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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Happy belated Bday to ye, Christine. ~Lady B
  2. LMAO! I know what ye be meanin', Bo... but I still can't help but thinkin' North and South Pole Explorer and traveler in between those poles, mainly th' Tropics. An' th' improvement.... would be a big vessel with LOTS of cannons and an empty hold in need of filling. ~Lady B
  3. More MN pirates?!??!? Bloody hell.... Welcome to th' Pub, Raymond. Ye be in good company here. I don't know about River Pirates in MN however, there be PLENTY o' pirates in MN. A good number of them here on th' Pub. So many of ye... ye can make a damn fine crew, too! Come on in... sit... and ye buy us a round o' drink, my good man. At the moment, gimme some Pirate's Choice Molasses Reef Rum please. I'm in that mood t'day fo' some rum. ~Lady B
  4. Most images I've seen look like a running stitch with strong linen thread. At least for the boning slats. I admit, I cheat with my stays and use a machine. I dare not allow folks really to see my undergarments. Tis not ladylike. ~Lady B
  5. Ooo... cannot wait t' see the new petticoat, Sterling. Shall we see it at RF5? Hmm? I LOVE doing petticoats. Oh, speaking of .... which term do ye prefer t' use? Petticoat? or Jupe? I've heard of both being the same and yet I've heard of both being different? I haven't seen much of a clarification of what the difference is between the jupe and the petticoat. Or is there one? What jupes I've seen are always seen and rather decorated or the nicer of the skirtings. But I have seen some label a decorated skirting as a petticoat, too. And yet a petticoat labeled as an underskirt somewhat like a slip of sorts. Confused yet? And Sarah be more than well worth th' possessions she be showed with. ~Lady B
  6. Tidings of the 18th Century also has a fabulous diagram on the french seam as well as various other seams and stitches. Thank ye for th' pattern image, Sterling. The only thing I didn't care much for in the shift is the neckline. drawstring necklines and I do NOT get along. I do like the idea of the sleeve buttoned though. Would make better since than a draw string. Will have to try that on my next chemise. There are a couple variations of chemises out there, so the lace is not required. Just a little added decoration if wanted (if ye had the money or the talent to make yo'r own lace or tatting). ~Lady B
  7. :::whimpers::: Ehhh, will have to wait for that pair of boots. ::Le sigh;:: Brocade shoes? oh, now who wouldn't want a pair of fine an' fancy shoes? Hell, I had hoped I'd have a pair fo RF5. But, not able to. Not yet at least. Maybe next year. :) Thanks for th' heads up though. ~Lady B
  8. Fantastic graphic there, Sterling. :::applauds::: Patrick, ye were mighty clear. I think mostly what I've seen was on the inside. However, I think it can work on the outside or in some hidden part of the garment. I incorporated this on a shirt of mine. It's on the inside but makes for a nice seam. Apparently a shirt in Costume Close-Up is like that. And likewise I did this method with a pair of under drawers (which is now being repaired). From images seen, I haven't seen much of this in garments but seen most in under garments. ~Lady B
  9. Alas I missed the broadcast. Bugger. Oh, well. But shall look forward to th' fun of RF5 in a month. :::runs back to the gown; rushing to finish it::: ~Lady B
  10. Ooo... can't wait t' see th' new attire at RF5, Kate. :) WOO HOO for new attire! :::Does a snoopy dance::: Eris... not many places out there that are quality 18th c clothiers will have a gown for under $200. If ye have no particulars, eBay does have some outfits from a couple eras out there that could be close enough to piracy for th Ball. As to a pirate ball, not sure. Not been to one yet. I have at least one person wanting me to attend a Pirate Ball in Missouri at the end of February. Not sure if that will happen. If I do, might either wear my gown (if I have it finished in time) or some fancy piratey outfit of mine like the crimson velvet outfit. ~Lady B
  11. :::: doing the 'AristoCats' butler's jig:::: Ooooo, I'm SOOOOO excited!!! ::Stops suddenly a la Jim Carrey like::: Uuuuggghhh... :::Worried::: I hope I can get this bleedin' gown done in time. :::Worried moreso::: Thanks fo' th' info, Cheeky. Will try and listen to Bilgemunky Radio. Been a while. Awww.. Bo. Yo'r not coming up t' play with us kiddies? :::pouts and sniffles::: ~Lady B
