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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. Thank you my fuzzy friend and Hurricane
  2. Here's the list of individuals from Roll Call that have not sent in their Registration Forms. List deleted
  3. Just a reminder that registration forms are due November 1st. There have been some questions about who needs to register. Absolutely everyone that wants to take part in any Fort event whether you are staying in the encampment or not. All participants, vendors, entertainers, photographers, staff, etc......... needs to register.
  4. The shirts look awesome William.
  5. Welcome back Rusty. You have been missed.
  6. I'm in trouble now aren't I ???
  7. For being the first crew to get all your forms in, you can have whatever you want
  8. Hip hip huzzah !!!!!!! Boo came through for the wreckers.
  9. Sigh.............Not yet. Tell him to get it in quick so you guys can keep your gold star.
  10. Diosa and the Wreckers get a gold star for being the first group to get all their registration forms in. Woohoo
  11. hmmm, I think we might need to get approval from SHIELD (Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement Logistics Division)for that. :o
  12. Please keep in mind that while in the encampment area anything containing powder is prohibited. A secure location will be provided for your use if you will be in the encampment for an extended period of time. Going to and from the battle will not be an issue.
  13. Thanks Hurricane. We tried to think of everything. I'm sure there will be something down the road that we overlooked but hopefully those things will be minor and few and far between.
  14. Ow, that sounded like it hurt.
  15. Yes, this form is for everyone and you are correct, anyone that wants to participate in the Fort activities needs to fill out a registration form. They will also need to check in to receive their passes. Unlike last year, I'll be sitting at the gate with the park representative. If by chance, they cannot be there during the scheduled registration time, they will have a list of folks at the gate and they will have to enter the Fort and check in with me at my tent to receive their passes.
  16. My Dear Fuzzy Friend, I did get your registration, did you receive my welcome letter?
  17. Your welcome Sea Horse. My sincerest condolences on the loss of your wife. I think we all share a bit of disappointment about the loss of the beach, but I'm also very excited about being in the Fort. Thank you for spreading the word and you are welcome to copy & distribute all the documents to individuals needing them. Lily
  18. PIP/FTPI registration forms are available

  19. On behalf of the Friends of Fort Taylor and Fayma Callahan, here are the documents that you've been waiting for. The registration forms can be sent in by email to lilyalexander@frontiernet.net or fax 1 877-643-FTPI (3874). Once the form is received, you will be sent an email confirmation as well as the Black Powder Rules and Participant Guidelines. All participants wanting to take part in the Fort Taylor Pyrate Invasion must fill out a registration form. Please pass along these forms to any interested individuals or crews that may not be on the pub or facebook. Hurricane, please feel free to post these on the Pirates in Paradise website as well. Registration Forms are due November 1st In order to comply with the National Park Service Safety Standards, the Black Powder rules have been updated. Please read through the document carefully. Thank You for your patience. YHS, Lily Registration Form http://iammaryread.com/PIP/FTPIVolunteerRegistrationForm.doc Black Powder Safety Rules http://iammaryread.com/PIP/FTPIBlackPowderSafetyRules.pdf Participant Guidelines http://iammaryread.com/PIP/FTPIEventParticipantGuidlines.pdf Vendors - Please fill out the Volunteer Registration Form and contact Fayma directly for the Vendor Form. Contact Information: Fayma Callahan a.k.a. Momma Ratsey 812-290-6056 Email: faymacallahan@aol.com Lily Alexander 585-329-4625 http://www.facebook....lyAlexander1720 Email: lilyalexander@frontiernet.net ps. Thank you Diosa for hosting the documents.
  20. Seahorse, the basic information about the changes to the encampment have been available for quite some time. http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=16956 I'm really not sure how we can get this information out to everyone other than posting it here on the pub as well as on facebook. We rely heavily on word of mouth other than that. One change that was made is that the registration forms will be submitted by email and fax. As people send in their forms, they will receive written email confirmation along with the participant guidelines as well as the updated Black Powder safety rules. If anyone has any questions or concerns regarding this year Fort Taylor Pyrate Invasion, feel free to contact me here, on facebook, or by email. http://www.facebook.com/?sk=messages&tid=1577114621549#!/group.php?gid=130021940343737 http://www.facebook.com/LilyAlexander1720 lilyalexander@frontiernet.net Lilly, I too am asked about camping. There are many who are not aware that the beach is no longer available. It seems that the information on camping in the fort only has not reached everyone. Is there an update on this?
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