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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. Edward has the Concord in smooth leather and I just got a pair of the Concord in the rough.
  2. I have the Connie in black. I got a half size larger than my street shoe to allow for extra room for insoles. You will need insoles. The shoe itself is very comfortable and molds to fit the shape of your foot very quickly. You would never know they were straight lasted shoes, unless you're staring at my feet. I think several people have gotten the Barbara but don't quote me on that one.
  3. There is a paragraph in the Ashley book on needle hitching. pg 561 # 3544. With two similar stitches #3545 & 3546. As much as I love the Ashley book. I think the description and illustration is better in Marlinspike Sailor If you like, I will type out the entire paragraph for you.
  4. My dearest Willie, Woof, sniff, woof I bet you're having a lot more fun chasing the ball than I am. Daddy finally took me outside to play but with all the snow it was a little hard to find the bloody thing. Then daddy started throwing snowballs for me to chase but as soon as they landed, they kept disappearing. That wasn't much fun at all. I don't mind the cold too much but this snow is getting pretty deep. When we were done, mommy had to pick the snow chunks out of my fur that got stuck to my belly. That wasn't all that pleasant. I can't wait until I can play in the grass again. Say hi to Getty for me and give that ball a good long squeak. Your buddy, Sophie
  5. That was hysterical. I agree with Mary. Stynky on tryal at PIP 09.
  6. Geez Michael, I found a reference in book. Who peed in your cornflakes. :) You and Jessica should be proud. The passage I quoted was an attempt to answer Lady B's questions.
  7. I came across this reference in "Corsets and Crinolines"; Nora Waugh; pg 41. Top of page, first paragraph. "By the middle of the eighteenth century the technical skill of the staymaker had reached a very high standard. Besides the whalebones inserted in the body of the bodice and the separate center front busc bone, there were now extra shaping bones arranged inside the stays (baleines de dressage); two or more curved pieces, of heavier whalebone, were laid across the top part of the front to give roundness to the bust, and straight pieces across the shoulder blades to keep the back flat. The direction of the boning varied, but it was always laid diagonally on the sides of the front to narrow the body. Throughout the whole period the stays were made either fully boned or half-boned. When fully boned the bones were laid close together and might be as narrow as an eighth of an inch in width. When it is remembered that all the stitching was back-stitched done by hand, and all the whalebone had to be cut in strips-the thickness varying according to its position on the body-one cannot but admire the craftsmanship of these eighteenth -century corsets.
  8. Please, oh please, can we play again......................................
  9. Better yet, maybe I'll chew on the cat Captain Boo doesn't look too happy about it though.
  10. See what I am reduced to playing with. Daddy's smelly socks.
  11. I came across these three little books that have been a life saver for me. Easy to read and the descriptions are very easy to understand. http://wmboothdraper.com/ The Lady's Guide to Plain Sewing Book I This is a modern reference book for hand sewing basic stitches and starting a sewing basket. Stitches and techniques include proper sewing position, spaced back-stitch, plain hem, rolled hem, open-work hem, felled seam, French seam, plain or running gathers, whipped gathers, button-holes, eyelets using a stiletto, thread (Dorset) buttons using a button stick and tapestry needle, and an 18th century cross stitch alphabet. A valuable addition to any sewing kit! 32 pages. 8 1/2" × 5 1/2" $12.00 The Lady's Guide to Plain Sewing Book II A second volume of the reference book for authentic hand sewing of historical garments and household items, containing additional stitches and seam techniques, gather attachments, making cloth covered buttons using button molds, making thread button using brass rings, gussets and re-enforcements, cord making with a lucet, and an additional 18th century alphabet for cross stitching. Excellent resource for the advanced hand sewer. 32 pages. 8 1/2" × 5 1/2" $12.00 The Workman's Guide to Plain Sewing Tailoring Stitches and Techniques The third in the sewing book series covers numerous tailoring stitches, seam techniques and great finishing touches! Included are tailor's trade and tools, tailor's tack, stay stitching, stay tapes, prickstitch with several variations, bar tacks, attaching buttons, hooks and eyes, and detailed instructions on 18th century style welt and flap pockets. A "must have" addition to your sewing book collection! 32 pages. 8 1/2" × 5 1/2" $12.00
  12. My apologies Captain, tis not what I meant, only that I have used the rope and am speaking for myself. Here is a couple of pics showing the difference. RH on left, Hemp Traders on right A little blurry but...............
  13. *Duplicate post
  14. I do my fair share of rope work in our household and I have to say that RH hemp is very coarse & grainy. Not too mention pricey. I would recommend Hemp Traders. The quality of their product is outstanding. It's a more refined hemp product which makes it wonderful to work with and it looks great. I have been using it for all of the lanyards for the sea bags, ditty bags, beckets and I can't forget to mention our tent ropes. It truly is wonderful to work. Customer service is great and their prices are reasonable. http://www.hemptraders.com/ ps. Hello Bloody Jack Madd. Please pm me if you have any other questions.
  15. Just believe me, that is Liberte. I will go no further in my comments.
  16. Oh goody I can answer a couple more questions. 1) His name is Josh and he is a Boney. 2) That is Tiger Lee 3) Not a clue 4) Her name is Liberte Sparrow.
  17. In case anyone is interested, there is a sale going on from Fugawee. It's not listed on the website but from Jan 5th through Feb 20, all shoes and boots (in stock only) are 20% off. The brocade shoes are not included. I tried, lol http://www.fugawee.com/
  18. Oh Mary, you almost made me spew my drink all over the keyboard. Captain Boo (the cat) is definitely Sophie's most favorite chew toy. I don't think Boo minds all that much. In a twisted sweet sort of way, I think she rather enjoys it. She could run away, but nooooooooooooo, she just lays there and let's her do it. I need to get a video of it.
  19. hehe. Now that Willie isn't around to play with, I have a very wet cat once again.
  20. Thanks Nell. I knew his name was Spanish sounding.
  21. I think I can answer some of your questions. 1) He is one of the Boney's. I can't seem to remember his name but he plays guitar. Fayma can tell you who he is. 2) Robin and Leatherback are not a couple. You are just confused, lol 3) That is Morgan from the Sacred Heart Crew. 4) Diosa answered the last one. Hope that helps some.
  22. Thanks Silkie. I've been around just trying to stay out of trouble, lol I'm sort of sorry we had her fixed. They would have had gorgeous puppies.
  23. "Woof" To my dearest Willie, I keep looking out the window hoping to see you out there waiting for me to play ball. It's just not the same here. Mom keeps yammering on about how cold it is outside and all the snow on the ground. But I'm sure we would have a blast playing in it. Playing ball in the house is just no fun, especially without you. But she tries or I just drop the ball on her head. I hope we can get together again soon. I miss you so much. Regards to Getty With love, Sophie
  24. I'm sure the Callahan's took plenty of pics MD. They should be up soon.
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