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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. :::Shakes head:::: not much, Cheeky. The Met online only had it at 18th c, made of cotton from Venice. That's all it stated. :::Shrugs::: Lara may know better about it. I'm not convinced by what the Met had listed online. I thought what was wicked was that theses were partially boned and the areas between the casing had decorative stitching. This was awesome! Frankly, I'd like to know more about this piece, too. The fabric looks more like a worsted wool than a cotton. So... :::Shrugs::: More questions than answers... again. Ooo... wicked! would LOVE to see what she finds. And if the Met would allow her to take images to show us. I like the two mantua's they had there - the one brownish wool and the other is salmon silk. But again, they have SO much there that's just amazing. They didn't have images of nearly half the stuff they said was listed online though. So, curious to see some shirts, more bodices and stays, etc... ~Lady B
  2. So that IS a Fontage? (Yeah, had a brainfart at post midnight last night when I posted that) So.. um... what is that messy stuff that seems to stiffen it? I tried to get a closer look at it and was baffled. They had quite a bit of piccies of lace online... A bit bewildered though what the use of some of them. ~Lady B
  3. Is that what the llama silk is... how wicked. Tell Lara thank ye most kindly for the clarification. The few that the Met had online were a variety, including a couple of bodices that were boned! They looked like something that would be under a travel/riding/hunting habit. Or am I wrong about that? Some awesome pieces there at the Met. I'm so excited though. I want to see images of the stuff they don't have online. Plus more stuff from other museums. This is amazing!!! Again, thank ye, Cheeky. :) ~Lady B
  4. The one thing I'm intregued with... is some of these do not lace up in the back as we have been told and instructed. I've seen some period ones that do lace up in the back. So, I'm curious why these are so stiff in the back. Notice one has some extra reenaforcement along the spine and even the tailbone area. Most interesting. ~Lady B
  5. These were one of many stays that the Met Museum in NYC have. They only labeled these are 18th c. No specific date unfortunately. Titled it a bodice, made in Venice and made of cotton. I'm not sure if the museum has this correct though. But the style does appear correct. There are a few other period stays, some with the shoulder straps some without. All labeled just 18th c. Here are a couple more: Again, a few more there. And I'm sure if anyone went to the Met Museum, they have more period pieces not shown online. You are right, Constance. Likewise. There were a variety of slight differences with shoes, with outfits, hats, etc. It's absolutely wild! But there is a universal style that is rather noticable to the era and even decade one portrays. But I think that is the key right there, the variety of styles could be reflective of the various decades. ~Lady B
  6. Oooo... Paris! Wonder what treasures they have. ~Lady B
  7. LOL Awww... come now, man! I could bombard ye with loverly shoes all day long. Now... yo'r Wifey 'll go fo' 'em... am I right? Need a bit o' color wearin' shoes. ~Lady B
  8. Oy! Cheeky... be THIS by any chance one of those lacy head thingies like th' ones ye wear? The Met Museum had this there and only labeled it as Lace from 18th c, only details they had were it was made of linen in Venice. ~Lady B
  9. Ooo! Oooo! I nearly went bazonkers when I saw this and came straight away to th' Pub! Lookie!!! I know ye've been talkin' about th' stitchin' of the tubing... and THIS... THIS was more than words can say lads an' lasses!!! Can ye see the loverly squiggly stitchin'? :::Drools::: Ok... HAD to come back! Amazing stuff they have there. If ye haven't checked it out... DO SO! Amazing variety of stays, too. Unfortunately there are some ye can't view but there are still a wide variety ye can still view. ~Lady B
  10. Alrighty, ladies an' gents.... got somethin' for ye... Been searching the Met Museum site... lots of stuff there ( and unfortunately, a lot of their stuff that's late 17th and 18th c is not shown unfortunately). But did see some images of items they titled as Fobs. I guess here is tbe closest link to it: http://www.metmuseum.org/works_of_art/coll...;dd2=0&vw=1 On page 27 & 28. They look so much like the decoration that are on Ladies Riding habits of the early 18th c. Or is that just my imagination? I'm just a bit baffled about them. ~Lady B
  11. Nay, I don't mind roughin' it at all. Would be nice to sleep on a ship for once. Hell of a bday present, aye? Thank ye for the heads up. :::knocks on wood::: Hope I can make it. :) ~Lady B
  12. Oy, Michael... Be there camping opportunities or is this something where a hotel is needed. Actually, ye said ye stayed on th' ship the whole of one night, aye? We shall see if I can make it. Everything is so up in the air. But this would make a fabulous Bday present to myself (my Bday being on May 9). ~Lady B
  13. You have th' sonic screwdriver? Well, now I know who t' blame if th' complains about it bein' missing. ~Lady B
  14. Mules are comfy. They are of similiar concept as the modern mules. ~Lady B
