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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Hmm... I've been pondering it for a while and thinking about getting back into the story. Perhaps add a bit of flavor and spice to the fun. What say ye? Cause some troubles for Sterling (Pirate for the Pirate Hunter to hunt), worries for Cheeky(any price on Lily's head?), and fun for all. Maybe give an opportunity for Nell to slip in as well. Last I had Lady B in this story... she was heading out to sea. So... she could be returning after all this time. Oh, what... been a year? Or two? ... since she's been in this particular port. Someone want to update me on the date and verify the location (be it really Port Royal?) ~Lady B
  2. Hmm... will have to check on this with some people. Thought that use of cane sword were during this age when some were unable to bring swords or wear them, but walking canes were still allowed. G.Gedney Godwin sells some but not as fancy as what RumbaRue's fine canes. I admit, I've pondered on at least one. Cause if necessary, once the sword is drawn, the cane can be used at a defense florentine style (or so I've been taught). I am interested in this subject. Would be awesome to have a walking stick that doubles as a hidden weapon. Perkeo... ye'll have to post pictures of it sometime. :) Would fancy seein' it. ~Lady B
  3. Oh, I agree with ye, Sterling. I'm furious with how kids are taught, too. All th' more reason for ye and th' Archangel crew t' set things straight! ~Lady B
  4. Hmm... will have to look into that when I get the coinage. Thank ye. :) Haven't obtained any new books lately. I did read that A History of Pirates: Blood and Thunder on the High Seas by Nigel Cathorwne. I liked it lots. A friend sent me "The Searover's Practice" and I haven't yet finished that, barely started on it actually. I'm looking at other books if I can find them. ~Lady B
  5. Yeah, I honestly cannot see the software pirates or Maddoff and others like him as pirates. The guys over in the south china seas and off somalia in the boats hijacking ships are more pirates than those jokers. Well, perhaps this group will cross paths with the Archangel and get a REAL teaching in Piracy. ~Lady B
  6. LOL. Pissy waiting game is indeed what it is, Bilge. Thank you nevertheless. You have always been a fabulous help. Well, another person so stated that the Port Wash COC says the Festival is still on. And supposedly here is the "new" contact number: 262-388-9762 And yes, do try and find something concrete. Lots of people are apparently trying to find out if there is a festival this year or not, and generally want to participate as always. Mid-March and being left in the dark I know people don't like. But again, thank ye so much bilge. Ye've been a good help. ~Lady B
  7. Tis one of those things that some are on a "need to know" if th Festival is happening or not. Why? Hotel rooms have been reserved and if not cancelled in time, are charged and that means pissed people with lost money. Plus, some are coming from great distances. Don't want to waste gas getting to an event that is not happening. Just a waste of time, whether a participant or spectator. I guess we will find out.. hopefully. Thanks for the info, Bilge. Truly ye've been a fantastic help plus yo'r work on the festival in the past has not fallen on deaf ears and unnoticed. We know ye've worked hard on this fest. Thank ye for the fun these past couple of years. ~Lady B
  8. Aye, their work is fabulous. Though it might not seem like it... that is cheap. He does everything by hand, hand sculpted, hand made using quality metals. Tis a great deal there! Work that's worth far more than what they are selling for! I'm sure they might be able to custom make ye something. ~Lady B
  9. Hehehehe... Ye can have my green beer, Syren. I don't like beer... nor stout, guinness, ale, lager, etc. Just not my thing to drink. Rum, whiskey, scotch, gin, anything else I will drink though. ::::waving a green pen::: Does this count as enough green? Nope, didn't wear any green at all. Don't have it. Oh, well. Oy! An' don't forget to have a drink for me! ~Lady B
  10. Dogge... How is the Port Wash scenario coming? I've not heard anything about this. Heck, like I said, not heard a thing about the whole event. As always, I'm up for involvement in the scenario. And.. hopefully... this time, my damn doglock 'll work! ~Lady B
