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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. Edward and I will be there
  2. Happy Birthday !!!
  3. 2013 FTPI Updated Information Land/Sea Battle – This year’s battle will include several local ships and we have been asked to provide pirates on board during the battle. This invitation is open to all registered participants. In order to give everyone an opportunity to take part, only a certain number of individuals will be selected for each day. Confirmation on how many spots will be available on each ship has yet to be determined. Small/Long arms will be required to provide gun fire and civilians will be needed to provide additional safety as well as interacting with the paying customers. You must attend the morning safety meeting (civilians included) and all weapons being fired on the ships will be inspected each morning. Each participant will be expected to abide by all safety rules (except flashguards & frizzen stalls will NOT be mandatory). Gun powder will be provided. This does not mean you will be given a spot on a ship if you cannot put a flashguard on your weapon. The signup forms will only be available at check-in and must be filled out in order to be considered. Please remember that tipping the crews is highly encouraged. Small & Long Arms - All weapons fired inside Fort Taylor State Park will be required to have flashguards and frizzen stalls per Florida Park Service regulations. Greg Hudson (Weeping Heart Trade Company) will have a small supply on hand if you need to purchase one at the event. If you are making your own for pistols, they must be made of metal, brass, iron or steel. Gun powder will be provided to you. Buccaneer Ball – The Buccaneer Ball will take place Friday, December 6th from 7:00pm until 11:00pm. This event is being held at the Key West Art & Historical Society’s Fort East Martello and will be open to the public. Finger foods and cash bar will be available. The evening will also include a best dressed pirate and wench contest as well as the Anything-but-silent-auction. (This is separate from the Dead Man’s Chest Auction). Entertainment will be provided by the Brigands. Fort East Martello is located at 3501 S. Roosevelt Blvd. Transportation to and from the Ball will be provided. Registered participants can purchase their tickets at check-in for $15.00. Tickets will be available at the door for $20.00. Dead Man’s Chest Auction - The 6th Annual Dead Man’s Chest Auction, hosted by Cannibal Chrispy and William Brand, will take place Saturday, December 7st from 7:00pm – 9:00pm. In case you are wondering what this is, the "Dead Man's Chest" are items that you might find inside a sailor's chest. Such as: clothing, weapons, books, hand crafted and forged items, art work, etc. These items are donated to the "Chest" by members of the pirate community & event sponsors and auctioned off at our event. The money raised goes directly to the Friends of the Fort which is then used for the preservation and maintenance of Fort Zachary Taylor. If you have items that you would like to donate and need to ship them in advance, or if you cannot attend but would like to show your support by donating items, please contact Fayma Callahan at FaymaCallahan@aol.com. Items brought to the event can be dropped off during check-in. Holiday Parade – This year’s Key West Lighted Holiday Parade will be taking place during our event. It is scheduled for Saturday, December 7th. This is a City of Key West sponsored event in which we have enjoyed taking part in for many years. Kids Day – Sunday, December 8th is Kids Day. Please plan for more child friendly activities and presentations. If you would like to lend a hand for the Pirate and Treasure Hunts, please speak to Diosa. Living History - A vital component to this year’s event is living history. All participants are required to present their own demonstrations. They will be taking place throughout the day except during the battle. This is meant to be an enjoyable learning experience for our visitors. Anything you can contribute from a historical perspective will greatly add to the public’s experience. Crew Captains and/or representatives, please provide a list of demonstrations your crew plans on presenting and return to me asap. Email: lilyalexander@frontiernet.net or fax 1-877-643-FTPI (3874) Fires and Braziers - Fire pits and cook camps are only being allowed in designated areas and will be shared by all members of the encampment. You are welcome and encouraged to use braziers at any time of day. In the period encampment, coleman’s may only be used during the hours when the park is not open to visitors. Fire pits will not be allowed in the RV camping area. However, braziers and coleman’s can be used at any time. Firewood/charcoal - Firewood is being provided for your use. If you bring your own, PLEASE DO NOT BRING BAYWOOD. Charcoal will not be provided but can be easily obtained locally. Showers - Hot showers will be provided for your use. As a requirement from the Fort, it is mandatory that we only use “Green Products”. A supply of Dr Brohners Soap will be available for your use. If you plan on bringing your own, please look for the “checkmark” image on all labels. A list of approved products can be found at the following website: www.greenseal.org The showers will be in operation from 6:00pm – 8:00am during the encampment. Duty Roster – If you are staying in the