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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. LMAO! Oh aye! Where else can ye say ye danced with Grant, Custer, a Roman, a Pirate and a Nazi all in one room at one place? LOL ~Lady B
  2. I'm hangin' in there, lass. Good t' see ye here on th' Pub. Oh, do swing by the Crow's Nest and intro yo'rself. :) We'll give ye a proper welcome. Hehehe... And I think ye nailed it on th' spot there, m'dear. :) I've had t' do that to a couple pairs. Careful work but can be done and does work. ~Lady B
  3. Yo'r being what again? I like yo'r way o' thinkin', Sterling. Hell, if I like it, I'd keep it. And what old furniture I had that broke or don't want, the broken would be used fo' firewood an' the good, usable yet no longer wanted would be... sold, to some sort of means. Hell, I still have to look at Campaign furniture anyway for Rev War though. :::groans::: it's a hell of a process. I hate the canvas knockups. ~Lady B
  4. damn you, Rats! :) Anyways, ye make th' event, will attempt to make it. Damnit now this means I need to make a Steampunk outfit. I've one in mind, just haven't gotten that far as to come close to making it. ~Lady B
  5. GEVANNIA!!! :::pounce::: good t' see ye here, lass! Anyways, fine breeches ye have there. I be tempted, but no coinage at th' moment. M' nephew be needin' something. Will pass this along to some others who I think may be in th' market fo' new breeches. Mickey, I wouldn't see any reason why it wouldn't be possible t' dart them or alter them. ~Lady B
  6. Lemme do some checking around to see who can help. Sleepy Hollow attire is more around the timeline of the 1790. Plus depends upon how much ye are willing to pay for the outfits. Again, lemme do some checking around to see who to connect with and who's recommended. ~Lady B
  7. Hmm... not sure about Jack, Will and Gibbs, But I think Morgan and Barbossa would be at a stalemate. ~Lady B
  8. Hehehe, tis ok, Seika. :) We'll have pictures and a report... as always. We'll party fo' ye. And snow is the least of it. I recall '07 was SUPER COLD to th' point ye immediately walk outside and ye freeze! Even if ye were fully covered! Bloody temp had to be -25 give or take a couple degrees. But, aye, it's tons of fun and educational. Masses of Living Historians. ~Lady B
  9. ::: drops and bows before th' Goddess Cheeky:::: You rock! ~Lady B
  10. Will keep ye posted on this storm, Hester. Looks like this is the same one that will be hitting the both of us. I've a BAD feeling about this storm. Bo, stay well down there, too. Got yo'r period lanterns and all out? I tell ye, mine saved me in the past and they are SO much fun to have available in a storm. ~Lady B
  11. LOL... that's hilarious, duch. :) Oh, to be a fly on the wall at that moment. Great stories all, keep the stories coming. ~Lady B
  12. LOL.... Oh? :::Attempts to act all innocent and stupid::: and why not, Patrick. :::bats eyes naively::: Oh, and BTW, Patrick.... thanks. Yo'r storm is headin' m' way. Getting that storm tomorrow, Ice storm BEFORE th' snow. Oh, snow I don't mind... it's the ice that's th' worst! I'd take snow over ice any day. I'll be hunkerin' down for the next couple of days. Aye, Ransom.... wish I still had a fireplace to where I can warm up to when the snow is fallin' and it's cold outside. ~Lady B
  13. LOL.... Sterling, I wish I had a larger tent. A marquis most likely to house some folks, a couple more cots, and the slew of chests and trunks, etc. All I have is a 6 by 7 by 6 Rev War style bell back. It's getting too small. But standard for the portrayal. These smaller tents haven't the room to hold campaign furniture. Mine can hold the cot and a couple of the chests with the rugs down, but that be it. The rest of my chests and trunks remain outside and hope at least that it doesn't rain. Gotta see about getting a smaller rainproof canvas to drape over the chests. I know I'd fancy a large waterproof canvas fly where campaign furniture can sit comfortably under (chairs, tables, etc) and be out of the sun and rain. I'd most definitely would love to make some of my current furniture transportable/collapsable cause they would work for period pieces. ~Lady B
  14. LMAO!!! Oh, come now. Sterling's tent is not all that bad. LOL... I've seen worse. Both larger tents with more stuff in it and looking like an F5 tornado went through it. ~Lady B
