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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. LMAO! Started? Well at least it's continuing. Aye, Amanjira, will celebrate alongside ye. :::hoists tankard high; bound to attempt to become drunk (will take a while though)::: ~Lady B
  2. ::le sigh:: I'm amazed I am not utterly exhausted. I swear it, and I am NOT joking, I need to be paid just for living! OK.. supposedly DHS is FINALLY sending me the paperwork necessary to get paid. That's at least 3 months if not nigh 4, cause I haven't been paid since August. And fighting to get paid from the City for working for them at least a couple days now that I know what happened (blighters). However, it's absolute TORTURE having to stay with family! Especially mom! T'was the whole reason of my being on my own is to live on my own. Well, kinda hard to do that when your not getting paid and it showed. Ugh... Mom is obviously driving me nuts. When she thinks it's helping... it's not. She's rather overbearing and too instructive (telling me what I need to do and confuses the hell out of me) and no I can't tell her to back off. She doesn't understand it really on how to back off, then she bitches and picks a fight to prove she's right then pull the guilt trip, etc... ya know, a normal mom's BS. Does NOT help by any means whatsoever with my own decision making. Yes, I've attempted to talk to her about this, no she doesn't listen. She thinks I'm still a mental retard and needs to be under the control of the state with pills popped into me to keep me "normal". Sad and sick but true. She's still pushing currently for me to get into some county establishment. :: rolls eyes:: Mates, I don't know how I do it. Keep the prayers coming though. ~Lady B
  3. The black coat has been sold. However, those of you interested in the black coat and still want one, message me. I can make one for you. Everything else is still up for grabs including the tan and dark purple-blue outfit (which shirt, waistcoat and breeches). The black paisley waistcoat and the matching petticoat is still up for sale. Also have a white cotton and linen weskit, an off white slops (converted from breeches, waist 36). white satin like shirt (ruffles at wrist with pre-tatted lace and french knot at the cuff) There are some precut Waistcoat pieces: There are more pieces. More to come, too. ~Lady B
  4. More than a bump, it's a post! MeryD obtained the correct address to send clean (since he has health issues) piratey trinkets or coinage to the young lad. I'm sure he and his family would be thrilled to see items from other pirates or even coinage to help out with his medical costs. Send it to the McCully Family at the address MerryD has listed above. So let's start getting some items around and start with Christmas gifts for the lad. What say ye, mates? Don't forget to send something to th' sister. That was a request from those helping the family since she seems to be forgotten in all this. Will post something soon on what th' lass fancies. ~Lady B
  5. Well, I'll be... Happy Bday to ye, Anne. :) Might ye have a blessed day filled with treasure galore. ~Lady B
  6. Those are some good places to look for buckles. Also check out G Gedney Godwin and Fugawee for buckles. Fugawee has a nice selection. ~Lady B
  7. Spotted this on G Gedney Godwin site. I'm sure some of ye may be more than interested in this: Building 18th century Naval Artillery http://www.gggodwin.com/CartGenie/prod-777.htm ~Lady B
  8. Welcome to th' Pub Mr Bottoms. Err, umm... hope ye enjoy yo'rself here. plant yo'r seat here to carouse. ~Lady B
  9. Happy belated Bday to ye, GoF. :) Hope it was a grand one. Obtain some charmin' prizes that ye wanted? ~Lady B
  10. A happy belated bday to ye, Christine. :) Amazing how we young lasses feel so old and yet we thrive better than ever. Here be to ye for a very healthy year, lass! No more health woes says I! ~Lady B