encampment, there are a small amount of camp duties that will need to be performed this year. Gate Watch (5:00pm – 3:00am) and Town Crier (10:00am – 5:00pm). Gate watch shifts will be 2 hours in length and two people per watch are recommended. Town Crier shifts are 2 hours in length with one person minimum and two people per shift are recommended. All crew captains and/or representatives will be provided a list of the positions needed to be filled one week prior to the event. It will be up to the crew captains/representatives to fill these required positions and return to Lily either by email prior to the event or upon check in. Shipping Items - The Fort is no longer accepting packages. Any and all items that need to be shipped in advance must be sent to Fayma. Please contact her directly for shipping information and to let her know that something may be on its way. Email: FaymaCallahan@aol.com Registration and Check-in - Will take place inside the park at the top of the Fort’s service road between the hours of 8:00am - 5:00pm on Thursday, December 5th. If you need to arrive and set up after 5:00pm, please call to make arrangements. Set up must be complete by 10:00am Friday. For those staying off site, additional hours for check-in are: Friday and Saturday between the hours of 8:00am - 10:00am. Please see Lily inside the Fort for check-in. All camps must be broken down and the premises vacated by 5:00pm Monday, December 9th.
  4. PSA of the day. It has come to our attention that there is some confusion over the Government's shut down of certain Parks. Fort Taylor is a State Park, therefore, is open and the event will be held as planned. Now back to your regularly scheduled programs. Thank you
  5. The Chamber of Commerce has it listed for Dec 7th.
  6. Registrations forms are now available. Please see the first post.
  7. Thank you for all that you have done with the pub. Your efforts and dedication will be missed. Many hugs and much love to you Stynky. I know you are leaving the pub in wonderful hands. Good luck William.
  8. http://www.scarletscarab.com/games-toys.htm I absolutely love the slops Lisa made for me.
  9. Please remind me to pack my glue gun and glue sticks. I think I have a nail gun around here somewhere too.
  10. I can definitely get some pogs for you. Just not sure if you will like what I do with them. Oh wait, maybe you would.
  11. Here are the guidelines and information for this year's Fort Taylor Pyrate Invasion. Registration forms are now available and are due by November 1st. Emails have been sent to all past participants. If you did not receive it please check your junk folder or contact me. lilyalexander@frontiernet.net The dates for this year's Invasion are December 6-8, 2013. As you know, camping space is limited and we cannot guarantee there will be space available for all wanting to participate in the encampment. Please submit your forms as soon as possible. Should the encampment fill, you will be placed on a waiting list and contacted if space becomes available. 2013 Volunteer Registration Forms Attached or you can follow this link. http://forttaylorpyrates.com/docs/ftpi_volunteer_registration_form_13.doc To ensure a quick and painless check-in upon arrival, all participants are required to register in advance. One form is necessary for each individual. If you are planning on attending or participating (battles, living history demos, after hour’s events, etc…) in any event inside Fort Taylor, please take a few minutes to fill out our registration form and return it to me by email: lilyalexander@frontiernet.net or fax (877) 643-3874. The registration form is a Microsoft office word 97-2003 document. Other formats are available upon request. To fill out the registration form, save the document onto your computer. Fill out form. Save and send by email as an attachment. Or print out the form and send by fax. Once your registration form has been submitted, you will receive an email confirmation that includes your welcome letter, participant guidelines and black powder information. Please note that if you submit your forms after 9:00 pm, you will receive your confirmation the following morning. The deadline for registration forms is November 1st. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email or call me. There is a $5.00 registration fee due for all participants 16 years of age and over. This fee is payable upon check-in. Registration and set-up for all participants begins on Thursday, Dec. 5th at 8:00am. If you cannot arrive during the normal set up time between 8:00am – 5:00pm, please contact me to make arrangements. For more information, please visit our website or you can join in the discussions here on the pub and on facebook. http://www.forttaylorpyrates.com/ http://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/130021940343737/ We thank you and hope to be seeing you at this year’s Fort Taylor Pyrate Invasion. YHS, Lily Alexander, Camp Mom lilyalexander@frontiernet.net (585) 329 4625 Fayma Callahan, Event Coordinator faymacallahan@aol.com (812) 290 6056 Scarlett Jai, Event Coordinator jaisomers@yahoo.com (305) 797 1659 FTPI Event Participant Guidelines.pdfFTPI Black Powder Safety Rules.pdfAdditional cannon procedures.pdf FTPI Volunteer Registration Form.pdf
  12. Herding pirates will always make me a marble short, lol
  13. hmmm, just over two hours away for Edward and I. We would be interested in the historical area as well.
