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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. sutlerjon I received my cartouche box today. Beautiful work. It is gorgeous. I couldn't be happier and can't wait to use it. Thank you again.
  2. Patrick, think of it as you did when you donated your hair to "Locks of Love". It's for a darn good cause and the beard will grow back. I think it's wonderful that you are willing to give your time to help your friend. My father was a WWII vet (Navy) and was honored last year to have a military funeral. I can't tell you how much I appreciated the volunteers that participated in the service. I'm sure no matter what your decision is, the families of the fallen will truly appreciate your efforts. THANK YOU
  3. While I love the reed I've purchased from Booth Draper, right now they only carry the 1/4" full oval reed. So, I've been searching for other sources and came upon this place. While speaking to the woman about the reed, I learned I'm not the only one using their products to make 17th & 18th century corsets. I can't attest to the product yet but I did order some of their 1/4" half round. The price was 9.95 (not including S&H) http://www.basketmakerscatalog.com/Merchan...egory_Code=REED
  4. I don't think it would look right. I also thought about it but decided against it. We try so hard to make things look as appropriate as possible, why cheat now. That was my thought anyway. You said it very well Michael. I've been using the full oval reed from Booth Draper. I get 2 sets from one bundle.
  5. Speaking of brocade silk, here's my fancy stays that I've been working on. Since I've never worked with silk before, I didn't want to start experimenting on stays that weren't mine. There's been a lot of talk about making stays out of linen and wool but I can't seem to recall much about working with silk. Originally I started out with just a plain cream silk. Oi, the mistakes I made on that attempt. I thought because the fabric was plain that I could sew it together with the interlining and do the boning channels. It came out so crinkly and looked so horrible, I tossed them out. Anyone else care to share their experience with working on silk stays???
  6. Happy Birthday Lady B. I hope you have a wonderful day.
  7. Welcome to the pub my dearest brother in law. I'm so glad that you decided to join us. There are some mighty fine folks around here, but they are a thirsty bunch. Custom has it, you get to buy the first round. Since we're family and all. I think I'll have a bottle of Ray's finest champagne if you please.
  8. That works for me.
  9. Agreed. What charity would you like the donation sent to.
  10. The beard, William, the beard. I will pay money if you shave it off at PIP. Considering it's your face, perhaps Maeve would do the honors.
  11. hmmm...........................Do I smell a revival of the demon barber of PIP Street. William, I would gladly make a donation to any charity of your choosing if you did it at FTPF/PIP.
  12. That makes perfect sense. Thank you for clarifying.
  13. I know the 2008 festival schedule is still up. I'm referring to what is written at the top of the page in the header just below the title. "Pirates in Paradise Festival Key West, Florida Nov. 28 - Dec. 6, 2009" The dates for 2008 were Nov 29th- Dec 7th. You stated in Dec. "For those already planning for next year, the dates should be as follows (unless I'm reading the Mayan calendar by mistake): Fort Fest is: Thursday, Dec. 3 through Sunday, Dec. 6. For those with more time to burn, PiP begins Nov. 27 and continues through Dec. 6. -- Hurricane Believe it or not, people are making arrangements and putting in their vacation requests. One day does make a difference.
  14. I was just checking to see if the festival schedule has been updated and I noticed the date at the top of the page has changed a little. It says PIP is beginning on the 28th. Is this correct? I could swear it used to say the 27th. http://www.piratesinparadise.com/schedule/index.html For those planning on camping, This is taken from the website. 2009 Pirate Fest Schedule The 2009 dates for the Fort Festival portion of Pirates in Paradise is Dec. 3-6, 2009. Camps will be set up Dec. 1-3 and will need to break down by the end of the day on the 7th. The 2009 registration forms for participants and vendors will be available in the near future. We ask that you complete the form, print it out and mail it to the address on the form. Registration closes November 1, 2009. It is important to fill out and mail the forms as it allows participants to have insurance coverage in the event of a mishap.
  15. I shipped a few boxes of stuff to the Fort last year as well. With Harry retiring, it might be a good idea to find out who the new person taking over is and if it's still ok with them. It probably won't even be an issue but............................
  16. Thank you. Detail oriented or obsessive compulsive? Take your pick, LOL I lined up the pattern as best as I could. It's a little off in a few places but I'm happy it worked out. I just pray they fit. Get well soon Michael
  17. Happy Birthday Nell. I hope you have a wonderful day filled with enough love and laughter to last until next year. Love & Hugs
  18. Mooseworth, you might want to try a search in Captain Twill. There are several discussions regarding powder horns, bandoliers and cartridge boxes.
  19. Awww Dutchie. Great minds think alike
  20. snigger
  21. http://www.vasc.org/blackbeardpiratefestival.com/ here's the link to the grand ball tickets https://ss49.shared.server-system.net/%7Eva.../grandball.html
  22. I love nacho's day. OMG. hmmm, Lady Brower isn't too far. At least we're in the same state already :)
  23. Captains are never late. They arrive exactly when they are meant to Again, thank you all for the birthday wishes. Presents are nice but they don't mean half as much as you all do to me. I have the greatest gift I could ever ask for. My pirate family and friends. Love & hugs.
  24. Happy Birthday Mister Gage
  25. A very Happy Birthday to my almost birthday buddy.
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