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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Saw ladies fencing the other day. Don't know if they got gold, silver or bronze. Had to leave unfortunately. Blah! Amen to that, Sterling! I've noticed that, too! Less and less in some sports unlike the men. Odd. Cover those girls up for God's sake! Seen the fencing, some of it. Still nothing on the Equestrian events. Nothing on sailing or archery. Didn't see the shooting. Bugger. Saw a little of the rowing, individual sculs. Saw girl's floor gymnastics last night. Huzzah! for fellow Iowa Shawn Johnson! I was holding my breath a LOT last night! So darn close to the gold but absolutely thrilled with the silver. But heard she got a gold ont he beam today! Huzzah! Still looking for the Equine events. Definitely want to watch Dressage! ~Lady B
  2. Damnation...she can buy her own bloody shoes! She's got two mighty fine pairs of leather ones already and a third on the way... I have but one and thems falling to pieces...must come from all that trying to walk on the water.... Oh, well, now there ya go! All th' more reason she needs another pair or few of shoes that are SILK! Leather... pffht! Leather not be for a Lady of her magnitude. She needs silk. Walkin' on water? Now why th' hell ye attemptin' that? Be that cause ye keep hearin' "Jesus Christ" around ye all th' time yo'r startin' to believe it? tsk tsk, Sterling. Alrightly... another pair o' shoes fo' ye, Captain. Or a few as well. Perhaps some filk silken shoes fo' ye. Red heeled, tied off with a fancy bow. Give ye a walking stick t' lift a Lady's skirts... ~Lady B
  3. Normal? What normal? Best time I was at a Lake (freakin' cold, too, for being in the middle of a hot summer) was at an event... in the early afternoon... and those of us who went to the Lake, went in our reenactment skivvies (breeches, shirts or chemise, petticoats) NOT the sunday best mind ye. Yeah, it was sexier than a wet tshirt contest!!! We Dragoon ladies were astride the floaties and the vast majority of the gents were doing their best to "knock" us Dragoon ladies off the floaties without success. My reply after continuous laughing "We Dragoons know how to stay on!" Ahhhh... but ye can't beat a bunch of folks in the water soaked period clothing to the point it makes ANY bar wet t shirt contest just a wussy kids play! Oh, we know how to have fun. Other than that... naw... never. ~Lady B
  4. I safely go with 3 yards of material. That would be more than enough for the skirting and the waistband. I like the waistband with the pleating more than I like the drawstring. ~Lady B
  5. Hmmm... most curious artifact. The one symbol is used by Masons, The Christian Trinity symbol.. oh, now that is interesting. But the Jewish Star of David baffles the hell out of me since the Barbarossa brothers were Muslim supporters! How odd indeed! Love the description and makes it all the more curious about that time and era and what was going on. A bit of an oddity since some of what's been said the Barbarossa's loathed the Christians and Jews! How odd they fly that particular colours. :::shrugs::: Intreguing... most intreguing. ~Lady B
  6. Mighty nice. Dang this Pub has incredible talent an' craftsmanship! ~Lady B
  7. Amen to th' retension bit, Mission. M' poor mind be not t'what it was. Infact, a good Doctor mentioned to me t' get m' head checked out literially. Now, that DOES bother me. So... books galore for m'self and others to use... aye, tis a wonderful thing. I'd imagine the box 'll be good for other items, too, if one hasn't a haversack. Aye? ~Lady B
  8. golden hair... call her Giselle. Most true, Dogge. Most true. Sterling... will see t' arrange such bits fo' ye. Now, how ye keeps it from His Majesty's pryin' eyes so as ye don't end up like Master Kidd.... I leave that t' ye, mate. But ye gets what be left to divy AFTER the shares have been given to m' crew. I'm sure lovely Mistress Lily would enjoy a pair o' nice, fancy silken shoes? Hmm? An' ol' Dogge there 'll fancy some fine arms, be they th' ones that go boom or the one that go MMM in bed. Now, Lily... if ye find yo'rself overrun with lasses overly curious in th' good Captain... can send 'em my way an' I'll find them ::: Clears throat::: suitable masters fo' 'em. :::evil grinz::: ~Lady B
  9. Great images there, Rats! Looks like it was absolute fantastic an' bleedin' fun! :::whimpers::: Pity I had to miss it. Hmmm... tha gunfire image with those 1812 soldiers and other colonial folks... a couple faces there who look familiar. Pick out John Saunter right away. Th' devil is so EASY to spot. Thank ye for th' images, Rats. ~Lady B
  10. oh, come now, Sterling... with the scar, ye stand out! Tis flattering! Nothing says "action ready" than a war wounds! I'm sure Cheeky can best the Ladies. But at least with m'self, Cheeky's nothin' t' worry about... my interest in ye Captain is not the bed, but th' gold an' silver and ensurin' ye don't place that hemp necklace about m' neck. Granted I know ye says ye can't hang a Lady, but I am a pirate after all. Now... how's about that there compensation o' booty - gold an' jewels, mate, gold an' jewels. ~Lady B
