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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Tidings from the 18th Century by Beth Gilgun has a chapter on making makeshift period style shoes. But I'm not aware of a general pattern out there. Good question though. ~Lady B
  2. Silas... the extension of the theading for the buttonhole can look decorative... but was more for practicality. Grab 2 to 5 threads from the mark where the cut will be. If you stitch the buttonhole at or or two threads from the mark, then it can and most likely will unravel too easily. Buttonholes can put up with heavy usage. YES! That's exactly the piccies, Michael! Thank ye. And yes, ye did give some fabulous advice, though not directed towards me. I'd been cutting the fabric before I thread the buttonhole cause that's how I understood it to be from a couple books, etc... but apparently they were wrong. Again, thank ye, now th' buttonhole function properly. Oooo.. Sterling! I REALLY like that one image, the dark brown with those covered buttons. The design on the buttons is incredible! Now.. is that a fabric covered button or a thread button? ~Lady B
  3. It's more than well worth it, Hannah... even with the storms. Granted the storms do dampen the event some... but we pirates do come out of the woodwork to revive it well enough. Lots of potential this event has. Great parts about it - the main daily scenario, the parade, Breakfast with the Pirates, the Buccaneer Bash, Rides on the Windy and so much more! I think right now... I'm looking for a vehicle that is big enough and will function to bring up the stuff I need to for the Resurrection. ~Lady B
  4. Don't be feelin' bad, Jib. I've not heard a thing, either. I didn't send in an application this year. Reason being it's mostly likely not necessary. Only other person I know of who is rather reliable is not on the Pub to my awareness. And he's rather in the dark, too. It does concern me as by this time last year we had LOTS of info sent to us and even a script for the Daily scenarios. But, nothing has come in yet either. I'll talk to Jack Sparrow and find out what goes. ~Lady B
  5. Welcome to th' Pub. Smart man ye be with such a good start on yo'r attire. I doubt ye'll be disappointed. Can't wait t' see ye and th' wifey in yo'r piratical attire. ~Lady B
  6. :::nods::: True. Very true. I mean it's not like myself and others were happy and expecting the massive flood to come through and wipe out livelihoods so to speak. Watch my sister's kids while she gets back on her feet, too, - from her home being affected and having to spend all her savings and not getting a penny remenbursement. Likewise I know with a few other friends with their homes and businesses - and yet not get paid a cent either to where I lose everything cause someone didn't follow through and played around with me (damn DHS!). Yeah, I won't see any of that stimulus package just like I never saw anything last year. Thanks a lot. Yes, there is such a thing as being "overqualified". You have NO idea how many times I was told that... even when I was desperate for a second job. Again, sea rover... I saddens me to hear this. I honestly hate seeing friends and family lose their jobs at this time. Now is NOT the time to have this happen. ~Lady B
  7. Aye... very wicked. :) Yo'r blue eyes match th' outfit right nicely. It's quite th' ensamble there, sir. Hehehe... our Colours are rather similiar, Synn. Nice. ~Lady B
  8. It's a fabulous idea really. Aye, will cut down on the emissions and waste. ~Lady B
  9. :::hugs::: Good luck to ye, Rumba. Keep us informed if possible of where you are, how long ye'll there, etc. ~Lady B
  10. Not th' drugs she has t' worry about... but ensuring she doesn't really stress, strain and lift more than 5 lbs for at least a couple weeks. Otherwise she'll be back in the hospital. I did get ahold of her after 7pm (she and I in the same timezone)... VERY groggy lass. :) But she was sounding good despite the drugs and soreness. It was non-invasive surgury so makes for faster recovery. She was lucky. But it's all better and down hill from here (at least that's what my sis says)... and she will be MUCH better after two months she will be completely better. Will call Syren sometime today, see if she's made it home yet or still in the hospital. ~Lady B
  11. :::hugs::: Sorry t' hear, Sea Rover. Aye, that does hurt. Especially if it's somethng you fancied for so long. :::shrugs::: maybe we should get ourselves part of that Stimulus Package, build a Tall Ship and start doing that retro transport that was stated in another thread. We are all so very hopeful for something better but positive thinking is tough when ye yo'rself and many others around you and cities just continue in a downward spiral. Hell, it's hope, determination, and the need to survive that keeps me going. Those are indeed the basic points of humanity. When ye've hit those, ye've hit the breaking point. And alas, though some have reached that point, there are still others out there who are not there yet cause they are getting their arses saved when others are not! ::le sigh::: Hopefully we can still see ye and the family at some event this year, shipmate. I know it will be tough. I'll keep ye in my prayers. ~Lady B