  12. Awww.. yo'r lad is a cutie, Bo. Right handsome wee lad he be. Breakin' th' hearts of th' lasses he will when he grows older. ::Le sigh; tears in her eyes::: they grow up so fast. LOL.... Roberts... at first I though that t'was MA d'Dogge. But fantastic nonetheless. Ye live up to th' standard I've seen with other pirates vs Star Wars Characters. I don't know, Cheeky... been there, done that... even against Darth Vader at one 'event' if ye call it that... with a Jack Sparrow present... and the kiddies flocked to Jack and us pirates, even begging Jack to protect them from Vader. 4 pirates against a dozen Imperials... we beat them. Even know some who fought against Jedi with the lightsabers.... Pirates still won. Hell, what can I say... Pirates have th' Touch. ~Lady B
  13. BASTIAN!!!! :) Good t' see ye here. Now... where th' devil did th' other Frenchy run off to? Hmm? Twisted I may be, but I prefer a Frenchy over a Spaniard any day. Eager t' hear more of his silken words an' charm. ~Lady B
  14. Happy Birthday to ye, Chain Shot! May it be an incredibly blessed on... and better yet.... DRY!!! ~Lady B
  15. Oooo.... fantastic site, Michael. Thank ye. And thank ye again, for they have the fabric used for tElizabeth's Gold Ceremoney Gold in the first PotC movie. I know some people looking for that still. And LOVE th' stays, Kate! Absolutely lovely, lass. :) Making them for RF5? ~Lady B
  16. Absolutely brilliant, Michael. Fine job there. Aye, the one pattern I have from JP Ryan said it's best to make a card stock mock up first to get a better idea of what needs adjusting, etc. Keep up th' good work, mate. ~Lady B
  17. A Happy New Year to ye all! Hope ye enjoyed this fine day. I did. Now, I must apologize to any South Carolina fans out there... but... PPPHHHFFFFTTTTSSTT!!!! HA!!! WE WON!!! Hawks wooped ye! :::does a happy jig:::: As many times as the Hawks have been to the Buccaneer's home stadium... I think those cannons need to be resounding for us, too! Here's to a better year for us all. Here's to 2009! Huzzah! ~Lady B
  18. Aye, O'Hare my be yo'r better bet. I definitely not recomment Midway. LOL WOOHOO!!! Can't wait, Cheeky! BTW, love th' signature girl! It's awesome. ~Lady B
  19. Hmm... Dr Who, ye say? Ahhh... I do indeed recall at least one episode that does use pirates. Alas, I'm horrid with writin' articles. ~Lady B
  20. :::chokes::: Umm.... let's NOT! Here's t' all of ye fantastic Pub mates! :::hoists tankard:::: Good riddence t' 2008 an' here's t' a fabulous and mighty agreeable 2009 with all the hopes, dreams and promises, etc... everythin' comes true and things be a bit easier than they were in 2008. A happy New Year to all m' Pub Mates! Huzzah! ~Lady B
  21. Kenneth, that's mighty amazin' with makin' that. Kudos to ye. And ye look darn good, too. Silas, Lady Constance... ye both look fabulous. :) Fine images of ye all! M' compliments. ~Lady B
  22. For Simplicity pattern 3809... :::: shrugs:: Tis not common to see something like that in the 18th c that I'm aware of. Colonial Williamsburg may have some info on jumps similiar to that. Any other time period of Piracy... I wouldn't have a clue. However, if sleeves were added to this pattern, then yes, it would be a start towards PC. There are a couple places out there that show engravings of such bodice jackets and even a couple surviving pieces. Beware, though. It appears the cut and look of them variety by providence and even decade/timeframe. At least that's what I've seen of the few pieces at museums showcased online. :::Looks at the others::: Anyone else know? ~Lady B
  23. :::Raises hand:: Dogge... here be one ye can always have a swordfight with at events. Bad habits on th' field? Well, if someone's fightin' with a rapier and I've m' long, masive, behemoth of a saber that weighs a ton... I'm not fightin' rapier style with it. I've already tried it.. LOL, it don't work. Ye have NO idea how much I am still building my muscles up just t' use it. At the moment, I acts more like a broadsword but it's a tough time holdin' up against a broadsword. A cutlass, aye, m' saber can hold up to a cutlass. I've begun t' learn what to use and what not t' use. And if out matched in swords and th' sword.... GO FOR TH' PISTOL!!! ~Lady B
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