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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. Good thoughts and prayers sent their way.
  2. Thank you for the wonderful update Spike.
  3. http://www.scarletscarab.com/games-toys.htm Not sure if these are what you're looking for but Scarlet Scarab has bone dice.
  4. Good thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.
  5. My dear fuzzy friend, Not only do you have your crew's support, but you have the support of your friends and pirate family as well. While I'm saddened at the thought you might not be at PIP this year, just think of all the great events you will be moving closer to. :) I truly believe when one door closes, several more will open for you. I hope that each new door you and Suzi walk through, will bring you nothing but love, good health and happiness. Love & Hugs
  6. Congratulations on your first anniversary.
  7. Happiest of Birthdays to you Quartermaster.
  8. Happy belated Birthday Brig. Many wishes for a wonderful new year ahead.
  9. Happy belated Birthday Mae. I hope you had a wonderful day and a great year ahead.
  10. I'm so glad I'm not the only one
  11. It is??? wow, who would have thunk it. I thought this was about female minimum garb standards.
  12. Niko, There are nice flushy bathrooms near the campsite and the fort as well as port o potties. Apparently, there will be showers available this year but the details about that haven't come out yet. The days before and after, my hubby and I rent a condo. Other people have used hotels, b & b, etc..........
  13. Come to PIP and you'll know why I've been looking for a broom. Half the beach was in the tent, lol
  14. It looks like the great broom search may be over. William, thanks again for starting this topic and thanks everyone for all the great pics and links.
  15. That sounds yummy.
  16. Lily is doing the *happy dance*
  17. Any idea's of when you'll be arriving Kate?. This way I'll know how much trouble we won't be getting into. We can pick you up at the airport.
  18. Do I see a trip to Bacon Castle sometime in the future?
  19. Have I told you how much I love you lately.
  20. awww. I might be back later. I'm making dinner now.
  21. I'm in here now with Kian
  22. Dear Cheeky's Boss, I hereby give Cheeky permission to leave work early so she can go home and post the picture. Sincerely, Lily
  23. As you can tell, the topic is of great interest to me as well Please keep trying. I would certainly love to see other examples. Thanks for being another set of eyes. I'm suppose to be working on a pattern for jumps. However, I'm up to my eyeballs in stays so that will have to wait until after PIP. I'll be happy to pass my pattern along.
  24. Michael, the above posted jumps are the ones Sterling has posted numerous times here on the pub and the tavern. You are making assumptions that they were a minority item. If a garment of clothing was worn for undress wear, working, and in the home. It's unlikely many extant examples have survived. Jumps were not meant to be worn out in public. That's kind of the point of this topic, I've been searching for a well over a year now, and I'm hoping more sets eyes will be better than one.
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