  12. Ahoy, an' welcome to th' Pub, Captain. Ye've come to th' right place fo' carousin' an even some info if ye wants it. Come sit a spell tell us yo'r stories... an' ye buy th' first round o' drinks for all. ~Lady B
  13. Apologies on the diversion. Thought I had posted a post to get this back on track. Hmm... wonder where it went. Oh, well. Well, now we are rather off track. :) So.. umm... the back of a mantua... it's kinda the same concept as the Robe a la Anglaise? And the overskirt... when it's pulled back to rest upon the bum so to speak... is it tied? or hooked? or buttoned? or is there other ways to hold it up there in back? ~Lady B
  14. Here, Robert... I'll post an image of a buttonhole. :) Thanks t' Mickey for the insiders secret... it's working perfectly. BRB... :::Goes take piccies, uploads them, etc:::: Ok... back. Apologies it's a wee bit dark, but hope this helps a little bit. Maybe Mickey 'll post piccies of his absolutely fantastic buttonsholes. :::drops and worships Mickey:::: Generally it's getting the thread as close together as possible and where the hole will actually be, again as close as possible but leaving just a slight sliver of a space to cut. Give it a few goes. I've been doing buttonholes a while also and finally started getting to look half decent. :) ~Lady B
  15. :::nods::: nope ye be right there, Sterling. Most I've seen or heard of were bound with leather of some sort. Kid or doeskin was good for it's flexibility. But, the skin was better than fabric cause it didn't allow the boning to poke through or wear out the binding as easily. I've not had much luck finding the kid or doe skin in strips for binding and what ones I have found are pricy. So, I suppose we go with what we can. :) LOL... Cheeky... yes, there is a pattern I suppose... we all be working on our outfits watching fantasy or sci-fi. Heck, the other night I was working on an outfit watching Doctor Who! LOL I think there was a glossary at some point, Jessi. But I think it was lost sometime back with that hack job and virus. I agree, we do need a glossary. ~Lady B
  16. Yup... just got the phone call, too. Hehehe she had a list of contacts for David to call. LOL... cute. I'll let her rest and give her a call this evening. Good to hear her surgery went well. Now she'll feel SO much better. My sis went through the exact same thing. Thanks for the update, Lily. :) ~Lady B
  17. LMAO! Now... I have t' ask, Bo... was she impaled upon makeshift bamboo or wood pikes that were sticking up at the bottom of this ditch? Aye, true. Most are rather oblivious and general acting like College party goers. ~Lady B
  18. I was gonna say. I believe I met Tess. Did I not? I'm rather bewildered where the blonde curls came from. Anyways... Cheeky... back to yo'r mantua... have ye images of the mantua in some light and of the back. How did ye gather it up in the back? And you use blue velveteen? or velvet? I can't remember. :) I'm still in awe of the mantua, m'dear. It's incredibly gorgeous! Now ye need shoes t' match it. Hehehehe... ~Lady B
  19. Petticoat waistbands varied slightly. Pleated and best to have the openings on the side for a couple of reasons. (tie in front and back for better adjustment around the waist... and a side access to pockets) Ummm... as to the rest... :::Shrugs::: I suppose. Sounds about right. Hard to tell without seeing the pattern I suppose. Sometimes it's not completely the stitch and that sort that makes it perfect to the era... but the correct style. Most of what ye see from 1492 wouldn't generally be worn in 1710. Have a look around. Plenty of links and places to check out for a proper look. Gentlemen of Fortune has a good site about piratey clothes and more. The Costumers Manifesto is a great place to start for proper period attire both for men and women of various social classes. I wish ye luck. Keep asking questions though. Always someone here to help. ~Lady B
  20. LMAO! Now here is somethin' ye piratical lot may fancy.... the Doctor in a sing song calling himself a Gallifreyan Buccaneer! Enjoy... ~Lady B
  21. Welcome back to th' Pub, Sir. Thought ye were a familiar face. Glad t' have ye back with us. Ye've been missed. Do sit down an' carouse with comrades. ~Lady B
  22. Now.. Lily... did you do a first trial test cutout with cardboard or poster board? Or just with fabric? ~Lady B
  23. Hehehe... can completely understand. Yo'r stays are WAY better compared to th' ones I've made for myself. I need tutorage. ~Lady B
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