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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Yo'r mask? :::pats Rats on the back and head::: I'm sure ye'll get some rest soon 'nough. ~Lady B
  2. Aye, saw that. :) Glanced at their site over th' weekend an noticed that, too. Wicked, is it not? ~Lady B
  3. Rats said it not me. I was thinkin' it, but didn't say it. Too much of a Lady fo' that. B'sides... Cheeky, I'd rather have her around than get rid of her. :::points to Rats::: Again, he said it! Aye, Sterling. Tis the downside of bein' constantly aboard ship.... no room for th' horsey. ::le sigh::: Oh, how I fancy a Friesian. Oh and Bellows threatened that if I didn't attend RF5, he'd cry the whole freakin' weekend. LMAO! I'm tempted t' say I'm not goin' to see if he actually WILL do said emotional reaction. Sleep? What th' bloody devil is that? Hell if I did any sleeping at RF in '07, it was head on pillow out like a light with next recollection of waking up bloody early hour. Welp, Silkie... I believe I have a roomie... but still more than welcome t' room with this Lady. :) Floor? I'd have nothin' of it, lass. I suppose, is someone isn't afraid of doubling in a bed, I'm ok with it. Just sleep, nothin' more folks. ~Lady B
  4. Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn. That be true. ~Lady B
  5. ...... ::odd silence::: ............... Oh, come now. Can't ban th' Captain. I wouldn't mind tryin' some of that Fairy Juice. :) ~Lady B
  6. Eggads, Captain! Ye needs a good pirate ally t' bestow some wealth upon ye an' yo'r whelps. ~Lady B
  7. Ahoy to ye, John Flint. Ye be in good company here on th' Pub. A fine place t' be. Come and carouse with this piratical congregation. Oh, an' bein' ye a new one, th' tradition is ye purchase th' first round for we old salts. So, I'll be havin' some egg nog with rum in it, please. ~Lady B
  8. Oh, no... with Kate and Mickey bein' such wily pirates and them gettin' cosy with yo'r crew - supposedly pirate hunters - Hmmm... makes ye wonder what more they be doin'. Watchin' th' gold in yo'r purse, Sterling? Wait... ne'er mind... as many times as they've hung ye and ye keep comin' back... LOL... ye haunt them no matter what, eh? Oooo, deviish Captain! Blackbeard is probably bowin' at yo'r feet worshipin' ye for the numerous resurrections. Still Cheeky an' th' spoon... a sight to b'hold. ~Lady B
  9. Fantastic signature, Nell. The one I have is usually standard on most forums. Most usually state no larger than a pixel width and height of 400 by 150. The size will come down with the pixel resize. ~Lady B
  10. What? Ye don't do things fo' free, Dogge? Ooo... a break in the weather... so to speak. Th' chill is suppose to ease up a bit. Just slightly to get us outta th' Wind Chill Warning by noon. :::knocks on wood::: BUT... looks like snow will start rolling in this evening... snow through Tuesday and into Wednesday. Hey, at least the wind isn't blowin' so hard th' snow goes flyin' faster than a cannonball to th' point he can't see trees, houses let alone yo'r hand in yo'r face. Ahhh, blizzards. At least I am enjoyin' some hot chocolate, wrappin' presents, listenin' to Christmas music, etc... Gotta make an attempt t' send off a gift t'day. That is... IF I don't freeze instantly when I walk out th' door. :::Looks at all those out West::: damn ye! Sendin' all that weather towards us. Shame on ye! ~Lady B
  11. LMAO! Oh, why do I have a feeling RF5 will be VERY, VERY good, too. Now, Sterling... ye should know better than a group o' pirates bein' in line and well behaved. Tis th' Gentlewomen who do what they can t' keep a sailor in line. But, if that's not possible, then ye go with th' sayin': "if ye can't beat 'em... JOIN 'EM!" 'Course in that image there... she didn't have her spoon in hand so... I suppose she was caught unarmed. Generally a prize t' be claimed. But I don't know there though Sterling... between Kate and Mickey at PiP... both of 'em gone wild.. might be best t' keep yo'r eyes upon them. Hehehe... ~Lady B
  12. Nice pieces, Monterey. Especially fo' leather. I'll link them on a couple other forums. ~Lady B
  13. Aye, I had th' brown pair and the black pair. They are comfy enough. And just as Dogge said, go one size up. They are a soft leather so they slouch easily. There is a garter to help them stay up somewhat. All in all, a good boot to have if ye haven't a lot of money for the more pricier CaBoots. But, hint... check with Mary Diamond here on the Pub, she may be able to give ye a better deal on them. If not, at least ye be supportin' a highly recommended member of th' Pub an' she be INCREDIBLY reliable. Thanks fo' th' links, Dogge. Nice boots. Ye be an evil man. :::Whimpers::: ~Lady B
