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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. I'm sure Edward will appreciate the help on the grill. But not nearly as much as me looking forward to that cobbler :) BTW, care to take a guess as to who is serving dinner? No, it's not Bess.
  2. What, no Mad Dogge cobbler??? That's completely unacceptable. I'd be happy to let you use our dutch oven. Besides, I already told O'Keeffe he wasn't allowed to do a cobbler because yours is better :)
  3. I'll bring something. Not sure what yet but it'll be good
  4. One reason we're planning on such a late dinner is so people can go to the plank championship and cheer those participating on. Not many people can afford the tickets for the dinner so we have to plan something for the crew to eat. Given this much advanced notice and planning, win or lose, we will find you a ride and get you back to where you belong :)
  5. That's perfect then. We'll plan on somewhere between 7:30 and 8.
  6. An Archangel crew dinner is being planned for Thurs night, 7:30pm ish. Details to follow at a later time.
  7. Happy Birthday Cheeky. Tell Bess she better wait on you hand and foot. I hope you have a great day.
  8. Just got word from Animal. They made it to VA safe and sound.
  9. Is there a cure for them??? Animal A cure for who??? Us or the Marines.
  10. I guess that's what we get for forking the marines.
  11. Happy Birthday Tiger Bill.
  12. I have the pattern and directions for the camelot hood but I'll be darned if I can figure out the directions for the pleat. If I ever find something that is easily followed, I'll post it, lol
  13. Lady Brower, where did you find directions for the starburst pleat on the back of the hood?
  14. To my dear friend, Happiest of Birthday's to you darlin'
  15. hmmm, Nick told me he retired early because he was waiting for Bess. What a great time I had this weekend. There is so much to say I don't know where to begin. The battles, scenarios, wedding, finally being on a cannon crew, were all wonderful. But the best part was spending time with all of you. Thanks for a great weekend.
  16. I'm sorry I won't be able to make it this year. We always have a great time there.
  17. Wishing you the happiest of Birthday's. Huzzah!!!!!
  18. No my fuzzy friend. It isn't just you.
  19. Is doing what is easy the honorable thing to do? We don't know both sides of the story either. It's a little difficult giving advice to people we don't know. Perhaps Nasty Nate can communicate with his wife, work things out and live happily ever after. Perhaps they will come to an impasse and go their separate ways. However, if he makes an honest effort to try then he will know that he did everything he could and will have nothing to be ashamed of. He will be the one to move on with his life without regret.
  20. Lilies are always nice Couldn't resist that one.
  21. I'm not sure if they still do this, but I know of a few instances where they would let guys off the ship early to take care of personal matters. Especially if your ship is planning on a tiger cruise, they used to welcome the open racks. The chaplain might be able to help in this regard as well. Here's an idea. When you get home, send her some flowers (they don't have to be roses) with a note inviting her to a public place for breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee, dessert, whatever you like. Something like " I would love it if you would meet me at 4:00 for lunch so we can talk". Phrase it however you like, but it puts the ball in her court and you are making an honest effort to communicate with her. Good Luck.
  22. Nasty Nate, Sorry to hear of your difficulties. I married my hubby while he was in the Navy (1991) so I can relate to the challenges married couples face during long deployments. Have you tried talking to the chaplain? You may or may not be religious but they sometimes have good advice in these circumstances. How much longer is your deployment? Best wishes to you.
  23. No, sorry he has to work.
  24. I vote for Dorset Buttons
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