firing Demonstrations, 6th bullet (worded same as above) http://www.dadebattl...edures 2013.pdf Fort Foster State Historic Site, pg 1, Firing Demonstrations, 6th bullet (worded same as above) http://www.floridast...n/wpnSafety.pdf Until such time that the FPS grants our request to allow us the use of FFF or FFFF powder. It will not be permitted at Fort Taylor.
  13. Thank you for bringing that to my attention. Unfortunately that is an old typo that was never corrected. FFF and FFFF are not allowed at Fort Taylor.
  14. I'd be happy to staple it to your forehead
  15. The passes have already been approved when we submitted the event proposal in January. I think we can use the pogs somehow. Let me think on it a bit.
  16. I really wanted lapel pins but they were way too expensive. Find out how much they would cost and maybe, just maybe, we could use them for something.
  17. Nice try Mission. No pogs. as a side note. Do you remember Kyle, the red haired ranger that was wound a little too tight? He was criticized for checking pogs, but in fact, he was doing what he was told to do. They were catching people trying to use the previous year's pogs at the gate. He also caught some folks trying to get in at night.
  18. Please don't make me thump you too Michael
  19. Are you volunteering to hand them out every five seconds because "I lost my pog". Pogs that when lost in town can be picked up by anyone and have free entry into the Fort not just during event hours but after hours as well? Shall I go on?
  20. *thumps Mission on the head with a box of pogs*
  21. Give it up. Not happening this year :) No more pogs EVER
  22. Points well taken. I can only say that if last year's Sunday battle made people happy, then I'm sure they will love the battles this year. Sorry I won't give details until everything is approved. We learned a lot of lessons last year and Crudbeard and those that helped with the battles plans did an awesome job this year.
  23. I agree with you. I believe those points are taken into account this year. However, there were other opportunities for people to shoot small arms (afternoon fire & sunset fire) and no one wanted to do it. We do our best to accommodate for a lot of variables. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. But we do try.
  24. Yes, there is a large homeless issue in Key West and it was very easy for people to hide when the encampment was on the beach. The Fort staff also had major issues getting people that didn't belong in the encampment off Park property when the Park closed. There is also an issue with new plantings in the area where we camped. For now, we are in the Fort. Will that change someday? Good question.
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