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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. M' dear, Cheeky... if only the TARDIS was real. I'd be right there with ye headin' back and grabbing all that finery! :) Ummm... Stynky.... life preserver? What's that? Tis not PC. :angry: :::Tosses ye a plank::: next best thing I suppose. And when ye reach shore, ye can surf! I'd say hang ten, but... ::: and hears ten gents gasp, scurry and run away:::: eh, yeah... see what I mean? ~Lady B
  2. Oh, aye! The Daleks and the Cybermen. Old enemies that look just like you remember them but with minor upgrades that one barely notices. It's fantastic. Yes, David Tennant is a fantastic Doctor. Will be sad to see him go. Hell, I just may cry when he regenerates into the 11th Doctor. Eager to see the next Season of Dr Who. (since it takes so long to get here, alas, BBC America is not available here. Annoying it is, BBC has better shows than ABC, NBC and CBS combined!) Amazing how long Dr Who has been around (even with the hiatus). ~Lady B
  3. Ooo... very lovely, Cheeky. Can't wait t' see pics of it on ye. ~Lady B
  4. Hmmm.. makes one think an' wonder... a lass in Gent's breeches wearin' that and some fine linen shirt or chemise with silk stockin's an' fine period shoes? Oooo.. damnit! There ye gents go... findin' awesome stuff t' take a lady's mind away to thoughts of wild dressing! ~Lady B
  5. LOL... been tryin' to! three-fourths of it I purchased a few years back for Rev War. Now, most of them were given to me. Except for th' brass goblets... I couldn't pass those up for a $1. No, not each... for both! I'm not kiddin' when I say I can supply a tavern... or even a whole ship or army. Nice image, Ransom. Lovely tankard an' handsom gent. :::looks over at Dogge::: Yyeeeaaaaaaahhhh. We KNOW ye'd LOVE t' handle. ~Lady B
  6. Oy! Roberts... think ye can send me some images to me of that sleeved waistcoat? Please? :) ~Lady B
  7. :::GASP!!!:::::: I WANT!!!!! Ok... Thank ye, Sterling. Been looking for images like that around. Damnit. Where th' hell do ye find this stuff? Gonna have t' designate ye as Official Researcher. :::Gawking and drooling::: Ok, now I know what my next outfits will look like. ooo, I'm a bit curious... about the shirt and the underdrawers... most interesting. Buttoned underdrawers at the knee yet the shirt is two button holes but no buttons. Or am I wrong on that observation? Every single one of those buttons are cloth covered and some embroidered on, aren't they? Ooooo... Ooo... finding more and more! See.. see in that one close up of th' red coat? Only four button holes!!! Isn't that amazing! Think ye can send me piccies of those, Sterling? Or at least the link? Do ye have more? ~Lady B
  8. Wow... the first batch look more like block printing! Amazing work there. The pockets... Ooooo, I'm drooling over. ~Lady B
  9. :::Whimpers;;:: Wish I could afford at least one of the Sarah Junipers. Oh, well. They look like fabulous shoes. Look more like th' real ones ye see from the museum images. Alas, Godwin doesn't have many images up of their footwear. Aye, I can again vouch for th' shoes that Mary Diamond be selling! They are THE perfect shoes to purchase, not only for a money pinch (you can get two or three for the price of one Fugawee) but if you don't want to ruin your $100 pair. Example, an inch or so of rainwater on nice leather shoes. Need I say more? ~Lady B
  10. Coolies. Shall indeed watch it. Thank ye. :) ~Lady B
  11. Should head to bed. Been feeling horrid since yesterday. Checked on WebMD and eMedicine. Found my symptoms are Dizziness. Meaning I have all this: dizzy, tired, headache and head pressure, blurred vision, cotton mouth, ears itiching and pressure, chest congestion and discomfort, nausea, extremities tingling & weakness, clumsiness, loss of appetite... Yeah, I'll watch myself. Hope I don't have to go to the hospital though. Can't really afford to either way. OK... off to bed... to rest. ~Lady B
