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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. William, please add Greg to the Archangel camp.
  2. It looks like my brother in law may be joining us this year. woohoo. He came down to the Baltimore Pirate Invasion and was so impressed by the living history camp, he's thinking about giving piracy a try.
  3. Happy Birthday Mary. Hope you have a great day and a wonderful new year.
  4. That is true. Besides, Grace wouldn't make me sleep in the bath tub anyway
  5. Oooo, I can have the bathtub. How can I pass up that offer
  6. Just looking at the vendor list and I'm drooling. I wish I could go.
  7. Has anyone else received pm spam from angelikzusa?
  8. A special thanks to Duncan McGuyver and the Crew of the Vigilant for hosting a wonderful event. The sea battle was awesome and I had a great time playing games with everyone. Thank you for letting us share a patch of land with you all. Looking forward to seeing you again soon.
  9. Don't worry I'll catch ya
  10. *Lily snuggles her fuzzy friend* I really do miss your whiskers
  11. Welcome to the pub. That is a beautiful cooler box.
  12. Your welcome darlin'
  13. My dear fuzzy friend, the complete list is on the first page of this thread
  14. Happy Birthday Iron Jon!!!!!!! Looking forward to seeing you and Paula again this year.
  15. Awww, he is adorable.
  16. That's a wonderful name MD. Congratulations to you and your family. Many blessings to you all.
  17. Welcome to the pub Mister McLaren.
  18. That's awesome William. We might break a hundred yet. Woohoo.
  19. *Lily stll waiting patiently for puppy picks.*
  20. I suppose I can wait, if I have to........................
  21. Lily waits patiently, arms crossed tapping foot.........................
  22. Good to have you back Jim. I'm glad you are ok. Two lab puppies??? They must be a riot. You owe your wife big time.
  23. My thoughts and prayers to you and your family. Big Hugs
  24. Happy Easter All. I think Phoebe and Sophie have a lot in common . Since I posted her bunny ears pic in the pet thread I won't post it again here.
  25. Morgan, I believe I'm safe in saying that your pirate family truly appreciates the work you do in your photography and in the efforts you made in your video for us all to enjoy. Thank you for all the work you do for us. I loved the video. Especially Nigel going at warp chipmunk speed. I thought that was great.
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