  14. Welcome aboard Zak.
  15. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !!!
  16. Happy Birthday dear friend. Hope you have a wonderful day and an awesome New Year !!!
  17. Happy Birthday Captain JIm !!!
  18. Since my marbles have been recovered, Edward and I will be there.
  19. Well, you have plenty of opportunities then. I think I'm gonna sleep for a month, lol
  20. "I've got two girls in my bed and it went flat". (I promised I wouldn't tell who said this). "Pirates don't wipe their own butts". Viceroy at morning meeting.
  21. I know I'm writing under Lily's sign-in, but this be Scarlett Jai speaking... I am obliged to inform everyone that it is illegal to sell firearms in a Florida State Park. It would have dire consequences for all involved if that were to happen. Commodore Swab, displaying is fine of course, but transacting and/or discussing transacting, off limits.
  22. We will do our best to keep crew's together. No promises. Assignments will be given out at the first safety meeting.
  23. 2012 FTPI Updated Information Land/Sea Battle – This year’s battle will include several local ships and we have been asked to provide pirates on board during the battle. This invitation is open to all registered participants. In order to give everyone an opportunity to take part, only a certain number of individuals will be selected for each day. Confirmation on how many spots will be available on each ship has yet to be determined. Small/Long arms will be required to provide gun fire and civilians will be needed to provide additional safety as well as interacting with the paying customers. You must attend the morning safety meeting (civilians included) and all weapons being fired on the ships will be inspected each morning. Each participant will be expected to abide by all safety rules (except flashguards & frizzen stalls will NOT be mandatory). Gun powder will be provided. This does not mean you will be given a spot on a ship if you cannot put a flashguard on your weapon. The signup forms will only be available at check-in and must be filled out in order to be considered. Small & Long Arms - All weapons fired inside Fort Taylor State Park will be required to have flashguards and frizzen stalls per Florida Park Service regulations. Greg Hudson (Weeping Heart Trade Company) will have a small supply on hand if you need to purchase one at the event. If you are making your own for pistols, they must be made of metal, brass, iron or steel. Gun powder will be provided to you. Holiday Parade – This year’s Key West Lighted Holiday Parade will not be taking place during our event. We have been informed that it is now scheduled for Saturday, December 8th. This is a City of Key West sponsored event in which we have enjoyed taking part in for many years. We apologize to those of you that have been looking forward to participating in the parade. Buccaneer’s Ball – The Buccaneer’s Ball will take place Friday, November 30th from 7:00pm until 10:00pm. This event is being held on the beach and will be open to the public. Cash bar (beer & wine) and finger foods will be available. However, if you need something more substantial, please plan accordingly. The evening will also include a best dressed pirate and wench contest as well as a select number of items to be auctioned. (This is separate from the Dead Man’s Chest Auction). Entertainment will be provided by the Bawdy Buccaneers and the Brigands. Registered participants can purchase their tickets at check-in for $5.00. Tickets will be available at the door for the general public for $10.00. Dead Man’s Chest Auction - The 5th Annual Dead Man’s Chest Auction, hosted by Cannibal Chrispy and William Red Wake, will take place Saturday, December 1st from 7:00pm – 9:00pm. In case you are wondering what this is, the "Dead Man's Chest" are items that you might find inside a sailor's chest. Such as: clothing, weapons, books, hand crafted and forged items, art work, etc. These items are donated to the "Chest" by members of the pirate community & event sponsors and auctioned off at our event. The money raised goes directly to the Friends of the Fort which is then used for the preservation and maintenance of Fort Zachary Taylor. If