  12. Trying to catch some of the latest episodes. What few I've seen, I love it! David Tennant is the current Doctor (10th Doctor, can ye believe it?) and he's FABULOUS! But, he's giving up the title of Time Lord soon... unfortunately. At least that's what I'm gathering. Luckily, Iowa Public TV has both the old AND the new Dr Who episodes on Saturday night. But I have to say, Mr Tennant is swiftly becoming my fav! :) Young, sprighly,... lots like Tom Baker's wit mixed with Peter Davison's youth. But Tennant brings a whole new vibrancy to the Doctor. Apparently LOTS of surprizes since the series resurrection. Trying to hunt down some episodes. But I REALLY like Tennant. Too good, too hilarious, too charming... absolutely perfect! Saw a couple episodes with Eggleston (not sure if i spelt that right). But liking Tennant better. Shall be interesting to see what it will be like with the next Doctor. Hopefully ye can find some local station what airs DW. Ooo... coolies, Hester! Will have to take a look. I like Paul McGann nonetheless. Mostly his dress style was awsome and I liked the look. Long story, kinda envisioned one of the versions to look like that. Sure enough... he did! Weird. :) ~Lady B
  13. By any chance be there any Doctor Who fans out there? Curious if any of ye have kept up with the latest episodes. ~Lady B
  14. Oh my bloody God! Ye want t' see 'em? Are ye bleedin' insane?!??!? I've too many t' show pics of. An' I'm not kiddin'! I'ved used a 32+ ceramic tankard from Colonial Williamsurg, a pewter tankard (gift from Sea Rover an' Red Bess, thank ye both still ::: hugs::: ), more ceramic tankards (that match my plates and bowls) wood 'glass', glass glasses... now I have wood goblets, brass goblets, two new copper tankards, and TONS of bottles. I swear... I could suply a tavern EASILY! But the pewter tankard and the massive 32+ ceramic Williamsburg tankard are my favs. I dare not walk around with the others. ~Lady B
  15. Ahh, Will. Indeed ye are in thoughts and prayers. Can relate in some manner and sorts. But, perhaps out of such a loss the family will realize how toxic is have become and will make that path towards healing to be a family again. Shall keep ye and yo'r family in our prayers. ~Lady B
  16. The NWTA will gain national exposure this Sunday evening Jan. 25 9pmET and the rest of the coming week with the latest episode of When Weather Changed History, Washington's Weather. Don't forget to watch the members of the NWTA as they do what they do best... bring the Rev War to life! Bernard Kazwick is portraying General Washington and those who are attending Reenactor Fest 5 will see him there. So please, stop by and say Hello to him as well as other members of the NWTA for their fine portrayals. You can also view parts or the full episode on Weather.com. http://www.weather.com/multimedia/videopla...changed-history ~Lady B
  17. :::nearly chokes on drink::: OMG, Stynky... that's... umm... wow... borderline cool and spooky. :) Oooo... fabulous outfit, Cheeky. LOVE th' hair, lass! :) ~Lady B
  18. I don't recall the exact times of the series. Been searching for when it's on when watching TV. It was on this week. This week epis was about Pirate Treasure. Anyone see it? ~Lady B
  19. Had one up already but it disappeared when it was attempted to be moved. Anyways... who all be attendin'? I understand the Archangel 'll be out east at Blackbeards. Awww... :::Cries::: ye guys 'll be missed. Anyone hear of the noon scenario? Any other info on what's being planned? TJ hasn't mentioned much, sounds like lots in the works but nothing's being said. Anyone up for some interactive scenarios? ~Lady B
  20. Why thank ye, sir. :::Toasts to you::: To Joe Pyrat! An' important things ... Aye! :::another toast::: ~Lady B
  21. Bllody hell! What am I doin'? Get in here an' I'm all distracted with th' talk o' attire and items. Welcome to th' Pub, missy. Glad ye found us. I'm sure we can answer all yo'r questions and assist ye with what needs ye have. Great lot here. Usual tradition is t' buy a round o' drinks for all. But, I'll pass tis eve on a drink. I'll take a raincheck though. ~Lady B
  22. OMG! Bo! Give us a massive fright! Good God man! Praises be that ye be alive! Prayers ye heal fast and health restored to ye. Again, Good God, man! I'm sure hugs would NOT feel good right now, aye? Lucky man indeed. Now ye folks know why I cringe at the mere mention or sight of ICE. Nasty stuff it is. Rest up and take care of yo'rself, Bo. ~Lady B
  23. :::Swiftly covers up mouth to muffle laugh:::: Cheeky, m'dear... maybe ye can dance with Mr Kazwick at RF5 in my place. :) Brit Officer... even recently portrayed Gen Washington for the Weather Channel serious When Weather Changed History (which will air for the first time this Sunday night). :) T'won't be a waste makin' th' gown if ye be wearin' it an' dancin' with a General! ~Lady B
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