  15. Hehehehe... Oooo... I LOVE this idea, Bo! And what a hell of a story, too. That's awesome. Welp, I've many. But will start with my second event. I joined Lee's Legion and was attempting to learn the ropes. I went out onto the battlefield to "molly". At nigh the end of the battle, where I was next to a tree to keep m'self out of the line of fire, I ran out to help a few gents who went down, doing the "molly" stuff, when the line retreated and there I was between the Brits and the retreating Continentals. Urged to retreat as well, I finally attempted it but tripped upon my petticoat and fell. Well, I remained down as though I were shot dead. I could hear the Brits advancing as they mock bayoneted the fallen Continentals. I was spared, luckily. Now at the end of the battle as I was coming off the field and to the Legion camp, a mom with her son walked up and assured the little boy I was still alive. The mom told me that he was VERY scared for me when I fell dead upon the field. But I assured him, by the grace of God that he saved me, kept me alive so I can help the men of the Continental Army with their cause. I assured him I was alive and well. He felt better to know I was alive. That was one of the Rev War ones. Another is while at Cantigny War Memorial Park in Wheaton, Illinois for an NWTA event. During one battle, I was on the field as a Dragoon, firing away at the Queen's Rangers (hehehe, a unit Mr Bellows is in I do believe, ironic, isn't it?).... and my commander leans over to me "You die on the next volley". My reply? "What!?!??!?" with a stunned looked. But that didn't come as we got up and advanced. But during that advance I fell anyway. Couldn't get out of it. But a moment later another of the Dragoons that fell, came up to me "Come on! We have to catch up!" so, he helped me up. Arm and arm, we both hobbled to catch up with the line but I fell pretending to be too wounded to move on. "I can't do it. Go on without me. Go get those redcoats for me." says I, his reply "I shall" and there I lay, urging my Dragoon comrade on as he hobbled to catch up to the line. Those specators watching got a good laugh watching the two of us. More to come in due time. ~Lady B
  16. Nay, no need to have yo'r head looked at. Just means ye enjoy what ye love doin' most.... making period pieces. ~Lady B
  17. You have what you need to get the job done, Lady B! Jim Aye, thank ye, capnwilliam. Indeed they intimidate more than they are properly used with a bang an' clang. That Potters Dragoon saber is a heavy SoB. Alas, I didn't put in there m' other knife and th' two tomahawks (one that functions and I've used a few times the other is purely a wall mount decoration). Oh, and there is a cheap wall mount highly decorated sword that I don't use any more. Some of Matt's creations are rather wicked and have been catching my eyes. ~Lady B
  18. Ooooooo... THAT is a hell of a nice sword, Matt. So, dare I ask how much? ~Lady B
  19. Oh, aye, Dutch. Flea markets, second hand and thrift stores, etc... I've found a few things that way already, including that bowback chair with the brace... for $3. Keep yo'r eyes open, ye'll find something. I've seen on occassion some furniture that looks poorly cared for but with a little help can be fantastic Colonial furnature. Or even left as is for that weathered look. LMAO! Bo... I swear, dude! :) Tis a long standing hilarity in Lee's Legion, the more stuff you need, you get. Unfortunately, causes you to get a bigger vehicle. Ye know yo'r in trouble when ye get a trailer, a BIG one. But ye have t' admit, that's the way to go since all ye do the majority of the time is hitch up and roll out! :::Clears throat and in Optimus Prime's voice:::: Shipmates... ROLL OUT! Hehehe Sterling... LMAO! They be tellin' ye to get more stuff and a bigger tent! Can ye believe that? ROTDLMAO!!!! ~Lady B
  20. WOOHOO!!! Cheeky, I love ya, lass! Thank ye fo' th' schedule. Already I see quite a it of seminars I want to attend. :) Thank ye, lass. Looking forward to this event with great anticipation. And hopefully some money to shop, too. Oh, do I need a few things. Hehehehe. And to anyone out there, if they are wanting and willing, I have a room reserved but thus far it's only me in this room. So, rooming with me is an option. Now... back to the ball gown to finish it up in time for the Grand Ball. ~Lady B
  21. Ye be most welcome. Good to hear he's home safe. After hearing about that multi-semi pile up today on the interstate... just increased m' prayers fo' ol' Chainshot. :) ~Lady B
  22. Wanting to trade a fairly good sized bundle of 1mm round reeding for a fair decent sized bundle of 7mm flat reeding to be used for boning in stays. If interested, please message me. ~Lady B
  23. Awww... tis sweet William's Bday. :) Oh, aye, tis major cause fo' celebration! Rum cake for all, rum galore, multi-cannon salute, etc.... Again, Happy Birthday to ye, Will. ~Lady B
  24. Prayers Chain Shot reaches home safe an' sound, Ransom. Had a multi-semi pile up on I-80 near Iowa City this afternoon. Blocked traffic both ways for at least a couple hours. ~Lady B
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