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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Tess... blonde? I thought Tess was a fine, lovely Brunette? http://members.tripod.com/~DeeDee_Revia/fontange.html Instead... this is Tess? Hehehe... Captain, Captain, Captain... :) ~Lady B
  2. Girl... I just may have to commission you to make me a pair of stays. :) The ones I was working on a couple years ago... found them again and they are all screwed up! Apparently for a smaller body that does NOT fit mine. :) I'm not all that good with the stays. Can't wait to see the stays ye be working on. And always intregued with the updates. ~Lady B
  3. :::Raises hand::: I was one of them lasses sold t' slavery, m' dear Syren. I know how it be. Slave t' a Persian's Harem, to th' Wife an' Mum actually! Pain it was but survived it. Got lucky actually. Get in good with th' Mum, it saves ye from anything. Nay, I don't intend fo' lasses and lads t' be sold in that manner to those sort o' folks. :::shakes head an' cringes::: Think of me as a mail order Bride and BrideGroom service. And those sold for servitude... I ensure they be given good treatment. Otherwise, I go in an' "deal" with th' Master. Oh, come now, Sterling. They are not all THAT bad nor ugly. If worn right an' proper, then they are mighty lovely. That one at the Met is lovely. I like how that sits and displays. ~Lady B
  4. Aye, the movie sucked but the outfits were fabulous! Tis a right nice vest. Lucky ye. :) ~Lady B
  5. Aye, Mr Bones. Th' Pub indeed is a right nice spot for we folks of th' sea. Why thank ye for th' drinks, sir! Ye be a good man. Do enjoy th' Pub... plenty here fo' ye. An' eager t' learn from ye what ye know. ~Lady B
  6. Poor Silkie. Gotta get ye some good clothes. Lily... fabulous work, lass. Absolutely fabulous. I'd say I'm envious an' jealous.. but, I'm not all that keen in makin' another pair of stays. ~Lady B
  7. Fontage... birth control? Haha, I hardly think it would deter a gent from enjoyin' a woman. Unless it be pokin' straight out into their eyes or used as a "belt". Clever? Awww, Now ye done made me blush, deary. :) T'would be interesting. Course... they may mistake ye for th' Captain an' hang ye instead! Wouldn't want that. Oh, come now, Syren! Wench auction? As long as Sparrow keeps his grubby paws off th' girls... they fetch a good price. Especially them Persians an' th' sort. They always be needin' Harem slaves. Or someone fo' a Gentleman's Plantation.
  8. Very nice piccie, PyrateLeather. I'm droolin' over th' pistol. Hehehe, tis a nice pisol. May have t' sequester Barbossa (greg) t' obtain it fo' me. Hehehe... Tis a very nice hat, Sam. Right nice on ye. ~Lady B
  9. Hehehe... AYE! Well, tis the hope that I can make it. Would be a fabulous Bday present. And yes, celebrating it with fellow Taureans would be fantastic. Arse end, says ye? Awww, nay. We just be stubborn an' bull headed. ~Lady B
  10. Birth control? I do NOT want t' know. ~Lady B
  11. Oy! At least she has th' coinage t' be tossin' it away. :) What Actress & Courtesan would she be if she didn't keep up with appearances? Aye, Cheeky... Gorgeous indeed. And mighty radiant there in that image, too. A Gentleman would be right good t' snatch ye up. Inside more than outside? Ooooh, Good Lord... Sterling... I am NOT gonna touch that one. An' she bein' a Lady of stature... if she dressed in yo'r attire... there would be some wonderin' "what th' bleedin' hell?" I think it odd that Mistress Lily would be galavantin' about in yo'r clothin'. Then again, that may leave ye naked. ~Lady B
  12. Stuff is flying around like always. But at this time... nothing is really set in stone nor planned that I am aware of. ~Lady B
  13. Jessi... it would be a fun way to spend a Bday, wouldn't it? If all goes well, I'm thinking of doing the same... my Bday lands on May 9. :) 2" waist?!? ~Lady B
  14. Ooo! Sterling survived RF5! Lookie! Sterling survived! :) Oh, come on now!! where are th' stories? Mickey an' Kate showed some piccies... so.. where are th' stories? Hmm? Piratical inquirin' minds want t' know. :) ~Lady B
  15. Ooo... congrats! A boy an' a girl? My goodness! Time t' whip out th' candy cigars and whatever else goes with such a celebration. ~Lady B
  16. Ooo... ahoy, Sarah. Glad t' have ye floatin' 'bout th' not-so-tropical Midwest with some of us. Pity I missed meetin' ye. Perhaps sometime I'll get th' opportunity to meet ye. Tis a good crew ye be with. ~Lady B
  17. Well, welcome to th' mayhem known as the Pub. Glad t' have ye within our carousin' ranks. A weddin' says ye? Oooooh, dear. That'll conjure memories for some. Can't wait to see this new pirate outfit. ~Lady B
  18. Ooo.. make mine a mango margaurita. Mmmm... oh, those are SOOOO good! Fabulously made at a local Mexican restuarant. Love 'em. Blame my sis for getting me hooked on those. Course can have some Tequila Rose.. HYPNOTQ... other wild drinks. Yeah... I suppose. Forget th' gents... but... ::: brings in a big box of alcoholic truffles:::; Mmmm, oh, are these good! I got them ALL the time... well, that was BEFORE the Flood though. Done deal, Jenny. ~Lady B
  19. Oohh... lovely. :) Perhaps have her make stays for those of other crews. :::absolutely dreading having to make another pair of stays :::: ~Lady B
  20. ::: rolls eyes::: a girl unpluck be worth more than one plucked. But, aye, Madame Rose... I'd say would be simple from my end... any lass possible t' whisk away t' be placed into a Gents possession that comes at a good price. :::loks at Sterling::: Oh, innocent at ye may be, Captain. Haha... trouble is yo'r middle name! Cheeky... tis an absolutely gorgeous mantua, lass! Ye look like a fresh snowflake. So pure an' elegant ye be. :::applauds::: m' compliments to ye. Best mantua yet. ~Lady B
  21. ::: to MadL::: Why thank ye, GentlemenScotty. But not Ale. Don't quite enjoy spirits along the beer family so t' speak. Rum, whiskey, limon cello, wine, irish cream, etc... I can handle. Tis a persona's history that 'll change constantly and addin' allies & enemies til th' day I stop portrayin' th' Lady. ~Lady B
  22. Aye, very lovely Lily. Mighty well done. ~Lady B
  23. LMAO! Another flower fo' Sterlin' t' pluck! Oh, dear. Poor lass. Mistress... If I may... if Sterlin' need not want th' lass... I could purchase th' lass from ye. I could make of good use with such a blooming flower. I'm sure some gent somewhere 'll want a sweet girl as that for a done deal Wife. ~Lady B
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