  11. Michael, Silkie and others make some good valuable points. If no sponsor is able or willing to bring in a portable shower or someone to support it so to speak, yeah, eventers will have to fend for themselves. It's not a horribly bad thing. I've taken bathes using a pitcher and basin. Aye, the water may be cold, but... tis good enough. Or if there is "swimming" available, I hate to say it, but that's one way to "bathe" without the soap though. Maybe a local hotel would be willing to offer or someone can get a room for at least 24 hours at the mid-point of the event for people to go shower if they fancy. Living Historians are pretty innovative. Where others find problems, some find opportunity and ideas. One way or another, Dutch. I'm sure it'll work out. ~Lady B
  12. Apologies for postin' here. Crispy, the Exhibit is there til October 25th. Lucky to the Archangel. ~Lady B
  13. Happy St Patty's to ye all. Anyone going out an' about this evenin' for a drink... have one for me. I won't be celebrating this year like I usually do. Bummer. Usually enjoy the parade then go to Bennigans (Irish American restuarant) or the Irish Democrat for some Irish dish, then to 3rd Street Live for Wylde Nept. Merry D would join me, we'd party the night away. But this year... not gonna do any of that. No parade, no food (Bennigans is closed) and 3rd Street Live building was hit hard by the flood as it was only a block an a half away from the river. So... just mellowing out, enoying a salad (hey! It's green!) and enjoying the weather. Yes, ye can pinch me... I'm not wearing green. What green thing I have are packed away. But... enjoy a drink for me. And enjoy this fine Irish Day! ~Lady B
  14. No word yet, Jib. :::Shrugs::: I don't know if we should worry or not. Truthfully. From my understanding, the Pirate Festival is still a go. But no one has heard nothing from the head person in charge of the event. So... :::Shrugs::: ~Lady B
  15. Besides still sore where the contusion from a couple years ago be from the horse accident, chucking down the ibuprofen to attempt to dull the pain at least.... I'm trying to keep a decent head and decent spirits. Beginning to feel that anything I do is all in vain. That there is no point in my doing anything. But, not sure just trying any more is worth it. Other people are having the fun, getting the joy, having the life, etc. And me, well, I guess I brought it all upon m'self. :::Shrugs; sighs::: yeah, yeah, I know... I'm sounding like a broken record of whining and a pathetic being. ~Lady B
  16. They are real neat statues. Port Washington had a couple of them. The cannon and the treasure chest interest me the most. ~Lady B
  17. Awww.. ye will be missed. Was lookin' forward t' meetin' ye, Mission. Another event perhaps. ~Lady B
  18. :::Nods::: that's what I keep telling myself "Soon I will get a decent job". Still waiting. Still plugging away. ~Lady B
  19. :::drools:::: wish I could get it! Looks like my dragoon sword but the real one looks lighter (I hope). The other sword under the dragoon sword looks nice, too. ::le sigh::: ~Lady B
  20. LadyBarbossa


    Anyone have an image of a stilleto with or without the line? I'm curious to see it. And Gunners used these? ~Lady B
  21. Yeah, the frizzen spring is rather stiff. Do let us know where you filed the frizzen spring down and how. Alas, though I'm a gunowner - a carbine and the doglock - I really haven't the equipment of most gun owners. So, how does one reharden the frizzen and file down the frizzen spring with no equipment? And what items do I need to accomplish these two tasks? ~Lady B
  22. WOO HOO! Ye mades it here!!! Oy! Pubmates! I can vouch fo' this lass. She an' her beau make FABULOUS pieces! Well worth it. :) Oh, an Gev... there be a gent in Chicago who's making a Barbossa outfit. He's on KTTC. He'd needing some Barbossa replica pieces. Plus tryin' to get ahold of Richie. Come on now, Pubmates! They make FABULOUS work. ~Lady B
  23. Yikes! That's quite the setback. And some fair damage there, too. Bummer. Yeah, the weather has been playin' havoc on us all lately, hasn't it? The winds have finally died down since 8 this evening. Last night they were on average around 50 mph. I'm surprised there wasn't more damage done. Hope clean up after the crane goes swiftly and smoothly. ~Lady B
  24. :::nods::: It's very tense. Hugs and sorry for yo'r mom, Christine. That's harsh when you need the money to live and all. We can't live off Unemployment. My dad is in his 3rd job in 3 months and they just laid off a few people and he's worried he'll be laid off. He just started working there not even 2 months ago. Wish there was something that could be done about this. ~Lady B
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