  11. Tis ok, Mr Bagley. Understandable. Still seeking that thread out. Thank ye. ~Lady B
  12. Hmm... have that book "Two Years Before the Mast"... haven't gotten far in reading it though. I know this is not period by any means, more a second hand info... by Richard O'Neill book "Patrick O'Brian's Navy" in response to Patrick O'Brian's series "Master and Commander" on how the Navy was run at that time... supposedly. I guess, it's somewhat gives an idea on a common sailor's routine... well at least in the Navy... loose use of it but can be helpful I suppose in understanding how the time was handled. On page 76 there was graph that showed a seperation of "Idlers",Larboard watch and Starboard Watch their timetable as to when they ate, when they slept, when their watch was or was working, when they drilled, and when their leisure time was. Now... again not sure how accurate this be for sure. But it's a neat idea. What say ye to this, mates? How close was this to the real thing? Thank ye for the PDFs though... invaluable info there. ~Lady B
  13. Interesting indeed. "waxt" as into didn't seal with pitch I'm presuming? Curious though... from the recent documentary of the Whydah... their claim to long silk ribbons used as tying to pistols and draping around their neck. Be this backed up with documentation? Or is this more or less an educated guess? ~Lady B
  14. Tis intreguing indeed. Most intregued with the skull and bones... they seem shaded unless that's just by time. Did I miss this, or did it state that the skull and bones were applied to one side? Would be fantastic to have a look see at these pirate colours nonetheless. GAoP or not... it's still a period piece and desires some careful study! Heck, no different than the Colours that Tarleton captured and was recently up for auction! Priceless pieces they all are. ~Lady B
  15. Hahah! We'll bring a whole pig t' roast a la boucan style... ... with whatever cheese there be layin' about in honor o' ol' Ben Gunn! Thank ye, m'Lady Constance, for th' offer. All th' more reason t' party there! ~Lady B
  16. Might just be you an' me, MerryD. That is IF I can make it that weekend. Still unsure if I am able to attend it. I know the Brotherhood of Steel would want me there for some skits. But again, shall see what goes. ~Lady B
  17. Sounds like a brilliant idea, Mr Bo. Dogge... be glad we not be in regular earthquake country (California)... ye'd be havin' a heck of a time walkin' then fro sea legs t' land legs. Oh, I be lookin' forward to this event. Ummm... bigger facility.... Cheeky... may have to keep an eye out for the LOST now! ~Lady B
  18. aye, Lily... tempting, isn't it? awww... poor Dogge. Worse comes to worse... I'll have an extra bed in my room for sure. One bed for me, one open. So... I be in the same :::Clears throat::: boat... as Sterling... except I shan't be beggin' fo' Ladies in m' room. Just opening up to whomever can tolerate this wicked Lady. :::wicked evil grinz::: Let's just hope we all be on th' same floor and nearby.. ~Lady B
  19. Hmmm.... :::rubs chin::: So long as ye don't get caught, Mr Avery. ~Lady B
  20. The Bounty has been used in a few films and documentaries. Tis my understanding she was used in the Spongebob Squarepants movie, that ship in the beginning is supposedly her! Or so the Bounty crew has told me. This was before she was sent south to become the Edinburugh Trader in which I was told in secret that she was "in the works of possibly being chosen" to be in DMC. aye, sure enough... she was! I was thrilled... but cried when the Kraken trashed the ET aka Bounty. Curious to see what vessels out there be used for other films. What about the Morning Star in Cutthroat Island. Wasn't she a real vessel from around the Caribbean vicinity? Eitherway... I fancy that name Acheron espeically for a ship. Especially for a pirate or privateer's ship. ~Lady B
  21. Got to amazinly enough watch this documentary and I was rather blown away myself with the info let alone the artifacts! Hell, the Whydah IS the treasure! At least in my opinion. T'was interesting with mention of the young lad. Oh, better yet... the silk ribbons used to tie on pistol to the other and drape over the neck/shoulders to fire and drop, easy transport when boarding, etc. Interesting. This be true? aye... I hope to see this again sometime. Wonder if it's on YouTube. Gawk at the artifacts. BTW... I missed the part they were talking about a ring... I'm guessing was mentioned it was Bellamy's ring... of two turtledoves over water with some saying... what was that about? Had a phonecall at that time and completely missed that part. Can someone explain that one to me, please? ~Lady B
  22. Poor Dogge. That last image. Ow.... or so it looks. Good work on that one. Fantastic images! Kudos to ye. As always, mate! Keeper o' secrets, hmm? Now ye've struck m' curiosity. ~Lady B
  23. :::whimpers::: Pity I missed it. Looked like a lot of fun! Thank ye for th' video! :) Here's to hopin' for next year! ~Lady B
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