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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Ye look fantastic, Hannah! Love th' coat! Hope t' cross paths with ye sometime in th' future. Likewise, Mickey. Th' outfits are wonderful. Ye look absolutely smashing and dashing. Chole... that is an incredibly loved outfit there. The colors are a fine match. Well done and m' compliments. Wearing that at Reenactor Fest? Oh, wait... do I see colored fabric shoes?!?! Be those from Fugawee? ~Lady B
  2. Hope ye all had a good Thanksgiving. And feasted well hopefully. I know I did. Between my mum and sis and I, we cooked a hell of a Thanksgiving feast. Had at least one guest and that's a family tradition, for Thanksgiving and Christmas, our door is open for someone who has no place to go or no family to join us in our merriment. From feasting to games. Here's to all of ye for a splendid Holiday. Huzzah! ~Lady B
  3. My goodness! More an' more pirates up there in Minnesota! Glad t' have ye here at th' Pub, Hannah. ~Lady B
  4. Aye, welcome to th' Pub. Ye've come to a fine establishment fo' anythin' t' do with piracy. ~Lady B
  5. Mighty awesome, Jib. :) Alas, couldn't see, Hellfire, cause th' album was set to Private. ~Lady B
  6. Received an email this mornin' that Job is back in the hospital with Pneumonia. Please send yo'r prayers to th' lad. Any pirates close enough to Job should go to visit him when possible. I will see about where he is located for ya if you are interested, please email or message me, ok? ~Lady B
  7. Gas is $1.79 here. $1.37? wow! That would be fantastic!! Diesel is still rather high though. But if gas remains like this, all the more easier to attend events. Aye? Let alone get to work, to other places, obtain clothing and more. ~Lady B
  8. HUZZAH!!! PARTY AT RUMBA'S!!! ~Lady B
  9. Ahoy, Princess! Glad t' see ye made it to th' Pub! ~Lady B
  10. Oy! Scupper! Now what makes ye think we can have a celebration without a major party for ye? Hmm? ::: has many barrels of rum and other spirits brought in::: Singing of some fun songs and more. DRINKS ALL AROUND!! Happy Bday to ye, Scupper. May the upcoming year be a blessed one for ye an' yo'r family, mate. ~Lady B
  11. I've been told I'm intimidating nevertheless. Oh, this is rich... Not a soul recognizes me when out of my pirate clothing. But Halloween when I dressed in my crimson outfit... ye have NO idea how often I heard "Hey, I remember you! You were that pirate at RAGBRAI" or something along those lines. I wasn't sure if I was embarassed or charmed. I know my sister's kids were thrilled to hear it. They think I'm a wickedly cool pirate Aunt. ~Lady B
  12. Curious t' see that list, Rouge. Very lovely couple ye make, Vintage. :) :::Shakes head at Doc and MerryD::: :) And understandable and good that thy Love allows that, Syren. :) He'd have to be a strong man to be a mate of the one and only Syren. Hmmm, Well, mates. As to Love for this Lady... though I fancy ol' Captain Barbossa endlessly. He's not reality, unfortunately, for this Lady who bears his name. Currently taking a couple fancies, but nothing major yet unless they dare step forward. Til they, they appear rather cowardly and hide, remaining utterly mysterious. While a couple others are, well, sex deprived young cubs barely out of High School seeking some lass to bed. HA! Not for me, mates. Not for me. I dare say, I do fancy gents in uniform. Especially 18th c uniform. Or even any 18th c attire. :::Drools; swoons::: Nothin' be sexy t' me than a gent in period clothing. And of course, a man with blue eyes. I've a major weakness for blue eyes. Don't be askin' me why, I just do. Blue eyes be the important factor for me, Honestly, I shan't consider a gent to swoon over and fancy unless they have blue eyes. Oh, and by God, damnit, they better enjoy some period fun with th' likes o' me! I'll allow him quite a bit of freedom and hope he does th' same, as well as friends (quite important) of his own, oh and perhaps the occassional fancy of horseback riding. Or more than occassional. I shan't put up lots of hopes and expectations, but would like to discover more about them as they would be curious about m'self, too. Enough that it would be a constant adventure of discovery. Tolerance and the dedication to stick with each other no matter what! Did I mention gents in period clothing? Oh, for now, I'm enjoyin' some delightful conversaton with a gent on MySpace. Haha, a Pirate Hunter so to speak. :) And yet, he hasn't taken me to th' gallows. I dare say, I've taken a fancy to him. ~Lady B
  13. That's pretty wicked about th' blue flash. :) ~Lady B
  14. Usually takes a lot to get me drunk. However, gimme some Pirate's Choice rum and it won't take long for me to become drunk! I think we call can attest to that at what happened at Pete Straw's Midwestern Hurricane Party. I don't think there was one of us who was NOT drunk. ~Lady B
  15. Sorry, mates.... no Jack Sparrow or any other famous pirate here. However, some folks have gotten together to do their own pirate movies. Check them out here: http://www.pirateprincessproductions.com/ ~Lady B
  16. Alas, I'm not in that general vicinity. However, I believe I know of some pirates that direction perhaps. I'll pass along th' word. ~Lady B
  17. Don't be feelin' bad, Matusalem. I've only seen the Northern Lights once in my life - spectacular as it was - and that was a couple years ago. Again, I've only seen them once in my life. I can see how they could be something magical. Perhaps someday, Matusalem, ye'll see that green flash. :) ~Lady B
  18. Eager to see images and hear more about this ship! Lucky devils ye! ~Lady B
  19. I'm with Syren... I have been on it either. Deprived we are. ~Lady B
  20. :::nods::: Aye,. I was assured that that was the address for the McCully Family. Or otherwise it could be to the association they are with which means they'd still get the stuff. Also, anything piraty would be fine for the sister, too. ~Lady B
  21. Some interesting info, Rumba. Thanks for the link. ~Lady B
  22. Oh, dear God, ye played a hard game here Mission! One day only... with only what you can carry. Uhh... Well, first off, fine clothes! And shoes to match. Whatever else I purchase my break my back and arms carrying! Cause I'd want to grab as much stuff as possible from sewing and embroidery items to attire to various imported items and... Uuugh, I best give up... abandon me back in that day and age!!! ~Lady B
  23. Hahaha... smart lass, Sterling. :) :::nods::: Righto, Callenish. Been doing about the same these past couple weeks traveling nigh and hour one way to watch my sister's kids. It's major ouch. But glad that the gas prices have gone down significantly. And hoping they stay down if not go a little lower - like 20 or 50 cents. It's $1.89 here which is doable and tolerable. I'm actually believing I might be able to make Rev War events actually now on top of a pirate event or two plus Reenactor Fest. Just hoping that gas remains low. Yes, the economy suffering is horrid. ~Lady B
  24. So... how did it go? Anyone have pictures of it yet? Hearing how well the past couple of years has been rather fun. ~Lady B
  25. Despite I be uprooted from m' former flooded out port... and bein' tossed upon rocky shores... I think I might toss m' name into th' pot this year. Alas, I won't be able t' bestow one with a massive treasure. ~Lady B
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