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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. Registration forms should be out within the next day or so. No later than this weekend. You can have your folks contact me lilyalexander@frontiernet.net
  2. LOL, I'm more than willing to share the "feisty" title. I can't wait to meet her :)
  3. Edward and I would like 2 of the larger size.
  4. It's working for me
  5. I'm not seeing the pics anymore either. But that's ok with me as well.
  6. LOL. True as that may be, now there will be two camping with the crew. Mwahahahahaha We had a great all redhead cannon crew at Blackbeards, now we need another one for Fort Taylor. I thought Lily Alexander was the feisty redhead. LOL
  7. Ummm, yeah............ I think I'm busy that week too Humbly at your service Fayma. Fort Taylor is going to be an awesome event this year.
  8. Constable's gun named "Princess"
  9. I will certainly find out if this is possible. Will you be sleeping on your boat during the event?
  10. That would be the one.
  11. We be settin sail fer Hampton soon! Lookin forw'd t' seein yerself an Mr O'Keeffe. Safe travels and good health t'ye! Dutch

  12. Greetings, Lovely Lady Lilly and good health t'ye and Mr. O'Keeffe, himself.

    T'is with great joy I awaits t' be seeing yerselfs and the members o' th' Crewe o' th Archangel. T'is a mere fortn't an we shall invade the Port of Hampton, Virginia. As I be told, we reconointer in the Roadstead they enter th' harbor in force. Aye! By our number sha...

  13. There is no change from last year. As long as you are a registered participant, you will be able to enter the Fort after hours.
  14. Shake, Rock & Roll in Rochester

  15. Hey nice to see you. Hope all is well

  16. Great idea Mission. Thank you. William and I started a thread last year over in the Mercury Crew Section titled "How to get started for PIP". There are a lot of topics in that thread I believe qualify as timeless that might help here. Picture threads are another good one. http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=14604
  17. Playing with the iPhone app

  18. That's correct darlin' It's not a big deal though. I think the pics are just too large to fit side by side. One difference, I can update my status but I can't see the "update recent status" bar.
  19. For all the iphone and other mobile device users: what would you like to see/ or change if you could, while using the pub from your phone? For me, so far everything is much better but photo gallery at the top is showing the pics vertically. So you have to scroll down a bit to get to the first topic. Not a big deal but I would rather see the topics first.
  20. *Covers ears*
  21. We've added a facebook group for the Fort Taylor Pyrate Invasion. Still have some things to add but everyone is welcome to join. http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=126642544020752#!/group.php?gid=130021940343737
  22. Will do. Thanks Hurricane.
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