  11. Ahoy. Thank ye, MerryD. :) Alas, more than financial... I be cursed I tell ye! Cursed! I shan't say I be runnin'... but stayin' in Cedar Rapids was like stayin' in Port Royal directly after the earthquake. Beatin' a dead horse... no point in that when the meat is rotten an' not good by any means t' use. So... onward I be goin'. Elsewhere in th' Not So Tropical Waters I be in search of better Prizes to obtain. An' hopefully soon 'll have m' Business back up an' running. In th' meantime, it's by request only for orders and a limited amount of orders, too. Prayers, mates. They help more than ye think. I shan't be around all that often with so much goin' on. But shall attempt t' swing into th' Pub when opportunity arises. The th' Locker with m' troubles says I. ~Lady B
  12. Ahoy an' welcome to th' Pub, mate. Enjoy yo'r carousin' here. An' since ye be buy drinks fo' we lot as per tradition of th' Pub... I'll have a Tequila Rose. So... tell us more 'bout ye, mate. Landlocked? Oh, I'm sure there be plenty o' pirates near ye. ~Lady B
  13. Ahoy an' welcome. Le Baron, hmm? :) Hehehe... charming. Again, Welcome to th' Pub... an' since ye be pruchasin' drinkage for we vets of the Pub... I'll have a fine Tequila Rose thank ye. So... tell us more 'bout yo'r tales, mate. ~Lady B
  14. Fantastic images, mates! :) I be envious of yo'r time out in fine piratical attire. Crows Nest... if ye need anything whatsoever without going through eBay... there are several here on the Pub (including myself) who make piratical attire - historical authentic to historical fiction. ~Lady B
  15. howdy luv, again I am the first to leave a message...i have tagged you...

  16. Can't b'lieve I missed welcomin' ye here, Rev. Ahoy, a hearty welcome to ye. Glad t' have ye at th' Pub. Ye fancy RPGs and History, hmm? Intreguin'. ~Lady B
  17. Aye, welcome back, Scupper. Glad t' have ye back at th' Pub. So... I suppose ye be buyin' th' drinks? Hmm? ~Lady B
  18. LMAO! Layin' upon th' beach drinkin' rum! LOL many here who would follow that preachin' there, mate! Glad t' have ye with us. ~Lady B
  19. Tis a fine tale indeed, Mr Jones. A fine image of ye both. Startin' th' wee lass out right I see. Huzzah to ye as a piratey papa. Fine duds ye both be sportin'. ~Lady B
  20. Ahoy, Red Jessi. Glad t' have ye here at th' Pub. ::Looks over at Dogge; then rolls eyes::: Don't be mindin' him. Tis good t' be hangin' 'round him... though make sure ye have a camera in case he does something again. Tis a grand lot here on th' Pub. As to a drink, I'll take a tankard o' Tequila Rose... thank ye. ~Lady B
  21. Thanks, Rogue. Much appreciatated. It's the forums that place a limit on the amount of images in a post which kinda sucks. So, it's best to email me so I can send you the images. PM also has the restrictions. Aye, will do, Syren. Thanks. The black frock coat I had listed here has been sold. This one is amazingly enough STILL up for grabs! For some odd reason it won't sell! This is an ABSOLUTELY fabulous outfit. Hand pick fabric by my nephew. He's wanting this sold, desperately wanting it sold so he can purchase new fabric and materials for a new pirate outfit. This one is too small for him now. So, come on! Buy it! Help cloth a young man in better clothing! Waistcoat, shirt and breeches. Seperate pieces or as an outfit. The outfit can come with navy blue stockings and a beckett military style cocked hat. Breeches size is 32 waist Again, first come, first serve offers. ~Lady B
  22. {content erased and edited by the Lady} Please keep scrolling down.... ~Lady B
  23. I will try to find out but not sure how soon I can get to it with my current issues. But with the lad, keep in mind he has a LOT of health issues, had a double lung transplant and still has lung issues. So, will try to find out some info (unless someone else can pull some strings) to send a care package or set up a fund or better yet, set up some event for this lad. (I'm great with ideas, horrible at making them happen :) ) ~Lady B
  24. Depressed. Bitchy cause someone decided to post in my thread under Thieves Market trying to overshadow my desperate need to sell my stuff! Not sure what else to do. Hate to sell what I have since the vast majority of it is heirlooms given to me by family. Again, just.... majorly bummed out. ~Lady B
  25. {content erased and edited by the Lady} Please keep scrolling down.... ~Lady B
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