  14. LMAO!!!! Poor Dogge. Hell, Poor Captain! Cheeky, I presume ye'll have yo'r spoon with ye? T' keep th' lot in line? Aye, Nell. It's a fabulous event. Highly educational with the amount of reenactors all over. Ye are bound to learn something. I swear, if ye go away that weekend without learning a thing... ye must have been locked away in yo'r room th' whole bloody weekend. ..... Wait... then again, make sure it's YO'R room an' not one of those that belong to th' Archangels. LMAO! Otherwise... YE WON'T SLEEP!!!! ::Looks at the crewe::: Love ya guys. :::bats eyelashes at them::: ~Lady B
  15. LMAO! Captain Pack Mule! I shan't say a word further. Anyway, Small ticket items be what I mostly have that can be tucked away under a table swiftly or event removed and packed back away in the hotel room. Pray fo' me, mates... that I won't become sick and miss this event, too. :::crossin' fingers and swords::: ~Lady B
  16. PEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWW!!! No, I'm not sayin' it's stinky. ::Looks around fo' Stynky:::: Just givin' a shout out t' a damn good pirate! Huzzah to ye, Pew an' may ye have a fantastic day, mate. Happy Birthday to ye, Pew. ~Lady B
  17. Hmm... a display and demo room seperate from the sutlers and the ball room would be awesome. Bilge ye ask for whatever stuff ye want - make a list and check it twice -and we will see about bringing some stuff. OK? ~Lady B
  18. Gift received, thank ye. ;;:Thinks she knows who it is; big grins::: However, haven't opened it, it's wrapped in gift wrap and sitting under the tree at this very moment. I be a patient Lady. Gift for my recepiant shall go out Monday (only break in the weather thus far). Weather has been so ucooperative. But I shall swear they WILL get it by Christmas. ~Lady B
  19. Hehehehe... will see about the pirates, I think there will be plenty who shall attend this convention for reenactors. As to props and decor, what all ye still be needin', Bilge? Bottles? brass an' silver? Lanterns? Maps? jewelry? ~Lady B
  20. LMAO! Ghost Adventures is hilarious! I LOVe hearing the guys scream and run for their dear lives. My fav wasn't the musical place in Kentucky, but that vacant hotel that's in an attempt to being renovated in Nevada that is hilarious. That brick that went flying and they went running like frightened babies and got seperated, etc. Oh, the brick flying was nothing just their reaction was absolutely hilarious! I missed the one about the pirate ghost though with Haunted Caribbean. Maybe they'll have it on again sometime. TAPS has done rather well. I like a lot of their investigations. Even a couple of former 18th c places that were converted into restuarants mostly or something else. But, aye, anyone who goes onto the Star of India, report on any creepiness or something unusual. ~Lady B
  21. A Merry Christmas right back at ye, Maggie. And indeed it will be a white Christmas for some. Bloody hell! Hester, we must be in the same region, lass. Otherwise, this storm is awefully widespread, m'dear. Getting some blizzard conditions here, too. The wind be howlin' out there. Temps dropping mighty low tonight with wind chills below 30. Oooo... and this is only December! Can't wait fo' February. :::sarcastic::: I'm keeping watch on the storms out west. Usually what all ye westerners get, it comes towards us. And not good usually as each storm has been tapping into the Gulf Coast for some loverly moisture, hence the storms that just don't die and they continue on to the east. But, again, I'm glad at least we are getting the snow now and not later like in March and especially April. God, I hope we don't have another snow storm in the middle of April. Oh, and HarborMaster... are ye wearin' some of yo'r piratical get-up? Hehehe, gettin' into the spirit of the season all pirate like? Or just gettin' into the spirits as a good pirate does? ~Lady B
  22. Come one! Come all! Come celebrate Emerald Shaunassey's bday with me! Plenty o' drinks fo' all. Now, forget NOT t' leave fine wishes fo' this Lady Captain. ~Lady B
  23. Ooo... another's Bday! :::: holds out a couple bottles of rum::: bottles for Bottles. Hope it's a grand enjoyable and wonderful day for ye, mate. ~Lady B
  24. When I get time, Mary, I'll look for th' bones I have. I believe I had two of them, femurs... I don't know if I still have them or not. They be deer bones I believe. But again, will look for them but can't guarantee I still have them any more. ~Lady B
  25. ahhh... the lovely rule of the Crown. Oooo, dutch.... I heard about those seminars on the woodworking. They looked absolutely fascinating. I think this year they were gonna work on a bed or take a closer look at a period bed. :::whimpers::: ~Lady B
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