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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Aye, Rumba! I'm droolin' with ye! :angry: Though I've not some silk damask, I have some cotton jacqard I could make a sleeves waistcoat from. :) Thank ye for th' inspiration, Robert. ~Lady B
  2. OOoooooo.... ::: is GLUED to th' images:::: I WANTS 'em! Cheeky! Look! Loverly shoes!!!! I somewhat likes th' mules. Don't like th' toe though. A bit mo' pointed like th' other two shoes, and I'd most DEFINITELY want them. :) ~Lady B
  3. ::: shrugs::: Ye know that's a good question. Most I've seen have been white linen or very fine cotton, some with whitework or tambour on it. I've seen a couple aprons that were printed though. That's for a Gentlewoman. Not sure about men. The prints look right to the period but not sure if they were used as such pieces. Could have been I suppose. Hard to say without documentation. ~Lady B
  4. Very lovely, Cheeky. :) Can't wait t' see it? Ye wearin' it to RF5? ~Lady B
  5. LOL... I've seen some episodes with my nieces. It's rather corny but absolutely hilarious! They claim they are "Adventurers" and nothing more, notthing less. Their main lot in life is candy. No ship, but they have a whale for a vessel and friend. It's hilarious. ~Lady B
  6. Ye have t' admit, it was entertaining. Though some of it was second rate, it's still some fun period style romp if ye can swallow yo'r pride and fussiness on period accuracy. ~Lady B
  7. LOL... Cheeky... looks like ye can't be rid of that damned monkey either! Hmmm... I think I'll bring that monkey with me to RF5 (IF I am able to get to RF5). Now, um.... how many ladies do we all know have a monkey let alone a Moorish servant boy? :::Looks at Cheeky::: Are ye SURE that be ye sneakin' out, Sterlin'? Not th' one attemptin' to calm the chaotic atmosphere with surprise over Cheeky's wildness? Kicking a table... tis a good table, too! Where did ye get that from? Morracco? Ummm... so, where be th' wee Morrish boy now? :angry: He isn't... :::motions slicing the neck with one finger from left to right:::: Oh, th' scandal! Oh, th' drama! Oh, the gossip this will be so much FUN t' spread! At least we've somethin' t' tell at future events (especially one bein' so close at current). LOL... :::Evil grinz::: ~Lady B
  8. Ooooo.. :::Drools:::: Fabulous! Thank ye, Roberts. Fabulous piece. Does inspire ye. What kinda stitch is that? A back stitch or a running stitch Or is that some other sort of stitch that I'm completely unaware of? ~Lady B
  9. Awesome! Shall see ye at Port Wash. :) ~Lady B
  10. Yikes! That is pricy. Ehh, at least ye tried. Well... shall look forward to seeing it when it's finished. :) ~Lady B
  11. LMAO! Michael... that is hilarious. :) I don't need any more footwear like that... BUT I may know someone who might. ~Lady B
  12. I like the Martha's. Good pick, Kate! :) Did ye get th' bone or the black? If I had the money, I'd buy the Anna, the Debbie, and a couple if not several of the fabric shoes in the Louise style (I think). :::Whimpers::: Now... if they would only make the Jas Townsend ladies style in cloth. :) ~Lady B
  13. LOL... :::shrugs::: T'was a thought. :) Steep? Did the cost of rabiit fur go up that I wasn't aware of? Nell. Lots of good discussion here. Hell, every group always has good discussions. But best thing is to just google and do all sorts of research, looking for pieces. I guarantee ye'll find a surviving piece out there somewhere. All sorts of info out there. Keep looking around out there. Will take time. But ya know what... find something that strikes yo'r fancy and go with it. Ye can always make another outfit later. ~Lady B
  14. Hmmm... GAoP or not. Tis tough. Well, from what surviving shoes there are, there are some that would pass as GAoP: Anna, Debbie, Martha in the womens (can be unisex) and looks like the majority of them would work well. Instead of using a buckle, use a ribbon or leather string. ~Lady B
  15. :::hugs RedJessi::: Aye, m'dear. Can completely understand the troubles. Seems like it will never get better, doesn't it? I was released from my job in June during the Flood just because I couldn't get there (apparently they thought I could still get across the river despite every route was closed!). Been trying to get something since then. worked with the city but didn't stay there long cause of health reasons (decided not to even get involved in fighting for my money, wasn't even to fight for), helped my sister out watching her kids from August to December with the understanding I'd be paid. Never happened. Which led to an eviction cause I wasn't paid and other financial issues. The two months following the flood was THE worst I've ever had to endure and NEVER want to do that again. Currently got a part timer but the morals and business ethics of the place is very questionable. I can't work in an environment that is so questionable. So, searching for something nearby and belting out applications and resumes. Lots of possiblities, just not sure if I will get it. Definite russian roulette. M' dad has lost 3 jobs in one year. It's insane! 