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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Noticed on the site a link to the upcoming Martime Heritage Festival. They boasted five vessels to be there and I fancy th' ones that'll be there! http://www.portmaritimefestival.com Those are the type o' vessels we need at the Pirate Fest!!! ~Lady B
  2. Aye, Bess. Cedar Rapids is not offering hope at all for me. Albeit I am try. Nay, th' only thing that keeps me here and has kept me here is the lack of funding to move. :::Grabs the tray of cheese and crackers and chows down and drinks wine mighty hungry a la Elizabeth Swann in first move::: Family is indeed the root of my irritation. Amoung a couple of past issues that can never seem to be rectified. But for now... I must fore warn... I am now having some grave computer issues and may disappear for a while- :::glares at the direction of some cheering where ever it's coming from::: Anyway... Can't figure out where this virus is at and it's taking my comp down with it to Davy Jones' Locker. And I haven't coinage yet to get a new comp (unlike my sister who can go through 5 computers in 2 years). Thank ye kindly, Bess for th' best wishes. Aye, I'd fancy an opportunity t' make a wee bit of coinage whilst bein' a pirate. And tryin' to make coinage making outfits but the past month has seen all that in the doldrums. Always hate sounding like some bickering B**** that's fo' sure. I admit... I've dug myself in deep this time. ~Lady B
  3. I DID inform them not to schedule me for a week just in case with this flood issue. But no communication there and it's just been getting worse and worse... yeah, the manager there presumed I quit and told me to bring in my stuff. I gave up on them and started looking for help and a job but things around here are hellish. Kinda hard to go to work when it usually takes you 5 minutes to get there but was narrowed down to well over an hour to get there IF you are lucky with one way to get there that's being threatened to shut down and generally said you should only take the interstate ONLY for emergencies and if you REALLY, REALLY need to. The Interstate was so backed up with traffic. A blemish it will be most likely upon my poor history there... but, at the threat of not being able to make it back home IF the road is closed and other emergency issues... all these damned SoBs can care about here is making that god damn money! Freakin' pisses me off!!! Yeah, I've been trying to get something out there. Trying be the key word with so limited of funds and gas. I'll spare all the details of the crap. I'm trying... eventhough most don't think I'm doing a damn thing... I am! I've only heard back from ONE place and had an interview... but will be another week before I find out anything. I missed out on the Stable job which annoys and bums me out. They didn't even call me back or anything! Trying to get what resumes printed off now... and sent. But my comp is NOT wanting to cooperate. Yeah, I have a virus... but can't do a thing about it. I've asked for various help and gotten nothing. So, I'm up a flooded creek. Yeah, I'm wanting to move away from here. So much unfair crap going on here and no one is listening. Granted the Mayor says she's been working behind the scenes to get some funding... but, I'd like to know where all that is at! A Study?!?! What the hell is a study going to do for CR? :::Rolls eyes::: If you can't tell how frustrated I am with this whole BS... and I'm one of the ligther ones affected by the Flood! Please! Drop the nuke bomb on us! It'll do the city good! Seriously! Prayers, mates! Lots and lots of prayers. One should NEVER have to suffer this type of struggling. Seriously! It's SO taxing upon the body and mind. I'm constantly getting headaches now. ::le sigh; groans::: Off to workforce to see about getting something... again. I hate this cause it means I have to waste gas! With nothing coming in... I hate driving. I honestly feel like I could turn into a true pirate here REAL soon! Desperation causes one to do something to survive. ~Lady B
  4. Music on my computer! FINALLY! My comp has been having troubles with a virus... trying to work that out. So, sound I have back. So good to listen to music again without it automatically rebooting the comp. ~Lady B
  5. ::::Looks at Iron Bess and Ransom; then at MerryD::: Do as they say, merryD. I'm with them. That's definitely not right what some people are doing. Thanks, Bess. :::hugs back::: A wee bit better today. But hungry. It's troublesome to just try and survive. As you've read with MerryD's issue... and everything else that most others are going through. All this stupidity and red tape, etc.... it's just crazy! Most of us don't have the time nor energy or patience for jumping through hoops more than a circus lion! What happened to the simple and clear help that I knew when I was growing up? ~Lady B
