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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Mmmmm.... Aaayyyeeee.. tis VERY good. :) Well, if it's done right. Had some FABULOUS bread pudding compliments of a Church who had left overs at the end of the day during Spirit of Vincennes a few years ago. Mmmmmm, oh, God, was it GOOOOOOD! I've a couple recipes and need to give it a go sometime. Haven't been able to do that yet though. Someday. ~Lady B
  2. Very neat! :) Always wondered if Chess was a common game like Draughts. I wish I had a picture of it it, but I've a wood Chess & Draughts/Checkers game set that I hope by chance I'll be able to bring to some event. :) Look forward to a game with ye sometime, O'Keefe. hehehe... So, what games ye be packing into that thing? ~Lady B
  3. Gibbs' jacket vest looks like the short round coats that we use for the Legion. Generally the dragoon green wool jackets worn famously by Tarleton's British Legion. They have the same shape and style and with sleeves. Which in the movie apparently Giibbs removed his sleeves after his service in His Majesty's Navy. JP Ryan has this pattern to my understanding. Can't remember if I left the picture up of the outfit or not. I still have it in my files though. ~Lady B
  4. I'll stick with M' Lady, thank ye very much! At least it shan't confuse th' b'devil out of ye devils. An' I deserve that title, I did pay th' commission fo' it. :) Ye don't have t' worry about callin' me Mrs or Mistress or Miss Barbossa or whatever else. Captain or Lady be fine 'nough. :) ~Lady B
  5. Wicked! "ll have t' look into it. Thank ye, m'dear! ~Lady B
  6. Ye be a VERY, VERY cruel man, pappy. Tis a good thing realized before hand it was an April Fool's joke. An' a good thing ye didn't say ye skewered Barbossa... cause I'd be skewerin' ye!! Bess, Cheeky an' th' other ladies 'll have a hell of a time keepin' me from gettin' at ye. Rush dead... phfst! HA! LOL... Rush portrayin' a King now! Fancy that. Good Lord, he's a wide range of rules. :) Glad t' hear he's doing well with the play. Kudos to him. :::thumbs up::: Oooo... a DVD would be lovely. :) Hehehehe... Well... th' special "black market" pirate Pub leak or something like that whatever ye would call it of his performance. Shine was an awesome role. Sooo... shall we refer t' him as High Highness? or His Majesty? Or His Worship? Hmm? He's gone beyond Pirate Lord now. LOL... Perhaps now he's become th' Pirate King? LOL.... ~Lady B
  7. Good Lord... where does th' time go? :) Happy Bday to ye, Jill. :::hoists glass high::: To one of th' best pirate lasses on th' Pub! ~Lady B
  8. Bloody hell... all th' more reason I should take up th' study of French. Welcome, good sir, to th' Pub. Ahh, indeed ye be most welcome here. And make thyself comfort and at home. :) Honored we be havin' ye here. Shall look forward t' hearin' more 'bout yo'r adventures. :) Aye, carouse with drink we shall. I do fancy that idea, le Grand. ~Lady B
  9. LOL... they've performed their purpose well. But I don't think ye can retire them quite yet. Not until they have a puke stain, blood stains, rum spilt on it, burn marks, grass stains, mud stains, knife or sword hole, frayed edges, at least one button lost, sweat stains, the stench that they've been slept in and lived in for at least a year straight, snot wiped on it, chewed on by a dog, or horse or drunk friend, perfume spilled on it, and attempted to be cleaned God knows how many times that none of the above will EVER come out. ~Lady B
  10. There be a couple here on the Pub who are in the Okie plains. They just don't pop on as much as they used to, unfortunately. ~Lady B
  11. Welcome back to th' Pub, Blackfoot. Both ye and Mermaid have been missed. How be th' wee lass? Hope she be doin' well? Raisin' her all right pirate like now? ~Lady B
  12. Maryland says ye. Lovely place. Well, glad ye could stop by th' Pub. :) ~Lady B
  13. Welcome to th' Pub. Intreguing info, sir. :) ~Lady B
  14. Hehehehe... Huzzah! Syren is getting better. Cheeky, hope ye get some decent rest soon, lass. Animal, I know that very feeling. Tis never ending and very much the overwhelming braindead feeling. Ugh... today... starting feeling worse and worse throughout the day. Nasty sore throat right now, achey all over, very tired, disconnected, etc... just not feeling well... so... off to bed I go. But... I did wish Red Bess a Happy Bday nonetheless. :) ~Lady B
  15. Come celebrate th' Birthday of our very own Red Bess! Enjoy drinks, some rum cake, and much more as we carouse th' day an' night away in honor of this sprighly lass. Come hoist yo'r tankards high and offer a toast! Happy Birthday to ye, Red Bess! Huzzah! ~Lady B
  16. Fine birthday wishes to th' lad! Growin' up so swiftly he be. My goodness. Hope th' lad got what treasures he was dreamin' 'bout on this special day. ~Lady B
  17. BHP! Lass! Glad t' have ye back on th' Pub. Ye've been missed. :) ~Lady B
  18. Oh, well... tis ok. Perhap later on in the year or two. ~Lady B
  19. Go t' California t' gets them, eh? Ooooo... what excitement! Smugglin' fo' sure!!! Hmmm... gotta figure this 'n out, Rumba. ::le sigh::: alas, tis lookin' grim. Oh, well. Hopefully someone 'll be able to obtain th' beauties. ~Lady B
  20. Sally wears a dress? I didn't think she wore a dress. A leather corset, aye. Welp, if anyone of ye know m' (stuffed) monkey, King George... he's been known as the Drunken Monkey. So, someone began singing- "What shall we do with the Drunken Monkey..." ...aaaannnnd, I'll let ye develope the rest and leave it to yo'r imaginations. ~Lady B
  21. Most likely for a documentary of some sort. But they probably cannot say what it's about yet. ~Lady B
  22. TJ (the tall Jack Sparrow most everyone saw last year) got a call from Kim M. Port Washington will happen this year. :) So, all of ye planning, it's official, the word is a go, there will be a festival. :) Shall look forward to seeing the lot of ye there (hopefully). My fortunes have to improve much for me to attend though. ~Lady B
  23. WOO HOO! Can't wait t' party with ye, Jessi. And Dogge, too. :) Oh, aye, right with ye on that, Perkeo. :) Thank ye, Kate, for the food update. Ummm.... why do I have a feeling we'll be having a feast? :) More the merrier at yo'r place? PARTY AT KATE AND MICKEY"S!!!!!! ~Lady B
  24. Welcome... or, um, welcome back. Ooooo... ye'd enjoy lots here then - the historical reenacting, the steampunk... By all means, have fun here. Post yo'rself a pic in yo'r attire if ye have one, etc. Rounds on ye, hmm? Hmmm.... well, how's 'bout I have a hurricane (drink, mates... the DRINK!). ~Lady B
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