2 closed their doors for good, the other has very questionable business ethics and morals. He's in a 4th job now and tired of the jumping around. Hoping that this one will work out and he can stay at this one for a few years at least or better, until he retires (IF he retires). So, aye. Most definitely feel yo'r pain. It's so topsy turvy. Yeah, talking to someone does help lots. Just someone to listen to our troubles and not put us on the defensive or make us feel bad for our failures. Especially when all ye need is just an ear to hear yo'r troubles, not someone telling you what to do and what not to do. That just belittles ye and makes you feel like a child and unable to make decisions for yo'rself. (One of my biggest pet peeve. I've told people this many times and yet some still do it, but when I want someone's advice on what to do and what not to do, I will ask for it. Otherwise, I just need this crap out of me and I just want someone there to treat me there like a human adult, someone to give me comfort. I can bloody well make those decisions for myself after I clear my head.) Not there to burden someone else with troubles. Telling someone problems is not suppose to be a burden. If someone places something upon you and asks you something that you know you can't handle, then yes that's a burden. All in all, lots of changes. Lots of troubles. :::hugs RedJessi again:::: Good t' have ye back on th' Pub again though. ~Lady B
  16. Ahoy, Gypsy. Come an' remain here, warm up and oh what joy! Thank ye fo' th' drink, lass! I'll b' havin' a glass o' sweet red wine thank ye though. So, ye left th' mentorship o' this Lord Vader t' be rompin' and ravagin' with pirates? :::Nods::: Good call, lass. Ye find it far better an' fun. ~Lady B
  17. Tis good t' have ye back with us, dear sir. An' shall enjoy yo'r company whenevery ye be given th' chance t' drop by. ~Lady B
  18. My curiosity, Cheeky... why not rabbit fur? It's a VERY lovely outfit, m'dear. Can't wait t' see it. :) ~Lady B
  19. Damnit, ye mad man.. ye posted b'fore me. :) Aye, saw the advertisement while watching Ghost Hunters International. It looks interesting. Loosely based off Drake's voyages, though they stated they were true. Hahaha, sea creatures and sorcoresses don't seem all to real to th' actual adventures of Captain Drake. We shall see how it goes though. ~Lady B
  20. :::Shrugs::: always th' first full weekend of June. :) Th' Archangels 'll be missed. That's fo' sure. ~Lady B
  21. Port Washington, WI June 5 - 7, 2009 Only a few months away, but we all know what will come mighty quickly! Anyone thinkin' about attending? Anyone hear of any details or info on the Pirate Fest? Especially the Battle? The Parade? Breakfast with the Pirates? Ship Cruise? anything else? ~Lady B
  22. Aye, sounds like fun, doesn't it, Mary? I'm rather excited about this exhibit and can't wait. Tis a bummer, Skinner. Hopefully it will be in San Jose at least fo' ye, Patrick. :) ~Lady B
  23. Nice work. They look awesome. I've a few from a lass who makes these as well as they were a gift from a shipmate... but the ones I have were with hair clips and didn't do well under a hat or remain in the hair so well. I'm curious how the roach clips will hold up. ~Lady B
  24. Aye, Christine. Barbossa is far better a prize winner compared to th' others. ~Lady B
  25. Hehehehe... Aye, it's a 'got to go to' event. I spoke with Rachel Pomberg this afternoon about some pirates coming to help promo the exhibit. They would love that and are open to the idea. However, before we can show and say "We're here!" ... they do need to know a ball park number of who may come (eventually), what crews/groups/individuals plan to do while there (like presentations, demos, etc) to see if it's ok to do such at the museum, and if ye would volunteer for no coinage or if ye have other demands or compensation. Rachel Pomberg's contact info: 312-665-7676 rpomberg@fieldmuseum.org The exhibit is from February 25th through October 25th. be there a good time to do this? Pikes may be one good time to do this. I'm sure there can be more than one Promo time. Maybe some of us can just show up for the opening of the Exhibit on the 25th? Ideas? ~Lady B
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