  6. I still have the boy's pirate outfit. I didn't not sell and reluctant to put it back up again at the moment. So if anyone is interested in it, PM or email me. I also have a variety of other items, too. Mostly some waistcoats to sell. And can also make something for ya. Just lemme know. This is a shameless and practically desperate plug by myself for my business. Waistcoats, weskits, frock coats, great coats, shirts, breeches, pantaloons, slops, petticoats, gowns, caracos, jackets, chemise, banyons, hats, sashes, fichus, and more. Hows about a quilted petticoat/jupe? Embroidery? Need a wood bowl? plate? mirror? or something?box or chest? candlesticks or candelabras? What have you in mind.... I'll try to work around you and give ya what you need. ~Lady B
  7. Achy, exhausted, heachaches, and depressed big time. ~Lady B
  8. ::::Cringes and screeches:::: OMG! Oh, I feel for ya, Hester! That's god aweful stuff! That NEVER comes out and stains EVERYTHING! Oh that blows. Yeah, well... tis ok. Vent! That's what this place is for. Me... I'm beyond venting and rather at my wits end. unemployed at the moment, trying to get help to keep a roof over my head while searching for another job or two on top of trying to keep mine going (The Captain's Share, generally making piratey and general colonial attire and finding some various procurements) and attempting to bring in money. Didn't get a dime from my sis while she was over here at all. She's still coming over and I'm getting pissed. Cause I'm getting nothing in return at all! Oh, it keeps getting worse and worse. I'm REALLY wanting out of here. Yeah, I want to leave. Bad! But unable to. I wish I could attend Bristol this weekend but unable to. I haven't a clue when I'd be able to attend any event really. I can attempt to plan and hope I go but until my situation improves... I may not be able to do these things again for a long, long time. I'm starting to get desperate enough to just stop everything and sell all my outfits. I can't persue happiness any more. It's too costly. ~Lady B
  9. Alrighty... More eBay stuff here... and desperately trying to get rid of stuff here, too. So... I have up for sale on eBay, Bloody Davy's old pirate outfit. Colonial boys outfit It is NOT really totally period correct but it's pretty good for something not period correct. The breeches are fall front with a waist adjustment in the back. It's a mixture of machine and hand sewn with cloth covered buttons. It's in a faux poly suede that is comfy, my nephew picked it out and he liked the material, said it was comfy. The shirt is cotton muslin with wood buttons. The waistcoat is of a suede like Poly material and lined as well. The buttons are cloth covered of the matching front material. A belt and stockings go with it as well as a cocked hat. Anyone interested, don't hesitate, it's a great deal for practically a whole outfit! Only thing not coming with it... is the shoes. ~Lady B
  10. Ugh! My place is in apparent disarray. My magic? Well, doesn't come as it once did. I'll try to get pics of it soon. I have yet to bring stuff over from the storage unit, to arrange and clean yet (after my sister was here cause she was kicked out from the flooding) and other things (such as no roomie now which has left me in a constant state of panic trying to figure out how the hell I will have enough money for EVERYTHING! Hence, the costuming business of mine, mates. Gotta make some coinage somehow... or this pirate Lady will someday disappear! Which that someday may come swiftly if I can't conjure up a lot of coinage soon, very soon. ). My room is a constant state of disaster. As it's my comp room, sewing room and my bedroom all in one. Why everything in one room? Cause 1, didn't know if I would have a roomie or not... 2. my sis was here (still kinda partially is... 3. I just haven't been able to move things about as I want them to be. A picture of it... You all would think me a gross, lazy person. Just goes to show how overwhelmed I am. No pirate stuff put up yet, either. It all had to be taken down. ~Lady B
  11. Slowly working on a prototype sash shoulder baldric or whatever those devils are called (yes, horrible at the terms at times). Slowly constructing one. Neat images, Sterling. I think I've seen a couple of them around. Most I've seen have been B&W images. Otherwise, only other colored images were the actual paintings. Aye... as to the sash riding up. True. Sucks. I'm a portly lass and my sash I wore on Friday night just curled up instead and kinda disappeared into the folds of the outfit. Sad. Hmmm... I somewhat like the verticle pockets. They make for lovely decoration on the outfit though. ~Lady B