you have items that you would like to donate and need to ship them in advance, or if you cannot attend but would like to show your support by donating items, please contact Scarlett Jai at jaisomers@yahoo.com. Items brought to the event can be dropped off during check-in. Kid’s Day – Sunday, December 2nd is Kid’s Day. Please plan for more child friendly activities and presentations. If you would like to lend a hand for the Pirate and Treasure Hunts, please speak to Diosa. Living History - A vital component to this year’s event is living history. All participants are required to present their own demonstrations. They will be taking place throughout the day except during the battle. This is meant to be an enjoyable learning experience for our visitors. Anything you can contribute from a historical perspective will greatly add to the public’s experience. Crew Captains and/or representatives, please provide a list of demonstrations your crew plans on presenting and return to me asap. Email: lilyalexander@frontiernet.net or fax 1-877-643-FTPI (3874) Fires and Braziers - Fire pits and cook camps are only being allowed in designated areas and will be shared by all members of the encampment. You are welcome and encouraged to use braziers at any time of day. In the period encampment, coleman’s may only be used during the hours when the park is not open to visitors. Fire pits will not be allowed in the RV camping area. However, braziers and coleman’s can be used at any time. Firewood/charcoal - Firewood is being provided for your use. If you bring your own, PLEASE DO NOT BRING BAYWOOD. Charcoal will not be provided but can be easily obtained locally. Showers - Hot showers will be provided for your use. As a requirement from the Fort, it is mandatory that we only use “Green Products”. A supply of Dr Brohners Soap will be available for your use. If you plan on bringing your own, please look for the “checkmark” image on all labels. A list of approved products can be found at the following website: www.greenseal.org The showers will be in operation from 6:00pm – 8:00am during the encampment. Duty Roster – If you are staying in the encampment, there are a small amount of camp duties that will need to be performed this year. Gate Watch (5:30pm – 3:00am) and Town Crier (10:00am – 5:00pm). Gate watch shifts will be 2 hours in length and two people per watch are recommended. Town Crier shifts are 2 hours in length with one person minimum and two people per shift are recommended. All crew captains and/or representatives will be provided a list of the positions needed to be filled one week prior to the event. It will be up to the crew captains/representatives to fill these required positions and return to Lily either by email prior to the event or upon check in. Shipping Items - The Fort will not be accepting packages this year. Any and all items that need to be shipped in advance must be sent to Scarlett Jai or Fayma. Please contact them directly for shipping information and to let them know that something may be on its way. Email: jaisomers@yahoo.com and FaymaCallahan@aol.com Registration and Check-in - Will take place inside the park at the top of the Fort’s service road between the hours of 8:00am - 5:00pm on Thursday, November 29th. If you need to arrive and set up after 5:00pm, please call to make arrangements. Set up must be complete by 10:00am Friday. For those staying off site, additional hours for check-in are: Friday and Saturday between the hours of 8:00am - 10:00am. Please see Lily inside the Fort for check-in. All camps must be broken down and the premises vacated by 5:00pm Monday, December 3rd
  24. Registration forms for the Fort Taylor Pyrate Invasion are due by tomorrow. If you haven't sent in your forms yet, please get them in asap. One form is necessary for each individual. If you are planning on attending or participating in any event inside Fort Taylor both during the day and for after hours activities, please take a few minutes to fill out this form and return it to me at lilyalexander@frontiernet.net or via fax to (877) 643-3874. http://www.forttaylorpyrates.com/docs/ftpi_volunteer_registration_form_12.doc
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