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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Girls? Girls?! What do ye mean, girls!??!!!! We not be girls... but WOMEN! Proper Ladies we be. And..::: Clears throat::: Improper... ::clears throat again::: Hopefully we'll all be on the same level and rooms close by. So... umm... Dogge... were ye lookin' at puttin' more dagger holes into th' walls? Ooo! Ooo! Who's bringin' th' cases of Pirate's Choice rum this time?!?? :::looks over a Pete Straw::: Or... :::then turns to Bilgemunky::: Since ye keep shufflin' around PC Rum. :::Holds tankard out::: Getting excited (and hopeful that I make it). Working on my gown (albeit slowly). ~Lady B
  2. Ooooo! I likes him already! Can we keep him?!?! Well, fill up our tankards an' glasses then Sweeney. West Coast? Ye mean over by th' Pacific side? Oh, now then ye'll miss some fun here in th' Northwestern Territories (Midwest in modern terms). Hope someone was able t' get ahold of ye. I have passed th' word along. And shall attempt t' keep ye in touch of upcomin' events with any piratical flavor to them. But I dare say... one of the best Piratical events in the Northwestern Territories (midwest)... be the Port Washington Pirate Fest, mate!... Right up there along Lake Michigan in Port Washinton, Wisconsin! Growing and growing each year. And boy do we know how to PAAAARRRR-TTTAAAAYYYYYY!!!! ~Lady B
  3. Hmmmm..... a Spaniard. Oh,well! Welcome to th' Pub, amigo! Not all that charmed with sangria... so, hows 'bout some o' that madeira? so... what, pray tell, would a Spaniard such as ye risk thyself of complete torture an' come here... with so many Buccaneers floatin' about? Bold devil ye be, that be fo' sure. ~Lady B
  4. Oh, well now... if ye joined th' Navy... They'll send ye after we charming pirates. An' we don't want t' b ruffin' ye up too much now. Welcome to th' Pub m' fine British friend. Hey, there be nothing too terribly sad about PotC... it got a LOT of people turning heads and supporting piracy! Heck for all we know... many pirates in the past made MANY political statements! Many of them. And aye, tis good to see Avery has a supporter. So.. since ye be new... ye be "purchasing" th' first round. And I'll be havin' m'self some... hmm... not sure what I want. I'll let ye pick, m'dear. ~Lady B
  5. Congratulations to USA fencing's Mariel Zagunis for the very first gold I heard that! Didn't see it though. Bummer. But did hear of it. Huzzah for the US Fencing team! Now... to find the other stuff I'm eager to watch - horses and boats and more swords!! great combination. ~Lady B
  6. Perkeo and his tavern, oh, my! watch out! Ditto, here, Perkeo... with finding out if I'll make it, too. ~Lady B
  7. SWEET!!!! All th' more reason I wish t' join ye all! Damnable. Hopin' for next year. An' will hopefully have some less flashy attire, too, for this type of event. ~Lady B
  8. ROTDLMAO! Oh, God now THAT is hilarious!!!! There is nothing funny about my hat! Hahaha... no... the hat is wicked. But it's how they classified ye that is hilarious... "serial killing, psycho puritan"! ~Lady B
  9. And doctors STILL haven't a clue what be causing those headaches in such strong intensity yet? Girl, that's just not right that ye go through that much pain. Surely there is something they can do, they gotta pick up on something soon. That just doesn't sound like such painful headaches as that don't and aren't normal nor natural. I feel for ya though. Tired. I think I'm about to have a headache myself. Luckily... no. Had a nasty sinus headache last night that just made me sick to my stomach, eyes hurt and the nose in so much pain it was incredible! I finally just turned in for the night. Took me a while to sleep. Annoyed cause a neighbor is cranking up their music WAY too loud. Ugh... I so tire of this city. God get me out of here... NOW!!! Hope the Doctors find something, Christine, that is causing those heaaches and resolve and cure it my dear. No need for you to be suffering like that for this long. Good God! Hmmm... sounds like it's the weekend for headaches. Hope you feel better soon, Hester. ~Lady B
  10. Oh, aye! Indeed! Gettin' a load of pirates together... ~Lady B
  11. Hahaha... understand that, Bo. We shall see my schedule and luck on which weekend I can attend. My luck is being pressed to the limit at the moment. As well as my patience. ~Lady B