  12. STERLING!!!! :::starts to back away; checking to see if Cheeky has her spoon:::: ~Lady B
  13. Aye, a wee bit late here.. but also m' best Bday wishes to ye, as well, Brig. Hope ye gots what ye wanted, lass. Hope t' cross paths with ye someday. ~Lady B
  14. See Oderlesseye... told ye they'd fancy it. ~Lady B
  15. actually, believe it or not... there were fish swimming around in some of the downtown businesses. And apparently a couple houses had some fish in them. And other unwanted items and very disgusing stuff. Sure felt like we were all going under water. Pulling an Atlantis bit here! We were all wondering when the water would stop rising.. then it did stop and started to receed. And aye, ye are right about the houses and buildings. Sadly enough, half of the buildings were homes, the other half were business and city buildings! Hell, I wouldn't say Bush is dropping the ball exactly. FEMA is really dropping the ball moreso. This Homeland Security BS doesn't help, either. Again, the Red Cross has been more helpful than local, state and Federal government. Goes to show you the Government is no longer working for us. Revolution time!!! ~Lady B
  16. Aye... the French were good at having tons of templates. I guess we can thank them for that. :::Shrugs::: Tis a good question, Michael. The outfits and the shape of the people do indeed look period from actual templates. But it was the use of color and shading that kinda has me doubting it's authenticity of actual period template. Again, I find an image... I go to some of the museum images online. Spotted another image (B&W mind you) of an actual justacorp with a wig! A surviving piece! It's wicked! I'll try and put it up here soon. Aye, plenty of sash images out there that gents wear. I'm just bewildered how in the devil a sash that's loosely tied can stay on! If I don't knot mine at my waist... forget it! It's at my ankles soon enough! And yes, the baldric is wide. Rather wicked, too. I'm wondering it's they made it wide cause the edging is actually fringing. :::Shrugs::: Never thought about a fabric shoulder sash to be tucked UNDER the waist sash though. Interesting. Ok.. here is that surviving piece... isn't it just beautiful?!? Look at the massive buttons! And the vertical flap... interesting. ~Lady B
  17. I don't know exactly where it was from. I think it may have been from one of the bilges of Costumes.org I know I've found a good many decent images there. Some I try and look for from museums. I know I have a good selection of picture of shoes that are actually from the era. Yes! I did gawk at the red heeled shoes... and noticed how nicely white the shoes were. The whole manner of that outfit is very interesting (that pink and blue one). Notice the breeches/pantaloons... the hat... etc.. Yes, I've noticed in a good many images either from the era or not... the cloth balcrics or whatever you want to call them. A variety of sizes and shapes it seems. I love googling. :) I'm still a bit leary of some images I find. They look decent to period but... some look more Victorian than they do actually from the period. I'm presuming this is a copy template cause honestly, would ye really see such vivid colors like this back in the day if it wasn't a painting? ~Lady B
  18. Alrighty mates... somewhat updated images of me... granted from the waist up... but... that's about all that's new of my outfits. Thus far. OUCH! ..... sorry, mates... watching my sister's kitten and she's literially all over me with those pinneddles for claws and all too sweet and lovey. OK... here is one pic: Myself with TJ who was a fantastic Jack Sparrow at Port Wash! So very interactive and I tell ye a great person to have around. You wouldn't believe his real-life occupation. :) Myself and Jules. She made the Barbossa outfit. Rather good likeness, too. Both images show my new frock coat (still not totally finished) and two new waistcoats - a crimson and gold one and the black and gold. The crimson and gold one is reversable. Now, a shamless punch here... but I am up for commissions and the sort. Making fictional attire and more historical attire as well. Click on The Captain's Share in my signature (but beware, the site is still under construction- OUCH! :::flings kitten across the room::: The kitten is better than the puppy. ~Lady B
  19. I'll back up MA d'Dogge... I've been incredibly pleased with the buttons I've obtained from Townsend. They have a large variety of pewter buttons as well as brass buttons, wood, bone, etc. Great thing about the pewter buttons... they are FANTASTIC to make cloth covered buttons with! THE best! ~Lady B