  15. LMAO! Thanks for pointing this one out. I may have posted her already. But hell, I can't help but posting this. Ye know yo'r a fabric whore when.... ... ye see a fabric store and HAVE to stop by to see what they have. Hoping to dear God they have some 100% linen, even some fine 100% cotton (like a belguim cotton), or even a fine silk and yeah I suppose wool. Maybe some velveteen.... any period style calicos in 100% cotton or jacquard or damask. And better yet, when you find it, see if it's on sale. When it's on sale ye wonder if you can find and get more. .... ye find some fabric that would look period enough and wonder "Do I have enough for a frock? Or breeches? How about a waistcoat?" or worse yet... "what can I make with this?" .... when fabric store employees know you well enough by name and WHY you are there. .... when you have a discount card and use it on average 5 times a week. ..... ye wish ye had more money to buy more yardage. ..... always stopping by to see if they have something for ye to use even if ye don't have the money. LOL ~Lady B
  16. :::nods::: as I. I think the Archangel with their incredible knowledge of the era could and would make a hell of an impact. I think the Museum would be highly pleased to have any member there. ~Lady B
  17. :::nods::: Very true. Vintage Textiles has a couple 18th c items that survived. One dress was kept but was Willed to become furniture upholstry! Yikes! Good thing the dress was never cut up. It's absolutely gorgeous. Ehhh.. I'll try and post from 18th Century Embroidery Techniques . Some nice info in there on ribbon embroidery. As well as lots of other stuff. If anyone can... I recommend getting the book. ~Lady B
  18. :::nods::: it helps. If ye don't mind, I'd like to have a link to it from the Resurrection Chat List. It's valuable images. Especially the general construction of the piece. Thank ye. :) Again, fantastic and most wonderful of ye to share such valuable information. ~Lady B
  19. I found the archeology on the Whydah to be more helpful than any other pirate documentary out there. Entertaining they were. ~Lady B
  20. Thanks, Tarr. LOL.. Tis funny. The Journal of Impossible Things looks just like one of my pirate Captain's Logs. :) Saw that Monday from 7am to 2pm there will be all DW episodes. But, heck... will keep m' eyes open for th' Doctor. Not sure when the new season will air in the US. Still checking up on that. Season opener is "Planet of the Dead". Oooo... RC K-9! Now wouldn't that be something to see at Pirate Events? Ok... maybe not something ye want t' see at a pirate event. ~Lady B
  21. Ahoy to all. Been keeping in contact with the Field Museum to allow pirates to come and help out in promoting the exhibit. As difficult as they are being, they are still cooperating. What's needed? This is the recent email I got from Rachel Pomberg of the Field Museum: Hi Lady B! I wanted to give you an update on our proposal. I met this afternoon with my colleagues and they will be getting back to me with a list of ideas / times / dates, etc...that we could discuss having your crews paticipate with the Museum. In the interim, we would like to understans a little better what types of services you all offer. Could you send me the following: Images and bios of your crews - perhaps some of the people who would be at the Museum A description of your pirate activites in terms of skills, presentations, specialties, personas...etc...we would like to understand how well versed your crews are in terms or pirate history, etc... A list of other museums ./ programs / events you have participated in at cultural organizations or festivals More detail on "Resurrection" which you mentioned in your last email to me Any other related materials, etc. In turn, I hope to have a list of possible points for interaction to share with you early next week, and would want to follow that with a conference call to discuss. I hope you are well. Please let me know if you have any questions on the above. Best, Rachel So.... Who's can attend? One group has already planned on Feb 28th to be at the Museum. Perhaps it would be a good time. Would the 28th work? What CAN you provide that the Museum is asking? I can't just say who will be there and what will happen when I hear nothing from anyone. The Museum wants to know this ahead of time. Big demand but I'm sure we can provide what they are asking. Though she mentioned the Resurrection, I'm sure this applies to all crews wanting to be involved. Who is up for this challenge? After all... it's the Whydah exhibit! ~Lady B
  22. Sci Fi still has Doctor Who airing? Could never find it, so will have to check. :angry: Thank ye. Oh, I shan't say more about the Master. But just finished watching an episode that involved the Master and the Doctor. More than moving, hell, it had me crying! That's all I will say just in case some of ye haven't seen it yet. Some of ye that have seen it will know what I'm talking about. Aye, been checking out these other spin offs, too. Even the Sarah Jane Smith adventures has been fun! Oooo, so good to see K-9 active again. I think the Doctor needs a pirate companion, what ye think? ~Lady B
  23. Hehehe... Sterling... aye, ye would go bonkers with the detail. Used a tiny bit of raised embroidery myself in the stomacher of my new gown. In a couple places ye'd never really notice at all. Apparently, it was also done wity quilted items, too, to give it that extra dimension to it. Rather lovely. Loving the images all of ye find. ~Lady B
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