  12. Alrighty... Olympics are here! Surprised there wasn't a thread for this yet. So... what sport ye watchin' for an' supportin'? I personally am rootin' for the fencing, sailing, rowing, and Equestrian events. Anyone seen these yet? NBC generally has the general events. ~Lady B
  13. A bit annoyed... waiting for my sis as I called her earlier today to see if she was getting out and about so I can kitch a ride and get some necessities, including a belt for the truck so I can fix it and get it running again! Damnable serpentine belt snapped on thursday... Oh, it's driving me nuts not being able to fix it right away. It was 5 hours ago I called her... she's not called nor stopped by. Mates... why th' hell am I bein' tested like this? This is bloody God aweful an' more than enough! Good God! I'd rather steer a ship through a hurricane! ~Lady B
  14. Drinking Snapple's Earl Grey lightly sweetened tea. LOVE this tea. ~Lady B
  15. Aye,... I like that! Wonderful workmanship, mate! I'm impressed! A man o' many talents, ye be... the magazine... the swords... damnable, man, be there nothing ye can do in th' piratical world? Careful there, Mad Jack Morgan... ye may have a couple o' devils down that direction want yo'r sword. ~Lady B
  16. An' oldie but goodie. Come an' celebrate one of th' finest who graced th' Pub. So much he gots his own wench from me! Celebrate an' enjoy some good Barbados rum in honor o' Sam! Happy Birthday, Barbados Sam! ~Lady B
  17. Ye best come an' enjoy a round o' celebratin' for a fine musician of the Pub! Come, toss a few back and allow th' Piper t' rest on his blessed day, as other musicians play in his honor. Happy Birthday to ye, Seamus! ~Lady B
  18. WOO HOO!!! PARTY AT DE MONET'S!!!!! Thank ye for th' offer, mate. Ahhh... his Colours show. ~Lady B
  19. LOVE th' first pic! Ye look like ye could be a mob boss or better yet... A PIRATE CAPTAIN!!!! Fantastic pictures, Cutthroat! Absolutely brilliant! An' a downright incredibly handsome gent ye be! Lovely Bride, too! Blessin's to th' both of ye! An' looks like ye both had fun but mighty exhausted, hmm? Again, Happy Bday an' congrats! ~Lady B
  20. Kudos t' ye, Master James! tis a fine coat there... and even finer waistcoat! Handsome devil ye be. ~Lady B
  21. Ahoy an' welcome t' th' Pub, mate! Lucky ye be fo' livin' in th' Carolinas. Gorgeous area. Lots o' history. Big on ol' Blackbeard, hmm? Welp, since ye be new to this here establishment... tis tradition that th' newcomer 'buys' th' first round o' drinks for us all. So.. why don't ye make mine a mx o' Dr Pepper an' Tattoo please. Thank ye most kindly. Lookin' forward t' seein' ye abouts th' Pub, mate. Now... back t' watch th' Olympics... keep hopin' t' see the Equestrian Events. Hopin'. ~Lady B
  22. Ahoy and come celebrate o' Cutthroat's Bday! Plenty o' rum fo' all. Hoist yo'r tankard high for th' man. Now, for those of ye not knowin' who he be... he be th' one who made the replica of Barbossa's Piece of Eight, the Sailor's Eye aka Ragetti's wooden eye. Here's to ye, m' good man. Many blissful and treasure filled years fo' ye an' yo'r Pirate Bride! ~Lady B
  23. Bo... just pray ye don't meet up with Calypso/Tia Dalma there. If ye do... DON'T PISS HER OFF! Hence why we had this storm this year. She was there, then she wasn't and storm rolled in. Either way, Bo... come. Guaranteed ye'll have a blast at the Midwestern Hurricane party. Wouldn't be so bad if the lightning wasn't so bad. At least it would be great for an At World's End photo op with the wind and torent of rain! Aye! Good idea, Bess. ~Lady B
  24. Sweet! Huzzah! More of our rowdy kin t' join us. Huzzah! Hurricane... ye WON'T be disappointed, mate. I swears... BEST event I've ever been to. It is a tough, tough choice, Mr Bagley. That event ye mentioned sounded absolutely fantastic. If ye do decide t' come... shall look forwards t' finally meetin' ye both. And I'll do what I can NOT to be sick. Promise. ~Lady B
  25. Why does a kilted Highlander falling backwards and blasting off tree leaves and a weee branch after firing his musket always comes t' mind when someone overloads their charges? Ya had to have been there t' see it, mates. T'was hilarious. An' quite the boom, too. Bottles, that is hilarious indeed. Now we knows why ye be bloody mad! Careful there, Doesn't appear Sterling be happy about usin' up th' powder from th' magazine, mate. ~Lady B
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