  20. Perhaps one of the best visual images I've seen is the one Gent on the far right in the pink and blue with the white sash: I've seen some sashes that are around the waist and some around the hips. This I've seen on a couple other images like this where the sash hangs low and appears loosely wrapped. ~Lady B
  21. Um... Ye mean we DON'T have to ..ahem... pay .. fer ...IT? Depends upon th' punishment IF caught. ~Lady B
  22. Yeah, I saw those shirts. Sorry, I don't want any more reminders of that than what I already have - pictures. I kept awaiting and expecting the Flying Dutchman to appear to collect out pathetic souls. I think Jones figured it was wise NOT to come to Cedar Rapids. Clean up is rather slow. Sis is back at her house now. She comes over to take showers though since no gas at her house, so no hot showers. And gotta be careful with that water eventhough the officials say it's safe even to drink... yeah, right! It's not. Now, my dad sent me something hilarious... since folks are actually comparing us to Katrina now... and I'm not joking about this. These are people who actually did clean up following Katrina. Joyful that we are worse than some areas hit by Katrina. Ehhh... Legitimate questions?.......................Iowa Flooding Why aren't Hollywood celebrities holding telethons asking for help in restoring Iowa and helping the folks affected by the floods? Why aren't the media asking tough questions about why the federal government hasn't solved the problem? Or asking where are the FEMA trucks (and trailers)? Why isn't the Federal Government relocating Iowa people to free hotels in Chicago? Why isn't it giving them $200 vouchers that they can spend on alcohol and vice? When will Spike Lee say that the Federal Government blew up the levees that failed in Des Moines? Where are Sean Penn and the Dixie Chicks? Where are all the looters stealing high-end tennis shoes and big screen television sets? When will we hear Governor Chet Culver say that he wants to rebuild a "vanilla" Iowa, because that's the way God wants it? Where is the hysterical 24/7 media coverage complete with reports of cannibalism? Where are the people declaring that George Bush hates white, rural people? How come in 2 weeks, you will never hear about the Iowa flooding ever again? ~Lady B
  23. Shackin' up wit' Bottles? ::Bats eyes at Jack Madd:::: Congrats on winning the room, Bottles! :) Three cases?!? ONLY three cases??!?!!!? Oh, come on now, Pete! Ye know three cases won't do! Nor three cases won't last! MA d'Dogge... ye be such a cute ham. :) An' aye, ye've such a pretty face. :::Clears throat::: but we won't be spreadin' that 'round. Promise, mate. Waits a minute... Did I just see Bottles stating "save on the cost of debauchery"?!?!?!! WTF!!??!??!? We be bleedin' pirates... what cost t' debauchery?! Besides th' gallows? :::Shivers::: ~Lady B
  24. Bootstrap. How charmin' t' see the likes o' ye here upon th' Pub, m'dear man. An' a pleasure t' make thy acquaintence, lad. PotC is a revival fo' sure. Jack... however, is questionable. Fun to taunt at times. But, there be a particular gent whom what tossed ye off into th' drink with a cannon strapped to yo'r ankles... that be m' inspiration. :::Clears throat::: Now... back t' business here, if ye so calls it... Welcome to th' Pub. I'm sure ye'll find a few more folks from the vicinity who frequent and not-so-frequent this Pub. And as t' eye openers and stereotypes... ye'll find we - here on th' Pub - break all that! Fine men an' women of th' sea with what good tastes for everything an' even an insatible curiosity fo' knowledge an' understandin' of our old shipmates of the past. Do have fun here, m'dear Bootstrap. Oh, an' I'll be havin' some sweet red wine thank ye. ~Lady B
  25. Always interesting whatis found apparently. Aye, apparently, from my understanding, in the late 18th and early 19th... women were aboard even British Naval vessels. Maybe just one woman aboard but still. I can see women traveling for sure. I don't see any reason why not at least. Considering ships were the only means of transportation from Europe to anywhere else in the world or vice versa. I've heard of Conquistadoras, women disguising themselves not only for ship duties but for war and even just for the hell of it or criminal activities. Granted though... They may have been a small minority. And granted, didn't last all that long on their tour of duty I'm sure. But how believeable can some women be in portraying it properly? No matter what part of the era? That is some awesome info there. Granted, no question at times of women on board (as a minority, known or unknown, depending upon the Articles of the ship would be my guess)... but sometimes would be interesting to know their dress. Some info I've come across made no mention of their attire. And some would mention too little of what they did on board, too. ~Lady B
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