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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. I hope you have a wonderful Birthday Yellowbeard!!!!
  2. If you leave him on his own, I'm SURE he would find something to roll in.
  3. I'm so glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read that.
  4. It could have been me, it should have been me..................................but darn it, it's not.
  5. I use one reed per channel.
  6. I have to admit that the binding is my least favorite part of making stays. But it's all finished. Yippeeeee!!!!! Using 1" light blue cotton twill tape, I placed the binding upside down on the stays and backstitched into place. Then I folded the binding over and brought it underneath to the back and whip stitched to finish.
  7. I talked to Syren a little while ago and she's doing pretty good. She says she is in a little bit of pain and is tired of being stuck by needles. She had the tests done last night but didn't have much to say other than her blood count is still a little low and seems to be fluctuating. They are keeping her another night and hoping that her blood count stabilizes. They are giving her solid foods now so that a good sign.
  8. I would love to see a pic of the elegant candle box?
  9. I just got off the phone with Syren and she says "Hello everyone". It looks like she'll be staying another night or so. Apparently she lost quite a bit of blood during surgery and with her low blood count such as it was, they are giving her a blood transfusion. She was on the first pint when we spoke getting ready for a second. They aren't quite sure if she is bleeding internally so they might have to do a second surgery. She is scheduled for more testing at 8pm. Let's hope her blood count stays high so that won't be necessary. She did sound very chipper and is craving a hamburger.
  10. Good Luck to you Rumba. I hope you have a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. I had the same surgery a few years ago, what a difference it has made. If you have any questions ask away.
  11. Oooo, I have a source for smelly socks.
  12. How about spraying it with a flat or matt spray polyurethane.
  13. Huzzah to Syren !!!!!
  14. I was a little surprised she answered the phone. I doubt she'll even remember I called. Try again in another couple of hours Willliam. She'll love to hear from you.
  15. I just got off the phone with a very groggy Syren. She says she hurtin' and is very tired from all the drugs. She also say's that she misses everyone. We only stayed on the phone a minute but it sure was good to talk to her.
  16. Your welcome Lady B. I'm also waiting to call till later this evening. I will certainly post anything I hear.
  17. I just got word from Syren's hubby. The surgery took about 3 hours and went very well. She felt a little nauseas during recovery so they gave her some meds that knocked her out again. They might release her from the hospital tomorrow evening. Here is a direct line to Syren's room. 512 341 1126
  18. Cotton twill tape is what I used the bind the edges of my stays. You can see it pretty clearly in this pic. Other materials can be used instead of twill tape. As Kate suggested, you can make your own using the leftover fabric. Did that answer your question?
  19. Well, I haven't heard from Syren's hubby yet but I did call the hospital again. Syren is out of surgery and in her room resting comfortably. She is in Round Rock Medical Center 2400 Round Rock Avenue Round Rock, TX 78681 1 512 341 1000 Room # 126
  20. Red Jessi, what terms are you having trouble with?
  21. I think you're right Silkie. Can I please get through a pair of stays without having to remove the straps. This time was a little better. I only had to do a partial removal and it only took a few minutes to fix. Hopefully the mailman will be here soon and I can start working on the binding.
  22. I just tried calling the Hospital. There is no room information for Syren yet so she is either still in surgery or in recovery. I hope to hear from her hubby soon.
  23. fingers, damn it, fingers....................................
  24. Most definitely a 1am typo . Oh sure, I work my finders to the bone and you pick on my typing. sniff. Love ya too Silkie.
  25. hehe. Yes, there is a wood busc in my blue ones. It's in a pocket sewn to the interlining under the lining. I'm tempted to remove it.
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